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Can I have an extension? My puter crashed...

About Me

Alive to write.
Zinn rules. I've heard him dismissed as simply "seductive." Seduce me, Mr. Zinn.
This is live, from Iraq...Listen to these soldiers, who recorded a record in the midst of living as men in battle. It is harrowing and not for the faint-of-heart. That is because they are telling the truth. Stop this God damned war. Then, clean up the mess We made. "Wherever there's a soldier, there is shrapnel flying".
Dance On Vaseline
by David Byrne
I'm taking back the knowledge
I'm taking back the gentleness
I'm taking back the ritual
I'm giving in to sweetness
And I'm tripping out working on a revolution
Gonna let the day begin
Well, I'm working out, time to time for evolution
Gonna let the music in
Come preacherman, shoot me with your poisoned arrow
But I dance on vaseline
And I'm tripping out working on a revolution
Gonna let the music in
I'm taking back the children
I'm taking back the ceremony
I'm taking back my offerings
And I'm taking back what you mean to me
You're dangerous, shoot me with your poisoned arrow
But I dance on vaseline
And I'm slipping, I'm working on a revolution
Gonna let the music in
And war is all around us
Your gods are dead and buried underground
I was silly putty
Your big ideas are useless to me now
My baby saw the future
She doesn't wanna live it anymore
It's lousy science-fiction
It's on your skin and seeps into your bones
Come, preacherman, shoot me with your poisoned arrow
I dance on vaseline
And I'm tripping out, working on a revolution
Gonna let day begin
And you're dangerous, shoot me with your poisoned arrow
But I dance on vaseline
And I'm taking back the knowledge
I'm taking back the gentleness
I'm taking back the ritual
I'm giving in to sweetness
Come, preacherman, shoot me with your poisoned arrow
But I dance on vaseline
And I'm tripping out, working on a revolution
Gonna let the music in
I'm taking back the children
I'm taking back the ceremony
I'm taking back my offerings
And I'm taking back what you mean to me
You're dangerous, shoot me with your poisoned arrow
But I dance on vaseline
And I'm slipping out Im working on a revolution
Gonna let the music in
And war is all around us
Your gods are dead and buried underground
I was silly putty
Your big ideas are useless to me now
My baby saw the future
She doesn't wanna live it anymore
It's lousy science-fiction
It's on your skin and seeps into your bones
Come, preacherman, shoot me with your poisoned arrow
I dance on vaseline
And I'm tripping out, working on a revolution
Gonna let day begin
And you're dangerous, shoot me with your poisoned arrow
But I dance on vaseline
And I'm slipping out working on a revolution
Gonna let the music in
It started in Oklahoma
You always think it happens somewhere else
This madness is attractive
Until the day it happens to yourself
And power might seem sexy
But check her in the cool grey light of dawn
A legislative body
And all at once your lust for her is gone
And I'm tripping out, working on a revolution
Gonna let the day begin
Well, I'm working time to time for evolution
Gonna let the music in
And I'm tripping out working on a revolution
Don't let the day begin
Well, I'll make a time for evolution
Gonna let the day begin
I'm slipping out, working on a revolution
Gonna let the music in
It started in Oklahoma
You always think it happens somewhere else
This madness is attractive
Until the day it happens to yourself
And power might seem sexy
But check her in the cool grey light of dawn
A legislative body
And all at once your lust for her is gone
And I'm tripping out, working on a revolution
Gonna let the day begin
Well, I'll turn you down time to time for evolution
Gonna let the music in
And I'm tripping out, working on a revolution
Gonna let the music in
Well, I'll make a time for evolution
Gonna let the day begin
Kelis, the other Boss Bitch. And there are many more, so check yoself.
I already met him, rollin up into a Nawfuck, Virginia, club, and he's genuine, and kind. He doesn't have to be. He CHOOSES to be. Pharrell!
If I got it, gon give it to ya.
I'm sure I can forgive his singing in front of a car manufacturing banner. He is Adam, after all.
"trying to let it go, trying to keep my eyes closed, trying to keep it just like before, times when i never even thought to speak, don't wanna tell you what it is, or where you felt so serious, got me thinking just too much, i wanna shut it off, but it's this one thing that got me trippin, it's this one thing that got me trippin, it's this one thing your soul made me deal with, it's this one thing you did, it's this one thing that caught me slipping, it's this one thing, i want to admit it, it's this one thing, when i was so widdit...my hot heels are clickin towards your door..."
The decidedly uncommon, Common.
My raison d'etre. Blame him.
Some of my journalism:
