For all fans of punkrock, revolutionary and vegan lifestyle!
VEGA - The brand new shirt by TNC
Shirt sizes: S, M & L
Girlyshirt sizes: S & M
The first model is still available
Shirt sizes: L & XL
Just write a message for ordering
Here's an example of the second shirt.
It'll soon be available. Wanna preorder ?
Erstes T-Shirt draußen!
1st Shirt out now!
You want one?
Just write a message
Rejected Youth - Ain't it funny (live)
Atari Teenage Riot - 1st May 1999
Penetraitors - Scum
Our "food"!
Hagen Rether zum Fleischkonsum
Türkischer Nationalismus
Wahre Gründe für Razzien bei G8 Gegenern