pRi profile picture


LiVe LiFe WiTh No ReGrEtS !!!

About Me


Currently in Brazil... experiencing some changes! traveling and seeing the better part of world right now! got over some big obstacles in my life... i guess everyone has!!! but for me this past year has been a life changin experience... ALL i gotta say, is take one day at a time, aprecciate life and the positive people around u... no matter how bad it seams... there will always be brighter days!!! Wut would the highs be with out the lows? i learned to appreciate and take it for wut it is!!! making the bad or the good in to a lesson of life... =) I am a simple girl who just loves the finer things in life. I work full time as a fashion designer and an entreprenuer. I am a people person... I love fine dining and can't never say no to shopping (its a therapy). I work like 7-11, and when it hits the weekends... Damm am out!! am trying to make up for all the hard work during the week and enjoy life as much as possible... For the time that I get to my self, I love to spend it with people that have been a positive in my life such as my friends, family and Chewy (my lOvelly doGGY). i have good friends and family around me... the reason I am who I am today is the positive people who have held me together! I may not have the best luck or fortune in life but for sure I got good peoples!!! that makes up for all the unfortunate events that happens in life...and u kno who u are!heheheh =p my girls and i ain't no chicken heads bobbin' away on no nigga's ca$h, you will never see us rollin around like a typical scandalous, cheap, and half naked ass (w/ those glassy stripper shoes!!! yuk!!! those are in my nightmares!!! OUR MOMAS taught us better then that!!! we are one of the most indepedent down to earth, hard working, classy chicas you'll ever meet... we don't rely on no guy to get us what we want... SHIET.... you know how we do!!!***CheDDa RIP!!*** u will never be forgotten, always in our hearts! =)

My Interests

aRRRRRdo, aRRRRRRdo, aRRRRRdo!!!FASHION, shoes, music, cosmetics, shopping, interior design, travelling with mah girls ( Eastcoast, westcoast, and inTerNaTionAL), gamblin', cookin (even though i can't, I always wanted to learn how to make beautifull and tasty plates), Chewy and bangOO Apparel ( Got to lace my BaBies uP tOO.) ice cream, beautifull surroundings and thangs, helpin peeps in need, photography, food ( late nite grubbin' with mah girls), wine, crisp, good massages, spaS, taking care of mah peeps, and the sticky greens

I'd like to meet:

my girls!!! miss yaLL... u kno... who u are!!!


hip hop, NeYo, John Legend, (50 cent, Tu PAc, Jay Z, neLLy, LuDa, MiSSy, NaS, tOO sHoRt, dRe, SnOOp, LiL kiM, TriNa, and FaboLOus) R&B, 80's, and slow jams...


Splash, The Cutting Edge, shrek, Old SkOOl, The Sweetest Thing, Belly, ScArFacE, and Pretty Woman


Fashion trance, Style, E, laguna beach, girls at the playboy mantion, and all the reality junk, Sex and the City, MTV(pimp my ride, Famous Face,and Real World), BET, and VH1


fashion magazines, us weekly, star, people, n all the gossip shiet!!!


COCO CHANEL, n Cavalli