A piece I wrote about Patti Smith years ago for Expository Magazine
Interview with Kevin Nealon, "Nealon, Not Damon" , Style Weekly
In Rememberance of Arthur "Art" MacDonald , Style Weekly
"Male nurses in health care not unusual," Richmond Times-Dispatch
"Belly Laughs on the Beef Byway" , Style Weekly
"Simple Beauty," from HomeStyle
"The Sequel," Style Weekly
"Bell Memorial Tower," Richmond Times-Dispatch
My interview with feminist, activist, and poet, Denise Duhamel, Diving and Returning
Some of my non-fiction:
"Shelters," "The Oil Painting," more...
Some of my poetry:
Years of poetry, of poetry, of love for words and images...
Da buon padre, Moses Harman.
Da brava madre, Emma Goldman.
Noam discusses Feminism, and Anarchy. Grazie, vero uomo!
"Anger is a gift."
~ Zack de la Rocha
Please visit The Insitute for Anarchist Studies .
Please read about Individualist Feminist/Free Love Radical, Moses Harman
Black Rock Coalition
To my peoples in Boston, and those I met there who have since embarked upon traveling, reading, and writing innovative thought... I am so grateful. I love Beantown & Cambridge! I heard they once threw a teaparty...
Bertolt Brecht begat Dresden Dolls.
Some of my old music on iTunes. I wince to listen now, and hesitate to share either with people, but aw hell, wtf. I was raised in the sticks so I don't have one up my ass. And anyways, I'm recording new stuff.
Sweetbriar - Solo, acoustic EP, super old, still gets a little airplay from a couple dj's who just want to support me
Premium Roots Rock - My deep gratitude to George Maida, who spins this every now and then.
All songs (c) Cesca Janece Waterfield/Yallsongs (ASCAP)
I am so deeply indebted to bookstores. Who knows what moral debauchery, what heights of sinister decreptitude we might scale without them. I shudder to think.
Discussing Proust at Bibliophile, Nawfuck, Virginia.
The Colfax Diaries . Please read Lisa's brilliant friend.
I ain just whistlin it.
Kickin it at the Dew Drop Inn with a few Virginia Gents.
Photos by Charlie O!
I am considering a new diet of three meals a day. Perhaps I'm just Muse-ing...
kinda how Sterno came from Agent Orange, and plastics from bombs, and, o, i can't forget... the lovely and useful Hummer...
GOOD comes from hate.
however, i was offered the finest gift i've yet known: families i encountered and with whom i relate because my daddy was a flight instructor in fort rucker, alabama.
it is so important that we commodify murder;
indeed, it is integral that killing is conducted with greater precision;
urgent, it is, that we take poor boys from the country and feed them to washington's "need."
killing from the air! killing that we'll make poor men do on the cheap!!
Smart person. He hit on her. As opposed to hitting her.
+++++To beautiful, artful unions... Clink!
I used to be a girl. Abbeville, Alabama
Jimmy Webb is such a hero of mine, I should likely never meet the man. He is a god.
Galveston, I am so afraid of dying, before I dry the tears she's crying, before I see your sea birds flying in the sun, at Galveston.
Jim Jones and my mother on the Redneck Riviera in winter. My sister Sayna is picking up something. Yay! Good memories. I have some.
Writing in Fort Huachuca, Arizona.
My daddy, after being kicked off to war by a brute named poverty. He busted his ass so I wouldn't have to be, although he still wanted me to join up.
My mother with my sister. How did such a classy lady gestate my trashy ass. D.C. has such a level of malevolence, palpable even to me when sitting on a bus on my way to NYC. I have spent much time there, conscious, and unconscious, and it is a very dangerous place.
Steve Earle is entirely equipped to talk about anything, including this picture of my daddy.
Rich Man's War
written by Steve Earle
Jimmy joined the army ‘cause he had no place to go
There ain’t nobody hirin’
‘round here since all the jobs went
down to Mexico
Reckoned that he’d learn himself a trade maybe see the world
Move to the city someday and marry a black haired girl
Somebody somewhere had another plan
Now he’s got a rifle in his hand
Rollin’ into Baghdad wonderin’ how he got this far
Just another poor boy off to fight a rich man’s war
Bobby had an eagle and a flag tattooed on his arm
Red white and blue to the bone when he landed in Kandahar
Left behind a pretty young wife and a baby girl
A stack of overdue bills and went off to save the world
Been a year now and he’s still there
Chasin’ ghosts in the thin dry air
Meanwhile back at home the finance company took his car
Just another poor boy off to fight a rich man’s war
When will we ever learn
When will we ever see
We stand up and take our turn
And keep tellin’ ourselves we’re free
Ali was the second son of a second son
Grew up in Gaza throwing bottles and rocks when the tanks would come
Ain’t nothin’ else to do around here just a game children play
Somethin’ ‘bout livin’ in fear all your life makes you hard that way

