Dr. Zingsheim profile picture

Dr. Zingsheim

You're so edible.

About Me

i stutter.

This would be My Opera Man's photography and muzik page:::)))

....i did, it was great.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Little things that feed on my writing and art. Maybe I give you my eye for desert, no?


I like classical and metal music because they are built on similiar structures. I don't particularly care for the classical music that is utterly Boroque; it sounds too much like a hen-house of chattering women. I like organ music... I love string instruments..., but the violin, in particular, slays me. I love sitting in an empty house, in an almost-dark air, with the light dimmed so that it is barely perceptable... brewing a strange brew of coffe or the sort on the stove and listening to an estranged mix of string instruments screaming in my ears so that the glass in the house almost displaces images with the vibration. Besides which, good times are had by: Jonny Cash, Paganini...ummmm, Paganini!, Anton Lavey's pull-of-an-ocean carnie-gypsy music ("The Devil Takes a Holiday," eat of this plate, I give my insist.,) Edith Piaf (you know, she was quite the little vixen back in the day, yeah, that Sparrow...) Morrissey, Crisis (very melodic,) Stray Cats, Pink Martinni (a new favorite, check them out, they're a local Portland band.), Between The Water, Ivoux, DeVotchKa, Mandalay, BLACKLIST MUSIK they terrorize me and they're both hottness incarnate! oh, so lickable, anyway..., Chris Brenna, Iced Earth, IANVA they slay me!, Wagner (I have his Organ Orgy on vinyl and I likey!,) Nick Drake, Tango music (especially from the 50's, they had some gutteral sounds that steal your breath which you never would have thought possible with all the pastel frock dresses and the such...,) Accordian music (It'll steal you, I give my promises.), Cannibal Corpse (I got kicked out one of their shows...), Glass Candy, Cocteau Twins, the sound of a screaming woman, Gogol Bordello (that glowing goose of there's, I think we all fell in love with each other on that night...kisses for everyone!, except Vince...and the next day, I was hunted by gypsies, repeatedly, astoundingly and with a wink of sleep, but it really wasn't all that odd, I have no receptivity for the acknowledgement of the odd.) The Kings of Black Acid, The Dateless Losers (more hottness, funness and very dance-able,) Siouxsie and the Banshees, Joy Division, The Phantom of the Opera, Opera, Placebo, I love records, the tonal range subdues me deceptively and the hint of that scratchiness just skins me. Louis Vierne (organ composer,) Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds, Rather fond of Silence, Bach and Bethhoven (but of course,) The Dandy Warhols (I saw your cunt.), Danzig (best music to have sex to..., maybe on two separate occassions...ok, several,) Get Hustle, Nina Hagen, Not-Too-Into..art, Nevermore (I like them a lot, yeah.) The Smiths, Primal Chanting Music, Bad Fish, P-Funk, Nine Inch Nails, Tool (Many paintings have been done in the company of their music.), Opeth (very melodic and very sensual, good to dance to,) Sleeter Kinney, Franz Shubert (Symphony No.4 breaks my heart,) Ozzy (first album I ever bought, plus, Mr. Crowley is my favorite song, period.) Cherry Poppin Daddies, Nina Simone, Prosper Falls, Radio Head, Arch Enemy (with the female singer, it's like watching a miracle in the process, I feel happy, and yet, I get frightened too...), Presidents of the United States of America...nice., Garbage, Paradise Lost (a band, particularly sacred to my person,) Tom Waits (I've painted many a painting with the company of your raspy voice beckoning the images from my head.), The Violent Femmes, Rhapsody, Inflames, Brujeria, Cradle of Filth (the best show I've ever been to!) Witchery (their albums always have the best intro, nice progression.), The Clash, Baughaus, Reverend Horton Heat (hot shows...), Catherine Wheel, SiSe (thank you for sheltering myself and a few friends when we were homeless in downtown San Franscisco to see you...though, I could take the bums, thank you, I know.), Bowe...dang., Sisters of Mercy(daddy's favorite too!), Tiny Tim (His Christmas album is a must...), Dimmu Borgir (I got kicked out of their concert, but, during their last song, thankfully.), James Brown, Bjork, The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Redray Frazier (a Portland-Made Idol...thick with sadness and given to transcendence in the same breath), Frank Sinatra, Elvis, Depeche Mode and Portishead. Besides which, I like the sound of cow bells...


The one that features the images that frolick through my all-consuming mind...then there is: Clockwork Orange (for I likes the twisties of the world...) Lolita (I have played her part, definitely.) Almost anything with Johnny Depp, he's just so pretty. I find him perpetually compelling for more reasons than one, but we can all agree to Little Pretty Johnny, all else is undisclosed. Dreamers. Daisies. Encino Man. I'll watch almost any documentary or "historically-based" movie, even if it's only a one-timer. I must confess, I like Pretty Woman. David Lynch films!!!, Wild at Heart fave of the millenia, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Any movie that includes Atlantis. Coming to America (it was my favorite for several years.) Swingers. Sin City, stupendous. Napolean Dynamite (I fortell that this will become a cult classic.) The Fraggles. The Neverending Story... awesome. I despise anything with Tom Cruis in it, so much so, that I don't even know if I spelt his last name right, which I hope I hadn't. But I must also confess, I like Legend. The Princess Bride, I played the princess in sixth grade, it was great. True Romance... that one happens to be my dad's favorite. The Labrynth. Babes in Toyland. The Last Unicorn... so sad, yet so true. I likes the Indiana Jones flicks. Coffin Joe movies are bloody greatness bourne of its own secretions... they were once banned in Brazil... always take the time to unearth the banned... I like the old Star Wars movies. My brother and I used to pretend we were jedis and we would beat the bloody beauty from each other with swords and shields we cut from cardboard. It was great. Gladiator, I like the fight the scenes. Batman movies, any of them, I'm going to marry Batman. The last one was great except for that talentless bitch, Katie Holmes. Her and Luke from the new Star War movies, I just want them erased with someone else's head pasted over theirs, awful, they are both the ruin of a potentially great movie. Every movie That Genius had spawned that is best known for Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away... his name and most everyone els' escapes me, feel free to forward it. I love the old movies with: Marlon Brando, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Sophia Loren, Shirley Temple and all such that are similiar that simply have people in them I cannot recount. Old Boy is a new favorite, great flick, it's Korean and everyone should watch it, lovely. Elephant Man...Michael Jackson tried to buy off his corpse, he settled for a cast of his skeleton, fucker. Unfortunately, there are creatures out there that want circus freak's bodies after they pass away and when they are refused by the creature of their lust, they pay off the guy at the morgue. I like bones and bodies too, but, hey, no sale is a no sale. Bastardous.


I don't believe in television.


I read several books at a time, depending on mood, size and where I am. Generally, the topics of interest are: Neurology, Cognitive Sciences, Erotica, Ancient Egypt, Lost Civilizations, Atlantis, Ships, Art books, Classics, Histories, Biographies, Fantasy and an assortment of fiction writers. I read all of Anne Rice's books, though, I prefer her Mayfair Witches series over her Vampire Series. Clive Cussler is great, my favorite is "Atlantis Found." Edgar Allan Poe. A wonderful historically-based fictionalization of his life is Harold Schechter's "Nevermore." H.P. Lovecraft, did you know he also wrote a large body of poetry? He did. Many of them are attributed to particular people and happens to suck my big, hard horse cock, but who said genius was intended as a monopoly. Arthur Rimbaud's, "A Season In Hell," and his "Illuminations." Playboy has some awesome interviews if you care to take a peek... I hate Steinbeck, actually, it's more of a heated repulsion, really, I've read the greater body of his work, trying to get into it, but nothing, he drawls on and on about the bloody scenery! Tolkein, too, gets into the scenery quite a bit, (especially in "The Hobbit," and "The Fellowship of the Ring," but especially the "The Silmarillion" was tedious,(though, to his credit, his son compiled it, he simply did a crappy job of it,)) but Tolkein doesn't bother me as much because it seems more relavent and compelling, as though he actually had some insight to the way the trees stood the way they had. Anais Nin's journals are wonderful, "Incest: From a Journal of Love," is hot. If you can find it (abebooks.com, I've listed all my rare books there for several years and its more of a buyer's market now, so very competitively priced,) try finding Daniela Turudich's "1940s Hairstyles," if you're into that period, as I am, it's very difficult to figure out how they did their hair, buy hey, hear you go! George Orwell's 1984. Fond of Ken Kesey. Akin to Hunter S. Thompson. James Christensen's "A Journey of the Imagination." Stephen Wolfram's "A New Kind of Science," controversial, though I know, however, I feel that it will some day be able to be implemented into different fields as emerging technology becomes more applicable. Dante Alighieri's "The Inferno," A nice translation is done by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. I love Shakespeare! Thomas More's "Utopia." "The Arabian Nights." Elie Wiesel is wonderful, I especially like his, "A Beggar in Jerusalem." Rapaport's "Organization and Pathology of Thought," very thorough. Arthur Golden's "Memoirs of a Geisha." Really, really great is, "The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer: My Life at Rose Red." Piers Anthony's Xanth series, my step son loved it so that he insisted his father and I read them, and I love them too, very comical and cute. A nice dissertation on hieroglyphics is Maria Carmela Betro's "Hieroglyphics: The Writings of Ancient Egypt." David Cordingly's "Women Sailors and Sailor's Women." I adore Wilbur Smith's novels. Tre Tryckare's "The Lore of Ships," is really wonderfully detailed and illustrated with historical ships to modern ones, great schematics. James Gurney's "Dinotopia," wonderfully illustrated children's book. "Bernini: The Sculptor of The Roma Boroque," compiled by Rudolf Wittkower. "Princess," by Jean P. Sasson, a true story about her family history and growing up as a princess behind the veil in Saudi Arabia.


