m2c profile picture


m2c [ more to come ] / lucid communication... art that stimulates communication.... I am a Freewalki

About Me

Lucid Communication and [ m2c] are the alter egos of Jacob Schere. A self styled Freewalking Image Gathering Expressionista he is known for his photographic discovery of unnoticed beauty in the everyday world. Whether its Tokyo, NYC or Paris, Jacob's photographs reveal beauty in the haunted concrete fluorescent madhouse that is the modern city.

the short bio:

Jacob's fashion venture M2C [More to Come] held a gallery debut in Tokyo called "Shadows and Fog." From this first show, M2C's striking clothing designs quickly found their way to high end boutiques in NYC, Tokyo, Miami, and South Beach. In 2005 Schere, in collaboration with Miami Hiphoper Brimstone127 and NYC producer Jerry Kolber, began working with legendary hip-hop artist KRS-One on an untitled documentary about KRS-One's philosophy, life and work. 2006 saw Schere's work reach even farther corners of the world as he was published in France, America, Japan, and Spain. 2007 promises to be another year of artistic and personal growth for Jacob and his photography.

please vist his website.

www.lucid communication.com

My Interests

Artistic influences: Lee Friedlander [photographer] Fashion Influences: Gautier, and the local thrift shop tokyo is where i DWELL love them stray CATS...keep your eyes open and see the beauty of random kindness played out in a cat and mouse game, lost and found in tokyo

I'd like to meet:

All kinds of cretive types. Artists, musicians, photographers, and fashion designers. Those who are interested in creating postive works of art.

if you get a minute go over to the ARTIST WANTED website and view my online portfolio. If you like it give me rating.



orthodox hip hop brimstone127...KRSone jazz...miles...coltrane...monk...


i like movies that use humor rather than a hit upside the head to get thier point across.dr. stranglelove...amelie...the big lebowski..life of brian [ any monty python ].., little miss sunshine, amelie


the boondockslittle britian...the office...spaced...the dave chappelle show...home movies...


not a book...but a writter jerry kolber blog http://jerrykolber.com/----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: fernandoprats Date: Dec 1, 2007 3:13 AM( . ¸·)
A new poetry book by fernando prats
buy it on paper or download it for free
[ + info & projects at fernandoprats.com ]
"Una al día es el resultado de un juego, o de una auto-imposición, la de escribir una impresión poética diaria durante cien días. Un juego de pocas reglas que pretendía además marcar el fin de una experiencia: pan y verdura, un blog inútil. No lo ha logrado, hay que decirlo. Blog y libro siguen libres." (Prólogo).
"Una al día is the result of a game, or a self-imposition, to write a poetic impression daily for a hundred days. A game of few rules aimed also mark the end of an experience: 'bread and vegetables', an useless blog. But that has not succeeded, it must be said. Blog and book remain free." (Prologue).
[ alternative download ]
[ + ] [ + books ]
ISBN: 978-1-84753-725-6
© 2006 - 2007 Fernando Prats
Cover-Photo: Jacob Schere


Lee Friedlander, Marcel Duchamp, Isamu Noguchi, Egon Schiele

me and duchamp MOMA 2005

me and picasso NYC MOMA

me and noguchi on shikoku island

me and man ray @ the pompidour paris

me and matisse at the louve

me and millet at the oursay paris

me and van gough oursay paris

me and manet oursay paris

me and da vinci the louve paris

me and louis david at the louve

me and gericault at the louve

me and atget at the biblioteque national paris

me and lee friedlander at the pompidour paris

..the destruction on an URAYASU landmark

My Blog

Urayasu Sanjya Festival

As the summer Olympics rolls around, so does the once everyfour years Urayasu Sanjya Matsuri. [ Three Shrine Festival ]. Now on the borderacross from Tokyo this once poor fishing village could only a...
Posted by m2c on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 05:12:00 PST

The Balance of Spiritual Essence, and Martial Application in Art

I came across this the other day. It is a philosophical exploration on Tai Chi. Below the quote I have applied the theories to the creation of art.In the "Forty Chapter" t'ai chi classic text suppli...
Posted by m2c on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 06:39:00 PST

Paris Revisted... A short one year later

It is hard to believe that my wife and I journeyed to Parisone year ago this month. It seems like yesterday I was wanderingdown the streets, taking flicks around the clock. I was so happy to have me...
Posted by m2c on Sat, 24 May 2008 12:19:00 PST

new tool... taken to the streets

Well the time has come to introduce a camera to my collection. After many faithful years my sony cybershothas been retired. actually, it went missing in action.so after a long internal and external ...
Posted by m2c on Mon, 12 May 2008 07:19:00 PST

Hifana live and Direct

Another update on the fabulous duo HIFANA.A special after hours event held at the Itunes shop in Shibuya. They rocked a short and sweet set tolaunch their upcoming French debut of Connect.The boys w...
Posted by m2c on Fri, 02 May 2008 12:42:00 PST

Hanami: Cherry Blossoms the long wait is over

As promised the long wait is over.the time passes, slips into the future so quickly that it is hard to catch up. Winter melds into spring and before you know it we are going tosweating and bitching a...
Posted by m2c on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 08:28:00 PST

Hifana Amongst the Cherry Blossoms

Those of you who dont know HIFANA, should.this DUO performs live beats, mixing on stage.they put on one hell of a show.I had the great pleasure to interview and shoot some pics of them the other day. ...
Posted by m2c on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 07:26:00 PST

The end is near, winter that is

Winter’s cold grip is loosing up and the smells andstirrings of spring is in the air.enjoy some random slices of life.desert in urayasu Japan 2008 temple edge Japan 2008cat on a warm tin roof...
Posted by m2c on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 07:42:00 PST

grab your camera, V 2.0

the words keep getting longer....dont want to leave anyone out...if you want anything added... let me know in the comments...pass it around...- - - -grab your camera,paint brushes,drum machines and m...
Posted by m2c on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 05:13:00 PST

Collection of Randomness

Well. Not much to say, but ill let the images speak for them selves.it went a little something like this.wander, wanderclick click. stop wander wander wanderclick.you get the picture.more to comeGhos...
Posted by m2c on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 11:37:00 PST