He answered when he got the call
Wrapped himself in death and praised Allah
A fat man in a new Mercedes drove him to the door
Just another poor boy off to fight a rich man’s war
Journalism rules. I get to meet people who inspire me and who make me want to keep looking, just by doing what they do.
I have never lied about my three times in jail. However, I have usually chosen to share my truth with the wrong people, and then found later that earlier tearful attempts to clear away pain are thrown at me behind my back. But I do not lie anymore. I am 36. This is the year I chose to tell everyone the truth. Since I am incapable of choosing the "right" ones, I'll just make it as open as I can.
I've had abortions, lived on the street, been to, and left rehab, because I had to get a job so I could pay for school because all I want to do on this god forsaken planet is write something beautiful. I've stolen because I was scared. I am a former bulimic. I drink a lot of white wine. I am gentle, because I know what it's like to hurt, so I don't wish to hurt others. I am very tired, but I want to do some good, so I'm not going to end my life like I've so often wished I could.
If you don't like my music, I understand. I don't like it either. That's not why I make it. I make it to stay alive. If you don't understand what that feels like, I don't want to listen to your music either. I don't say that in anger, I say it because it is true. If you don't do anything except consume and lie to stay "alive," I definitely don't want you around, because I think I have recognized that the pattern in my "life" before today, is that those people hurt me.
I was fired from my job at Joe's on an anniversary that for me was hell. I love the person who did it. I was fired for not meeting my responsibility to be there, much like another has been, but I step up to my responsibility for it. I do not blame anyone else for forcing me to do anything I did, as some do. Now I spend all day writing and dreaming and doodling and loving and meeting incredible people. Since I busted my ass since I moved here and saved every nickel, I can even afford to dream and create and love for quite some time to come while paying my rent and bills.
I have learned to shout when someone is screaming or belittling me. I valued integrity, and would have never spoken a word about what happened in that house. However.
There are so many women I love. But since I have more issues with men than the mecong has snakes, here are a few men I love:
I love Charles Warden because he accepts me, and knows me, and has never lifted a hand to me, or his voice.
I love Sean Lucas because in less than five minutes of looking at him, I thought, "O, THAT's what a decent man looks like."
I love Rob Breckenridge, who has lived with me for months. He has heard me puking, then witnessed me overcome my bulimia with resilience and creativity. He has heard me sing at the top of lungs drunk, then seen me never, ever do it again.
I love Charlie O'Donovan. He listens and supports and builds and builds the most fucking amazing Websites. He is a PHENOM photographer and photo journalist. He goes with me to neighborhoods the squeamish call dangerous. We are going to travel and create and see this nation, and embrace people.
I love J-Sizzle!!! Jason Campen. He is strong, honest, and plays fis fuckin ass off. He writes the most lucid, poignant, funny stuff I've read. He is a father.
Every man above shows me love, because Love is a verb.
Every man above makes me laugh big belly laughs. Haha. Kind of like that.
I am a writer, a journalist, singer, and songwriter. I do not know how to love others well, but I am often kind. I will not likely begin a conversation with you in the check out line and I don't care for small talk, but I care about and will work for the betterment of someone else's daily life.
I am organizing a memorial fund and benefit show to send at least one Richmond area girl annually to IMA Rock and Roll Camp for Girls in Massachusetts. When all legal paperwork is properly in place, we will make information public.
Accountants are working on it, now that the Association has been set up.
The venue is Gallery5 and once musical acts are lined up, the date will be firmly set.
peace please...

