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About Me

Violinist for avant-rock/experimental band Kayo Dot and modern classical, ambient, guitar/acoustic violin duo Tartar Lamb . I also perform from time to time with the atmospheric Gregor Samsa . Click the names for their individual myspace pages!

I build robots with names like Lothar who do cool things for 30 seconds, maybe twitch, malfunction, then die. I call them tragibots.

This is my plan for world domination: I am unscrewing the world. Everywhere I go, I carry a screwdriver around with me. Then I unscrew anything I can - bathrooms, tables at restaurants, people's bookshelves, trains. Once I unscrewed an entire McDonalds table in Tokyo. One day, the world will go CRAASHH! from all the lack of screws and then I'll be queen of the universe.

Last but not least, please visit My Livejournal/Blog thingy! All you'd ever really need to know about me is there, really. :)

My Interests

Violin, cryptozoology, megaliths, languages (I speak French, Japanese, English, and some rusty Italian, so feel free to write to me in any of these languages! I always love the opportunity to use them!), Morgellon's disease, mycology, monoliths, the morphogenetic grid, medical oddities, feral children, lithopedions, invertebrates, food/eating things, scents, harlequin fetus, ley lines, paraphilias, triops and other add-water pets, dinosaurs, cults, occult, esoterica, Fibonacci numbers, brainwashing, fungus, freemasonry, secret societies, linguistics, joshi puroresu, conspiracy theories, ghosts, forteana, nanotechnology, Aleister Crowley, Jack Parsons, ghost/monster-hunting, virgin births, urban exploration, incorruptibility, geniuses/mad scientists, exercise/fitness, and the color red-orange!


Kayo Dot (you can listen if you click the name!), Toby Driver , Gregor Samsa , Elgar Cello Concerto, CRASS, La Monte Young, Ahleuchatistas, Current 93, The Cramps, The Birthday Party, Schubert, Ergo , Brian Tyler, Michael Jackson, In/humanity , Cerberus Shoal , The Cocteau Twins, Saint-Saens, Blonde Redhead, Gene Vincent, I Have Eaten The City , bossa nova, John Zorn, Paolo Conte, 60's European and Japanese porn soundtracks, Islaja, Morton Feldman, Wha ha ha, The Plastics, Amebix, Serge Gainsbourg, The Velvet Underground, ASVA , Wienawski, Hanayo, Syzygys, Converge, Eric Satie, Pram, Yma Sumac, Larval , Claudine Longet, Tujiko Noriko, Supersilent, Scott Walker, Khanate, The Wickerman Soundtrack, Lali Puna, Crucifucks, Disrupt, Zoundz, Jun Togawa, Kurt Weill, Made Out of Babies , Glenn Branca, Scott Walker, Bauhaus, Broadcast, Rudimentary Peni, Stomach Earth , Ennio Morricone, Rasputina , Dead Kennedys, Rorscach, Antony and the Johnsons, etc.


Possession, M, Un Chien Andalou, L'Age d'Or, Rosemary's Baby, Kwaidan, City Lights (and all Charlie Chaplin films!), Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Even Dwarves Started Small, Battle Royale, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, cannibal flicks, The Wickerman, The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari, Blue Velvet, It Happened One Night, It is Fine! Everything is Fine!, The Double Life of Veronique, Solaris (Tarkovsky), Rashomon, Ugetsu Monogatari, The Happiness of the Katakuris, Cafe Flesh, Vital, Existenz, Dead Ringers, Tampopo, Dreams, Godzilla, Jan Svankmajer, David Lynch, Werner Herzog, Lars Von Trier, Jean-Luc Goddard, Miike


LOST, Animal Planet, The Discovery Channel, Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends, Beauty and the Geek, Twin Peaks, In Search Of...


