My Blog
The tour is over.
So, the tour has come to an end.
There were definatly some memorable moments, having explosive diarrhea at a house party, making an audience in Brixton give a round of applause for Soham ch...
Posted by Jacob's Stories on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 10:02:00 PST
Hello hello hello!
How you all doing? Good? Great.
So news is that the recording date has been booked and I will be going up to Scotland in the last week of August to record the new album. I'm also on...
Posted by Jacob's Stories on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 12:25:00 PST
New song up on Youtube!
Thank you to everyone who came to the Albert show last Sunday. If you could not make it then here is a new song a nice lady named Holly illegally filmed and put up on youtube:
Posted by Jacob's Stories on Tue, 01 May 2007 01:29:00 PST
Blog entry no: 1
Blog entry no.1:
I need to see a dentist, my room is a mees, this week I'am working 57 hours, my new phone is broken, I've lost some writing that I did and really need to find it, I need a haircut,&nb...
Posted by Jacob's Stories on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 04:19:00 PST