What's a hero?

My Blog

Duty-Free In London

I have a new web site and am containing all my web activity to its zoo-like enclosure. :) Front page, "Fuck All" is the blog-newzzzz sextion. tehe! click. click.. click...................
Posted by Dr. Zingsheim on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 08:23:00 PST


I have a new web site (still working on her, uhummmm) and am containing all my web activity to its zoo-like enclosure. :) Front page, "Fuck All" is the blog-newzzzz sextion. tehe! click. click.. ...
Posted by Dr. Zingsheim on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 07:44:00 PST

Punch Clock Heaven

Punch Clock Heaven   The hollow click that readies a gun. quickens my heart. stalks my love. through a jungle Raised: in concrete & sewage bound by stars. Wake. from a sleep that ...
Posted by Dr. Zingsheim on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 03:19:00 PST

Liquid Dream

Liquid Dream    I've been waiting for you.               Water into Water         &...
Posted by Dr. Zingsheim on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 01:52:00 PST

I slaughtered all these kids today. And it was great!!!

I slaughtered all these kids today. And it was great!!!... I ate all these kids alive today. I am so pleased with myself. i win. I WIN!!! Rexy-poo, aka, Satan, and Nando, aka, Nando, had a comp...
Posted by Dr. Zingsheim on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 05:20:00 PST

Drink n' Draw with your Dear Old Doctor at Dr Sketchy's

Come Drink & Draw with Your Dear Old Doktor at:Portland Dr. Sketchies at Dantes Sinferno on SW 1st and Burnside @ 7pm. 21+ only and $6 cover- $4 for students w ID.Contests, Debauchery and MORE!!!i...
Posted by Dr. Zingsheim on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 03:25:00 PST

The Dead Sea

The Dead Sea   It is the dead sea,        at my back.                  we have no mouths.           to love one another with.   in whispers---  there is no sound here.                         ...
Posted by Dr. Zingsheim on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 03:44:00 PST

Convergence: Art Gallery

Convergence 13Galleria at The Hilton Hotel Downtown PortlandMay 25th-27th 2007.The Artists:Crystal ZingsheimPortland, ORDiabolus RexPortland, ORPetr SorfaPortland, ORThomas Milliorn Seattle, WA. Lisa...
Posted by Dr. Zingsheim on Sat, 26 May 2007 10:08:00 PST

Bullshitting as a Way Of Life.....and, it's reverse.

Check out my artist's statement and bio I sent out tonight....  no comment.it is for a crazy goth convention, though.  10-15 to show internationally, but, yeah, goth  convention.  ...
Posted by Dr. Zingsheim on Wed, 02 May 2007 02:25:00 PST

Funky Figure Painting Sessions!

Starting a Non Traditional Figure Painting Series. Nude, Clothed, Costumed! whooo!Artists and models interested, let me know. Spread and infiltrate and inseminate information below to others.That w...
Posted by Dr. Zingsheim on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 11:11:00 PST