"Cryptozoology A-Z" by Loren Coleman, Robert Anton Wilson, "Stiff" by Mary Roach, "A Feather On The Breath of God" by Sigrid Nunez, "Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World" by Haruki Murakami, "Story of the Eye" by Georges Batailles, "Deathbird Stories" by Harlan Ellison, "Griffin and Sabine" series by Nick Bantock, "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov, Cliff Pickover ("Strange Brains and Genius", "The Girl Who Gave Birth to Rabbits", "The Science of Aliens", "Sex, Drugs, Einstein, and Elves"), Adam Parfrey, "The Lover" by Marguerite Duras, "Great Mambo Chicken and the Transhuman Condition" by Ed Regis, "Encyclopedia of Unusual Sex Practices", "Crash" by J.G. Ballard, Anais Nin, The Montauk Project books, Henry Miller, Oliver Sacks, Jan Bondeson, Flannery O'Connor, Suehiro Maruo, Kazuo Umezu, "The Guide to Bodily Fluids", Junji Ito, Hideshi Hino, Wilderness Survival Guides, and Mushroom Field Guides.


Loren Coleman, Emperor Norton I, Mary Toft, Freddy Krueger (He's a long-time childhood crush of mine - no joke!), Anna Karina, Charles Fort, Charlie Chaplin, Trevor Brown, Nikola Tesla, Marguerite Duras, Alushe "de Pelushe" (see picture below: he's a Mexican wrestling midget werewolf!)

My Blog

A quick, supereasy favor, please! (Part Two!)

I sent this bulletin/blog post out yesterday, but good news! The deadline has very luckily been extended until midnight on Friday (YAY!) so please still help out if you can! Here's the original postin...
Posted by Mia on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 03:34:00 PST

EUROPE! Please come see my bands perform in your city! :)

Hi everyone! (Europeans!)I'm about to leave for my European tour with my two bands Gregor Samsa and Kayo Dot. I'm so excited! If you can come to our performances, I can't tell you how much it would me...
Posted by Mia on Wed, 07 May 2008 03:03:00 PST

NYC! Amazing psychedelic art show on Friday! You can't miss this!

Hello!My wonderful, super-talented graphic designer friend, Heung-Heung (Chippy), will be exhibiting some of her material on Friday in Brooklyn at the 3rd Ward Gallery. This is absolutely NOT to be mi...
Posted by Mia on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 12:13:00 PST

Hey, Kayo Dot fans! Tartar Lamb (Toby & Mia of KD) CD is now available! Weee!

Hello hello, I know, I know. (I could have shortened that to Hello x 2, I know x 2, but it's too late now!) I'm sorry I don't really update my journal too often anymore. I'm kind of severely anti-inte...
Posted by Mia on Fri, 04 May 2007 07:46:00 PST

Does anyone know anything about Food Allergies?

If you get hives from something you ate, how long do they usually last? Because I have this weird, red, scaly rash ON and around my lips, and then some hives on the left side of my face and I kind of ...
Posted by Mia on Sat, 12 May 2007 10:22:00 PST

fat study part two + hi, my new name is connie chung!

Hmm... so the fat study (part 2) was a little disappointing. It was the exact same procedure as last time, but this time there was no exciting strawberry milk-colored pink blood at all! (presumably th...
Posted by Mia on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 10:16:00 PST

Yay! It's official for the next Kayo Dot album!

Eeeiee! I just found out about this... Kayo Dot's next album will be released on Hydra Head Records, alongside such artists as Cave In, Boris, Khanate, Daughters, Mare, Isis, Oxbow, Pelican, Merzbow, ...
Posted by Mia on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 02:34:00 PST

Atherosclerosis time!

As you might know, I love being a guinea pig in medical studies. That's why when I saw a medical study in Boston involving a 5-hour infusion of fat (lipemia) directly pumped into the veins in order to...
Posted by Mia on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 08:46:00 PST

Hurry! Go listen!

I recently recorded some violin for a track of the upcoming Ghastly City Sleep (the new project of current and former members of Gregor Samsa, City of Caterpillar, Majority Rules, Pg. 99, and some oth...
Posted by Mia on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 07:33:00 PST

What is the bloody fetus photo from?

I get a lot of questions about the origin of that fetus photo in my profile, so I thought I'd re-post this to explain:"Instructions For Use"1. Mold a bloody fetus out of aluminum foil (skeletal struct...
Posted by Mia on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 03:08:00 PST