06/11/2008 - New exhibition added June 21 in NYC.
06/08/2008 - New slide show from Gaga Arts Festival & Outside In Exhibition
06/04/2008 - A few new paintings posted on my website.
Website: www.ErikVP.com
Website has more artwork, better pix, detailed info on each painting, & bio. It gets updated regularly. Stop by and check it out.
Thru June 29 2008
World Culture Open Gallery
19 W.26th Street, 5th Floor (between 6th Ave & Broadway)
New York, NY 10001
"Diversity" - Group Exhibition
Opening - Saturday, July 12, 2008
Brick House Gallery - www.BrickHouseArtGallery.com
2837 36th Street
Sacramento, CA 95817
A Curious Band of Artists - Group Show Extravaganza
Artists will include: Jesse Reno, Launa Guerra, Dan Herrera, Ashley Harris, Aaron Winters, Mimi, Mark Fox, Nicole Fox, THH70, Nix Toxic, John Stuart Berger, Nicolas Caesar, Davmo, Evie Turner, C!NDER, Nils Jawa, Jill Stafford, Jennifer Keller, Kathy Blackburn, Adam Saake, Ben Walker, Temple Terkildsen, Anna Todaro, RT Vegas, Char Hall, Erik Von Ploennies, Jeru Gabriel, Ricky Guerrero, Lana Guerra, Mario Roberts, Candace, Jesse Baggs, Johnny Flores, Puppybird Clothing, Ryan Lambert, Craig Duerksen, Jared Konopitsk, Gabe Sanford, Crackbaby, Eli Trujillo and more!
Thru July 13, 2008
GAGA Arts Center - www.GagaArtsCenter.org
55 Railroad Ave
Garnerville, NY 10923 (45 min from NYC)
GAGA Arts Festival & 2nd Annual Outside-In Outsider Art Exhibition, featuring paintings & sculptures
by over 50 self-taught/outsider artists in a 15,000sq-ft gallery space.
Featured Artists: Matt Sesow, Carl Mullen, Bob Justin, Ross Brodar, Dave Eddy, Larry Zingale, Ted Ludwikzak,
HAI Outsider Art Collective - www.hospitalaudiences.org/hai/
2008 (Ongoing)
Art Alley www.ArtAlley.net
109 Broadway
Homewood, Alabama 35209
2008 (Ongoing)
The Route of Art Gallery
8779 Main Street
Leighton, Alabama 35646
.. Erik Von Ploennies - Abstract Artist
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Slideshow from Gaga Arts Center - Outside In Exhibition 2008
My educational background is in electrical engineering. The extent of my art training in college was an art history class. I always had an interest in art, but didn't begin painting until becoming inspired by artwork I saw during a trip to NYC in 2004. My main influences are modern abstract artists, especially the abstract expressionists, and outsider/self-taught art. I moved to Brooklyn, NY in July 2007 to pursue my interests in art.
A few random thoughts about my art..... (A work in progress)
My work is a collage of short improvisational sessions, mixed and layered together over the course of days, weeks, or months. The ideas and inspiration come from whatever I see and experience in everyday life. I also use inspiration and ideas from other artists, and incorporate whatever I can into my own style. Basically, my artwork is a big melting pot of random thoughts, feelings, inspiration, and influences.
I classify my artwork as Modern Primitive Abstract.
Wosene Worke Kosrof - I like his use of layering, color choice, abstract use of symbols, and the overall complexity of his artwork. I try to emulate some of this in my style to varying degrees. www.spiritsinstone.com/wosene/home.html
Paul Klee - The evolution, variety, and experimentation of his artwork over the course of his life is amazing. His artwork created in the final years is especially inspirational to me because it was created with severe limitation due to his poor health. I think this is what motivates me to work with my limited skill set and make the best of it.
Vassily Kandinsky - I was inspired to try art after seeing the painting, With a White Border at the Guggenheim, NYC. I especially like his early works (1908-1910) when he made the transition from traditional style painting into the world of abstraction.
Robert Rauschenberg - I didn't care for his work too much until I rented the video Man At Work . I highly recommend it. His philosophies on art are well thought out and very interesting. The video helped me develop a real appreciation for him and his work. What I learned from Robert is to absorb everything around me like a sponge and incorporate this into my own artwork. He welcomes uncertainty, unpredictability, and experimentation into his artwork. He also tries to stay out of comfortable routines, and maintains a progressive approach to creating art.
Cy Twombly - I didn't understand his artwork at first. Now it has helped me see art in things that were not intended to be art. Examples: electrical schematics, mathematical derivations, street graffiti. You will see some of this in my artwork.
Wolf Kahn - He does some amazing pastel landscape artwork. www.wolfkahn.com
Jean-Michel Basquiat - I like the raw, spontaneous, street graffiti vibe to his art. It's very New York. I borrowed his technique of using mixed mediums together.
Outsider Art - What is it? There are numerous definitions floating around, but this one is my favorite.
"The field of outsider art is a complex and hotly debated one. The term is a bit of a catch-all that includes contemporary folk art, third world art, visionary, naive, and self-taught art. It includes the art of the insane and prison inmates as well as the art of children. It can be primitive or obsessive. What it is not, is part of the artistic mainstream. What it will be in the future is uncertain." - Headfooters Gallery
I like the raw, pure, unconventional nature of Outsider Art. It's a major influence for my own artwork. Alexandra Huber is one of my favorites.
Favorite Art Links/Resources:
Raw Vision - This magazine specializes in outsider art. It's a little expensive, so if you live near a metropolitan area, check Barnes & Noble or the library, rather than subscribing. www.rawvision.com
Jesse Reno - Very original & talented artist with a well maintained website. His art is arranged by year & month, so you can follow the natural progression of his work. www.jessereno.com
Bob Justin - Self-taught folk artist who makes sculptures from found objects. www.BobJustin.com
Proteus Magazine - www.ProteusMag.com
Underground art magazine published in PDF format about 4 times per year.
Outsider Art Festival NYC - This is an annual event every January in NYC. It's a great place to see new undiscovered artists and well as established, and outsider art legends. The show is run by Sanford L. Smith and Associates, so check their website each January for info. www.sanfordsmith.com
di Rosa Preserve - If you are ever in Northern California/Napa Valley, you must see this place. It's one of the best private art collections out there. It's not a public musuem yet, so call to schedule a tour. There are a few different tours available. Check out the sculpture garden. www.dirosapreserve.org
Favorite Quotes:
Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up. - Pablo Picasso
True art always appears where we don't expect it. - Jean DuBuffet
Every good artist paints what he is. - Jackson Pollock
Screwing things up is a virtue. - Robert Rauschenberg
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