The pursuit of ataraxis. Tasting of "the fruit". Silent screams and non-verbal communication in general. Speaking my mind. Making pretentious, hypocritical people squirm. Good tequila. Bad tequila. Suicide runs with people I find funny. Keeping my wireless services turned on. Hecklers with limited vocabularies, double digit IQ's, and the women/men who sleep with them. Not being engaged in conversation while taking a piss in a public restroom. Making my way back to the hotel when I'm under the influence. Getting home after I've been out on the road too long. Getting out on the road after I've been home too long.
People who get this:We're here for a brief time. This may be ALL there is. Though it may seem high, the price of being true to yourself is nothing when weighed against the toll exacted if you're not. Reject the selfish, templating attempts of those too fearful themselves to wander outside the box and away from the herd. Live THIS life! Don't waste it in lieu of the "next" one, or, for the sake of others' sound sleep.
Music, like ALL artforms, is subjective. If it stirs or moves you, then kudos to the artist(s) responsible for it's creation. What I'm listening to depends upon what I'm doing and how I'm feeling about it. One of my favorite lyrics is from the song "Sober" by TOOL: "I will find the center in you, I will chew it up and leave." Now, THAT line spoke to me.
Too many to list. Both shit, and non-shit. I'm a SAG member though, so maybe i'm expected to have more discerning taste? I don't. What I can get into, and/or find entertaining, varies according to my mood.
Rarely ever watch it. Excellent source of white noise though.
Anything that makes me rethink, question, and/or gain new perspective on motives, theories, and the standard "accepted" teachings about ANYTHING. We've had safe, strategic fundamentalism rammed down our throats and look where it's gotten us. I'm open to reading material suggestions but please...DON'T say the Bible. Even though I feel organized religion is a dish that's been marinated in fear and served smothered with hypocracy...I've Read it. There WAS lots of fucking and killing to keep the plot moving forward but, overall, I felt the author(s)' basic thrust was to try and manipulate people into becoming blind faith having, tithing, controlled, conformist drones. Emphasis on tithing. I'm using it as a coaster now. If that seems wrong to you...BAAAAA, BAAAAAAAA! Currently, I'm reading "A People's History of the United States" by Howard Zinn.
Lenny Bruce, George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Bill Hicks, Maynard Keenan, Trent Reznor, Hunter S. Thompson, Jack Kerouac...and anyone who refuses to just "go along", even though they know life would be easier if they did.