My Interests

Everything interests me. Passion, persistence, brilliance, compassion, ambition, kindness, forgiveness, vengeance, transcendence, surrender, defiance.

Wadjet, who is also known as Wadjyt, Wadjit, Uto, Udgo, Uatchet, Edjo, Buto...


talking about Terrorism, like such

Wendy Whelan & Jack Soto ROCK

Pleasure yourself. Listen to Adina Howard.

Who the fuck am I to suggest to anyone, anything... BUT! Might I recommend that we as women ~ hetero, bi, lesbian, whatever you define or don't ~ why don't we choose among the better qualities associated with "masculinity," like self-assertion, and actively demonstrate them, while we refrain from changing ourselves to get wit' a system and society created by, perpetuated, and turned into poop by patriarchal institutions?

Dorothy Dinnerstein, Anarchists/Free Love Radicals, Lucy Parsons, Dr. Gertrude B. Kelly, Moses Harman, Sarah Holmes, Lois Waisbrooker, Lillian Harman, Mary Gove Nichols, Angela Heywood, Mae West, Kismet, Betty & Veronica, WOMEN sex activists, Susie Bright, Tiny Nibbles, Annie Sprinkle

Anarcha-feminism, Gender feminism, Marxist feminism, Radical feminism, and bridging them with Individualist feminism

y'all, philly's music scene and those incredible people are fuckin AW#ESOME ~ RICHMOND'S music and people, as we all know, are amazing!

Singing, playing, writing songs

pacifism eludes, yet increasingly fascinates me

Brilliant Individuals with social consciences.

And hella riffs.

haute cuisine and black eyed peas, sommeliers and Cisco; really fuckin good olive oil

basically, i cook my fuckin ass off, cuntlovers

Lovely Gelsey Kirkland at the Bolshoi. I coveted her identity ages 9 through 16.

I'm interested to know why "Books" is at the bottom of the page, even underneath "Television." O, wait, I know the answer.

Ballet, and its finest. This is Darci Kistler, who inspired me as a girl.

Toni Bentley, dancer, and author of The Surrender, an often beautiful memoir not for the squeamish.

Helene Cixous, Derrida, lit theorists, meta literature, linguistics, French feminist linguists... Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, heady stuff i have to hack my dullard way through, but it's soo enlightening

I'm obsessed with anything that experiments with the inherent gendering of the structure and process of language. Gertrude Stein and Carole Maso are faves, but there are many more who look into this with great fascination.


GUN TARGETS: I have a discomfiting obsession with gun targets. I collect them. I think I like them because they scare me, but I also like to observe the power differential depicted in them. If you haven't examined gun targets, lemme tell ya... there are some rather compelling ones. I hang them throughout my apartment. I'd have em all over but my roommate would probably get a touch nervous.

