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I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorI'm an idealistic, love sick, rock boy. I play guitar, piano and electronics in "people in jars" and the "white boys for gay jesus" (don't ask). I'm currently trying to suspend my youth, make enough money to live from playing music, radicalise the public and avoid anything to do with the words marriage, mortgage, baby or career.anyway here's some stuff to make you want to learn gardening.... ..and here's some to stuff to make you wanna...well...yeah .. least there's thom.... width="425" height="350" ..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

... I made this profile because if I have to look at one more profile of a seemingly, fabulously attractive, young, single lady (even if it is a myspace camera shot illusion), who upon greater study seems to be into all the same stuff as me and basically the woman of my dreams then I'm going to go blind. I would also like to meet anyone that doesn't make me feel like an alien in my own county/country/continent. It seems very rare that I meet anyone of like mind which generally makes me feel somewhat isolated and that the world is not that likely to change for the better. Not that I think everyone should be more like me - but that almost everyone seems to be motivated by self interest and individualism which somewhat at odds with any aspirations for a better, fairer globe.

My Blog

the world according to james

9/3/07 - occurred to me that when people say "they wanna make a difference" it's not even nessessarily a positive difference to the world - just a difference. This is therefore possibly more to do wit...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 17:16:00 GMT

People in Jars LYrics

some lyrics I've written for People in Jars (the "serious" band hmmmmmmm.....)FOR THE LOVE OF MIAI kept your ciggerette butts and your postcards an pokadotts just to be near you,You never seemed to kn...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 04:34:00 GMT

Roger Waters gig review/ Arty Rant

wrote this for the guardian...don't think they'll publish it, but they did ask for it... COMFORTABLY NUMB IN ISRAEL: Roger Waters on tour at Neve Shalom     If there is ever a ne...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 15:30:00 GMT