Mo Alexander profile picture

Mo Alexander

I'm a cowboy on a steel horse i ride...i'm wanted dead or alive...

About Me

im a comedian,i am an asshole to most people who just dont get it,i am sometimes broke because some people would rather watch silly fucking juggers,and hypnotist than comedy...fuck you,it reads comedy club, i am not a clown.some people think my act is dirty, im not dirty im real if you can handle the real world you can handle can laugh at anything dont be so uptight people. pain plus brians equals funny offend everyone. mo

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My Interests

img src=" _Davis_Sin_Show_03_11_07/matt_davis_SIN_Show_031107_3.jpg" alt="Matt Davis SIN Show March 11, 2

I'd like to meet:

all like minded people ....Prince .Maynard from tool,whoever first thought fisting was a good idea


tool,prince,aperfectcircle,janesadiction,the time,sisters of mercy,lords of acid,fugazi,kanye west,puscifer,concrete blonde,fishbone,lenny kravitz,jamesbrown,parlament, sly stone,miles davis coltrane mrs.flechter


kill bill, star wars ,porn, the crow,horror and occult ....oh porn mmmmm.


chappelle show,law and order,stargate sg1,pimp my ride,wanda sykes,


american scream, american pyscho, a brief histury of time,not a single harry potter book freaks...all kinds of magazines from macaddict to bodacious


matt davis , the dali lamma, richard pryor, redd foxx, BIll Hicks......Larry Flynt and anyone who fights for freedom of speech coolio ok not really but wouldn't it be funny if he was

My Blog

memphis shows

Thanks to all of my fellow nutjobs who came out this weekend to support me and my comedy .After being away from memphians for so long i'm very proud to say still one of the smartest crowds in america....
Posted by Mo Alexander on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 11:03:00 PST

oposing reactions

today things happened, just like everyday things happen but today 2 things happened, 1, opie and anthony,two of my favorite radio jock were suspended from xm radio because of society's short comings t...
Posted by Mo Alexander on Wed, 16 May 2007 01:39:00 PST

comedy clubs and the bullshit within....

for all of those who don't know me, im a comedian.A true stand up comedian ,no im not a prop act nor am i character made up to convince people who im making fun of that im one of them.Nor am i a pupp...
Posted by Mo Alexander on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 03:47:00 PST

fear the bukkake

ok people i think i have found the ultimate in crime and punishment..once again we must look to our friends from the far east to show us how society should work. I heard that bukkake was used in fedua...
Posted by Mo Alexander on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 05:52:00 PST

hey humans feel free to give me comedy advice.....fuckers

ok what a weekend in alexandria va love the club but some of the people CCCuntsssssss....ok look i know i say a lot of foul and funny things(like calling a semi asian wanna be hot rodder in greenville...
Posted by Mo Alexander on Tue, 30 May 2006 11:58:00 PST

burn victims unite

ok after many weeks of telling the story where i might offend a burn victim..a real life in person burn victim came up to me and shook my hand and said"call me crispy"..yes folks im one hundred percen...
Posted by Mo Alexander on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 12:43:00 PST

florida sexy old women

omg i love the old women here ,when i say old i mean 75 80 mmmmm. only problem is you can never truly tell if you are making them wet or they just pee'd their depends......
Posted by Mo Alexander on Fri, 03 Feb 2006 07:47:00 PST