Vegan cooking, Ayurvedic cooking, live foods, Kundalini yoga, feminist theory, social change, alternative communities

Outsider art, particularly horror vacuii, Henry Darger, Mark Ryden, classical ballet, absinthe, book binding and paper making, soap making, creative communities

Egyptian music, gardening, rich, dark soil, herb gardens, the American South, Southern history, Southern women's history, labor history

cast iron cookery, provided it's used to cook, not pound your daughter

I used to want to find classes in Northern Italian, esp the region of Alta Trentino Adige, and I still do, but I have committed to a vegan diet. Something meaningful happens when one chooses to NOT eat other beings. Foodie that I am, I never thought I would eliminate any food. How in the world will I live without cheese? I was once a hardcore cheese girl. Gorgonzola, I want more-a... Affinois, falala... Manchego, off we go...

the Italian language, Italian opera, WINE (quality is nice, quantity is better), dark, dark cocoa vegan chocolate, especially filled with apricot brandy, slurp!

i admit these weird peccadillos and obsessions because i am also interested in...

the disarming liberty of being honest with oneself

will add more...

I'd like to meet:

The ones I meet in this city I love. The ones I meet in New York City, which I love.

People passionate about expression, who can take me out of my head, into a startling discovery or contemplative stillness.Musicians, writers, artists, dancers, anyone who wakes up some nights burning to do something, and even if they're not sure what, they do.

People who maintain integrity alongside a meaningfully directed ambition. People who fucking try to do right, and then try again. Life is really fucking short, so do something decent, and I will try also.

Dorothy Dinnerstein, We are forever in your debt. Grazie, bella donna!

Kristofferson, the Egon Schiele of country music.

Not only are you Tom Waits, you got to kiss Rickie Lee Jones.

Julia Butterfly Hill, thank you.
Helene Cixous, I cannot repay.


Suzanne Farrell.
Henry Darger rules.

dont wanna meet this, unless it's conducted metaphorically.

me and my parents every fucking day!


Patti Smith, Diamanda Galas, Peaches, Dresden Dolls, KT Tunstall, Muse, the Morning After Girls, Billie Holiday, Nina Simone, Patty Griffin, KRIS KRISTOFFERSON, Bobby Neuwirth, the songs WRITTEN BY JIMMY WEBB that Glenn Campbell played his ass off on, Drive By Truckers amen.

"Gravity's Gone"? christ, i din know i left my bible sittin around for anybody to read. THAT SONG IS FUCKIN GENIUS. "The Southern Thing"? Good GAWD! And Patterson writes his ass off in non-fiction, too. Paste Mag, check it out. ZACK DELAROCHA, Audioslave, Ray Lamontagne, Salon Betty, Pixies, Frank Black, Tres Chicas, Caitlin Cary, Tool, Perfect Circle, most of Yep Roc's roster, New West's roster, Lone Highway, Seizure 17, Lach, the Analogues, DJ Williams, Jason Campen, Me'Shell Ndegéocello, Kristi Martel, the brave and dedicated, who maintain integrity alongside ambition, Sonny Rollins, Tom Waits, GAVIN FRIDAY, PJ Harvey, Nashville Pussy, Alabama Thunderpussy, Lucinda Williams, both the Smithsonian stuff but more deeply her ama#zing work, Kathleen Edwards, Mahalia Jackson, Aretha Franklin, Janis Joplin, Lucero, RYAN ADAMS, JIMMY WEBB, the Goddess Dolly (Parton), Beth Hart, Rickie Lee Jones, Tori Amos, Bob Dylan, Kristen Hersh, Fiona Apple, Randy Newman, Townes Van Zandt, Kris Kristofferson, Exene Cervenka, the Knitters, Johnette Napolitano, Kelly Deal, Bruce Springsteen, Elvis Costello, Bob Seger, Leonard Cohen, Ryan Adams, Joni Mitchell, Kate Bush, John Coltrane, Tool, A Perfect Circle, Bikini Kill, Le Tigre, Kathleen Hannah in general, Mike Watt, the Minutemen, Miles Davis, BARRY BLISS from Nawfuck, now in Manhattan, Frank Zappa, Sarah McLachlan, Blue Nile, Rosanne Cash, Kristen Hirsh, Throwing Muses, Sleater-Kinney, Peaches, Soundgarden and Chris Cornell, Rage Against the Machine, Tom Morello, more more more

"I'm deeply disappointed by my sexual interest in men." ~Diamanda Galas


Mirror Mask, done by Henson, once again. Just watch it. Holy mole.
Junebug ~ comes across like a play, set in the South, features an outsider artist strikingly reminiscent of Henry Darger
Suzanne Farrell: The Elusive Muse ~ about one of the finest dancers to have worked with Balanchine, or anyone
I am counting the days until I see "Fur," about Diane Arbus, and based on Bosworth's biography. Guess I'll try to keep breathing until November, then.
SUPER TROOPERS IS MOVIE DEITY. end of sentence. let the smarty pantz discussion end immediately. Citizen Kane? Nope. this movie, which is absurd and goofy and insane and fuckt, is true.
the Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada, TOMMY LEE JONES is amazing in this; John Leguiziamo, in film and in his own plays. I tend to favor films that come off as plays. "Off the Map," for example, I immediately knew had been a play and I love that film. In general, my film knowledge is poor, but I love most everything by David Lynch, Woody Allen. Some foreign films I've seen lately, particularly a Korean film whose name and director escapes me, was just stunning. I think his name was Park Chan-wook, screenwriter and director. Each shot was gorgeous. It was violent, tho not gratuitously so. The particular film I watched (name lost to me for now) traced human grotesque and rage to - love. This film was magical and tragic and entrancing.
Will add more as I emerge from the darkness of cinema ignorance.


...huh? I don't own one but I remember loving the Food Channel, Tony Bourdain, in particular and god-I-hate-myself-for-finding-them sexy, Bobby Flay and Tyler Florence. Ming Tsai makes me sigh. And I used to like to catch that wack ass show, Iron Chef. Where are the kick ass female chefs on that channel? They're in the bizniss.


Feminist & Social Theory:Feminist Thought, Tong; Pornography, Sex, and Feminism, Soble; The Mermaid and the Minotaur: Sexual Arrangements and Human Malaise; Cunt, by Inga Muscio - I read it years ago, and kept having to put it down, like I have to with books that resonate with me. I am re-reading it now, and it still does. Brave, and smart. Bare, by Elizabeth Eaves. Ha, I'd like to drop in on her eaves.
Poets: Denis Johnson (everything by Denis Johnson is fucking exceptional- poetry, short stories, essays, novellas), James Wright, Gregory Orr, Kim Addonizio, Lisa Russ Spaar, Jane Kenyon, Mary Karr, Mary Oliver, Anne Sexton, Anna Akhmatova, Sharon Olds, Muriel Rukeyser, Carolyn Forche, ad infinitum
Short Fiction: Susan Minot, Chekov, Raymond Carver, Brian Evenson, Joyce Carol Oates, Denis Johnson, Hemingway, Poe, et al, et al, et al...
Journals & Mags: Ploughshares, Powhatan Review, Blue Collar Review, Oxford American, the Sun, the American Poetry Review, the Nation, etc. etc. etc.
Novels: Art & Lies, Oranges are Not the Only Fruit, The Passion, Winterson; the Bluest Eye, Morrison, the Red Tent, Diamant; anything by Carole Maso, especially Aureole
Children's Wind in the Willows, my favorite; Black Beauty, more more more
Standing Alone: Sherwood Anderson is my grotesque lover. Chaucer? Awlrite. But my little Sherwood scares me better.
Grab Bag: Noam Chomsky, Derrida, lit theory, French feminist linguists... heady stuff i have to hack my dullard way through but it's soo enlightening
Photo Memoir: Ballad of Sexual Dependency, Nan Goldin. Poignant, harrowing, ultimately, true.
Long running obsession: Anything that experiments with the inherent gendering of the structure and process of language. Gertrude Stein and Carole Maso being my faves, but there are many more.
Memoir: The Surrender, Toni Bentley; The Gift, Gregory Orr; Smashed, Zailckas; The Burn Journals, Runyon; Jesus Land, Scheeres; I Could Tell You Stories, Hempl, etc etc
Biography: Wild Girls, Souhami; Diane Arbus, Bosworth; Year of Magical Thinking, Didion
Cultural Commentary: Nickel and Dimed, Ehrenreich; Take It Back, Carville & Bagala
Godel, Escher, and Bach is a long-time, mind-blowing favorite.


