Sir Davis profile picture

Sir Davis

remember that time when i gave a fuck? me either.

About Me

Subscribe to my damned blog and you'll know things - for better or worse


"We have one priceless universal trait, we Americans. That trait is our humor. What a pity it is that it is not more prevalent in our art. This characteristic alone, being national and indigenous, could, by concentrating our emotional forces inward upon themselves, do for us what England's insularity did for English art during the reign of Elizabeth. One trouble with us American artists is that we take our art and ourselves too seriously. And perhaps seeing ourselves in the eyes of our fellow artists, will enable those who have strayed to establish anew a sound contact with the fountainhead of our American life."
- William Faulkner

My Interests

writing, performing, profanity and general bad ideas

NEW ALBUM: "Illegal, On Time, and Aroused" is now available at these fine places:

NOTE: the above link will open iTunes

more good things:

If you have XM you can request some random clips they have of me by clicking the image above.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who doesn't make me want to shoot them in the face. i travel a lot so i like to meet people from all over, and that includes you.. unless you suck, then by all means leave me alone. And of course the elderly.


I'll listen to 30seconds of anything once... if it doesn't suck I might listen again... maybe.


This is where I read.


Dora the Explorer, Where in the world is Carmen San Diego, The Wiggles, Clifford, and IFC Documentaries about prison sex.


The Koran, The Ho-Lay Bible (damn it! I'm gangsta) and anything about theoretical quantum physics or featuring that curious little monkey George!


Miracle Whip, Spear Guns, and The Regret Compound. Oh, and Santa.
From the guys over at SINDADDY :
great band, check them out!

And Many more

Yeah, it's a retarded bit I do... I don't get it either. But feel free to keep sending them. Oh, and enough with the cock picks, I can't post those. Sorry.

My Blog

Ahhh... St Patricks Day

Ahhhh& St Patrick’s Day& definitely one of my top holidays. There’s just nothing quite as fulfilling as watching a historically religious figure actually be the namesake of one the largest...
Posted by Sir Davis on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 01:43:00 PST

Oklahoma youre old, but youre no Georgia!

Oklahoma you're old but you're no Georgia!Happy 100th Birthday Oklahoma, the 46th state& land of corn and meth, place where I've been sitting the last week trying to figure out why you are so excited ...
Posted by Sir Davis on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 04:40:00 PST

What Google Ads think of me

On my actual site I have a blog as well... that blog also has corresponding Google Text Ads which make me billions of dollars.... but the latest trend is making me question wtf google bots are thinkin...
Posted by Sir Davis on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 09:39:00 PST

October... the greatest month. (and SIN news)

October is by far my favorite month. It's a seasonal turning point, the beginning of the last fiscal quarter, and it smells of vegetable pies and candy covered razor blades. Not to mention it gets kic...
Posted by Sir Davis on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 04:19:00 PST

Ye Ole Dome Home

For those that don't know, the "Dome Home"/ "Regret Compound"/ "Turd Biscuit" / "Wooden Spaceship" / etc. etc. etc. is no more. Well non of us live there any longer& I assume it's still there, but con...
Posted by Sir Davis on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 11:13:00 PST

When is THIS a good idea?

The state of Washington is really shaping up to be a place of interest to me. An odd circus freak show voyeuristic focus of interest, but interest nonetheless. Let me G.I. Joe you up to speed:A couple...
Posted by Sir Davis on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 11:27:00 PST

How much for the children? We wish to buy them.

So the Catholic church (well the Archdiocese of Los Angeles) is dropping 660 million to victims of sexual abuse. If for some reason this is actually news to you, here's an article you can read to brin...
Posted by Sir Davis on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 09:19:00 PST

The Last 40 Days and 40 Nights

The last 40 days and 40 nightsWhile a flood the likes of which the world has never seen will not be mentioned below, at some point animals and a boat do. Two for three I guess. Starting off in Birming...
Posted by Sir Davis on Tue, 15 May 2007 02:50:00 PST

Don Imus - You fucking Uncle Tom.

Don Imus you fucking Uncle Tom. Seriously people, the recent trend of pseudo-soul searching following insensitivity in verbal remarks  regardless of who or why they were made  is getting ridiculous....
Posted by Sir Davis on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 12:39:00 PST

Red Fish, Blue Fish, 'My Fish' the clown killer. UPDATED!

Arrest in case of clowns killed in front of kids at circus is how the news article I am referencing is titled. You may have read it, if not you can click that link and do so& or you can merely follow ...
Posted by Sir Davis on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 12:56:00 PST