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About Me

I have said, "My movies are not for everybody, especially for those people who like them." When I say that, I mean I take my work seriously. For some people, my movie is a joke and they love that joke and embrace it as a joke. For me, that's unfortunate. That's kind of one extreme, just as another extreme is that I'm the most evil, misanthropic person on the planet. It's just a troubling situation, because ideally the audience respects or understands the gravity of what you're dealing with. And there is that audience too. I just have to accept that some other people who follow my work don't approach it in that way.

My Interests

It is something of a comedy there. Of course it’s all very dicey. I mean everything’s fraught with ambiguity here and exactly who is exploiting whom and the relationships that are set up are never as–you can’t grasp it quite as readily as you might initially hope to do...The title has its obvious irony but what interests me is what's not ironic about it. There is the consumer friendly happiness of "Buy this car, buy this refrigerator, you will be happy," which is a very superficial, transient kind of experience. But there's another kind of happiness that is divorced from American pop culture that's really akin to joy in a transfiguring sense and is something that we all aspire to in a real way...

I'd like to meet:

I’m enjoying talking to you, I’m smiling as I chat with you... It’s also nice to be surprised to discover that you’re smiling. Certainly there’s nothing more unpleasant than forcing a smile and imposing it on them when it’s not naturally generated...


think happiness does exist. I believe there are people who genuinely have a gift for it.


I HATE MAKING MOVIES. I don't think I was cut out to be a director. No, the process is always assaultive and nightmarish and horrible. If I'm going to make another movie, I just have to make sure it's worth putting myself through this........................................................ ........................................ While were on the subject. I have directed "Fear, Anxiety and Depression," "Welcome to the Dollhouse," "Happiness," "Storytelling" and soon to be "Palindrome."

My Blog


Thee hyper-reality is not son hyper any-more.  Will humanity make the void its purpose or...  be void of purpose?My delusions of grandeur have always left me insecure, but I am seeing more a...
Posted by Todd on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 08:45:00 PST


I have been listening to the music reccomendations and have enjoyed many of them. I have a friend in Portland "oxygen elmo" that has been helping me decipher. I don't know exactly what I will do with...
Posted by Todd on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 06:48:00 PST

New Songs

I am looking for new and interesting music for my future soundtracks. I prefer music that is not cynical and has an original sound.Some music I have found is listed in my friends:Noah23 Ceschi oxygen ...
Posted by Todd on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 03:49:00 PST

Crazy Fans

I appreciate everyones kind words and I attempt to look into various request. I am a busy person and I take a little while to respond and some times I forget. I have been recieving unkind words from a...
Posted by Todd on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 03:47:00 PST

Some Answers to Some questions

I am often asked about my intention and perspective concerning film, why I make them and what inspires me etc...I have often found it easiest to talk about film and articulate the subject with those t...
Posted by Todd on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 08:44:00 PST

I'm My Biggest Fan

Is it possible to be your own biggest fan?  According to wise sentiments you are supposed to be. This means that you:  Believe in yourself and view yourself as more important?  Mor...
Posted by Todd on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 05:30:00 PST

I am a celebrity

And so you are.  Here we are existing in the hyper-reality.  In your inner phase space you have an infinite probability. Why do we worship celebrities? Why do famous people exist in the firs...
Posted by Todd on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 04:00:00 PST

My existence on Myspace

I started this myspace account as a type of experiment.  And my conclusions have been obscene.   This computer reality is the obvious hyper-realism.  Right now when you read this you are hearing my ...
Posted by Todd on Sun, 11 Sep 2005 01:11:00 PST

Can Anyone Guess???

What is a very interesting subtle thing you notice WH doing? See how is responding? Do you see the poetic aspect of his language use? Werner Herzog: Very often I travel on foot. Of course under...
Posted by Todd on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The issue of laughter

You brought up the issue of laughing: one has to question the nature of ones laughter and what one is laughing about and whether one is moved or not moved by. What will one care for and why? My chara...
Posted by Todd on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST