Optimism is kinda stupid
but I can't help myself.
I live in Norfolk, Virginia. I spend a lot of time in (and am a native of) NYC, and grew up in Europe. I'm interested in chaos magic and hold Taoist/Zen/Tantric beliefs. I went to grad school for psychology, I'm a CISSP [ Wikipedia ] and hold a day job in IT. I am a voiceover artist. I was a radio producer in NY back in the 80's, and I am now producing The Relationship Podcast, and seeking other production opportunities: audiobooks, public radio pieces, websites, etc. I love producing interviews because I enjoy listening to interesting people. I enjoy coffee. I care about world affairs. I read. I write sometimes, even music. I love music, BTW. I'm interested in making new friends (especially if you have eclectic tastes in music and ideas, or are alternative). I am a parent. I've been married. Twice. I am a veteran of the US Navy. I'm usually very social and I love going out with friends, companions, or alone.
When I am not busy with anything else, I'm a photographer (also a filmmaker) in Norfolk Virginia. I am always looking for interesting people to photograph, in or near Norfolk and Virginia Beach Virginia , OR in or near New York City , and Long Island NY (if you live in or visit ANY of these places); and interesting creative projects to work on.
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