ELURA ENTERPRISES, INC. (EEI) is a multi-dimensional incorporation whose passion for the Arts and Entertainment industries is reflected with unprecedented precision in our community and is ONE unto none in the world. ELURA ART now offers custom art design for real estate, corporate offices, restaurants, nightclubs and mass media set design. ELURA NY has been New York's original special art event: proving to be the finest sight and sound, art and music, original collaborative special event, that has included the illest artists, djs and musicians world-wide, curated and produced by EEI. ELURA ONE encompasses the 100% All-Natural Spa product line designed for ultimate well-being and distrubuted by EEI + Reiki Services enabling clarity of mind, body and soul. Where Paints meet the Turntables. And Sculpture begins to Dance. And in between the Hustle and Grind. We Maintain. Peace of Mind. This is Elura Enterprises, Inc. Designing the World. Sponsors, please contact: [email protected]. For all inquiries, questions and comments, please hit Elura here, or: [email protected]. PeacE. P.S. Anonymous Gallery Inc. is now seeking investors for our contemporary art gallery, that will prove to be the HOTTEST in the world. If you are interested in investing with us, we will be happy to send you our business proposal and meet with you in our NYC headquarters. Please contact: [email protected] for all inquiries.