Marla Ruzicka

Everybody lusts for Angelina. Allow me Davis, anyday.

Books. And my artist friends who confront the world with vision, imagination, creativity, and dogged persistence. Margaret Sanger, Isadora Duncan, Gloria Allred, Natalie Barney, Romaine Brooks, Georgia O'keefe, Nan Goldin, Diane Arbus, Julia Butterfly, Shing-Tung Yau, Howard Zinn, Jenna Jameson.

Gloria Allred, thank you.

My Blog

Salome Dances as Herod, in Recline, Speaks

Hello, MySpace friends, I am at it again. Working on monologues, at the moment. This needs more work, but I am tired, gonna go play guitar. Please read and respond, if you wish. Cool. Cesca *** Sal...
Posted by cesca janece on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 06:37:00 PST

Blood & Wine and Withered Passion

After the worst histamine attack of my life so far, I have been incapable of working on journalism. So I'm working on old music. Please listen to this song, "Blood & Wine." We recorded much of thi...
Posted by cesca janece on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 11:23:00 PST

Sirena, the Baptist, Sings

hello MySpace amici, Please read and respond to my latest blog posting. I am not happy with it at all, though I don't know why, so maybe some feedback would help. I am trying to subvert the traditiona...
Posted by cesca janece on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 10:13:00 PST

Opening, Girl of Dark Garrets

ciao, MySpace amici, I seem to be writing monologues of women as I work on ideas for my new publication, Eve in Hand. I am very interested in language and the representation of women in our cult...
Posted by cesca janece on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 09:00:00 PST

Chiaroscuro ~ Bi-racial Love and Sex

Chiaroscuro   by Cesca Janece Waterfield     Uh, oh. White privileged girl is gearing up to talk about race.   Racism is here. Racism is everywhere.   And though we all harb...
Posted by cesca janece on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 09:57:00 PST

Ballerina, to Daddy ~ Drunken Short Fiction

Ballerina, to Daddy   by Cesca Janece Waterfield     Daddy, I am not hungry.     Appetite is neither stirred into existence nor contained by an empty belly. Rarely go I cravi...
Posted by cesca janece on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 10:02:00 PST

This Time New Mexico: an old story that is constantly reborn

This Time, New Mexico   She came down the cedar path limply holding a single boxing glove, its cord trailing behind her in the drying mud. She hadn't found him at the Harbor Club or the bus shelt...
Posted by cesca janece on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 05:16:00 PST

Eve in Hand! I am Figuring it Out, Cuntlovers

Early Thinking on Eve in Hand: Part I   An Opinion Piece :)   by Cesca Janece Waterfield   Look yall, I know my "thought" pattern looks unkempt. It is. So what? I'm organizing it, like...
Posted by cesca janece on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 09:21:00 PST

Alternative Vacation and Health Plans, per Cesca: Corks and Screws

Alternative Vacation and Health Plans, per Cesca: Corks and Screws   So I'm figuring out how to make my monthly payment for last year's jaunty romp at my unfavorite last resort, the psych hospita...
Posted by cesca janece on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 10:45:00 PST

Lying About Sex Makes More Wars

As I simply try to write, improve my writing, and then promote it, I have encountered some "editors" who say, "Yes, this is beautifully written, it is unconventional, it is imaginative, and I like it....
Posted by cesca janece on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 08:39:00 PST