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Arm Your Spirit

About Me

A swordsman in Traverse Town, who fights the Heartless. He is reticent & often seems aloof. He escaped to Traverse Town when the Heartless raided his home world. To part with his old self, a man who had been helpless to stop them, He changed his name:All human beings are also dream beings. Dreaming ties all mankind together.Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore, I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize. - I Corinthians 9:25-27 I will do nothing of purpose and the people will be transformed of themselves; I will be fond of keeping still and the people themselves become correct. I will take no trouble about it and the people will of themselves become rich; I will manifest no ambition and the people will of themselves attain to the primitive simplicity -a sageIn the valley of sand within the great desert the garden is growing .. .. and the earth is renewed. there is rejoicing. the Vision quest has begun.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

"the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars. - Kerouac"The Children of Israel {The Light} cried out in unison and Anu remembered the covenant..."


Whereas, breakbeats have been the missing link connecting the diasporic community to its drum woven past Whereas the quantised drum has allowed the whirling mathematicians to calculate the ever changing distance between rock and stardom. Whereas the velocity of the spinning vinyl, cross-faded, spun backwards, and re-released at the same given moment of recorded history , yet at a different moment in time's continuum has allowed history to catch up with the present.We do hereby declare reality unkempt by the changing standards of dialogue. Statements, such as, "keep it real", especially when punctuating or anticipating modes of ultra-violence inflicted psychologically or physically or depicting an unchanging rule of events will hence forth be seen as retro-active and not representative of the individually determined is.Furthermore, as determined by the collective consciousness of this state of being and the lessened distance between thought patterns and their secular manifestations, the role of men as listening receptacles is to be increased by a number no less than 70 percent of the current enlisted as vocal aggressors.Motherfuckers better realize, now is the time to self-actualize We have found evidence that hip hops standard 85 rpm when increased by a number as least half the rate of it's standard or decreased at of it's speed may be a determining factor in heightening consciousness.Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.
Equate rhyme with reason, Sun with seasonOur cyclical relationship to phenomenon has encouraged scholars to erase the centers of periods, thus symbolizing the non-linear character of cause and effect Reject mediocrity!Your current frequencies of understanding outweigh that which as been given for you to understand. The current standard is the equivalent of an adolescent restricted to the diet of an infant. The rapidly changing body would acquire dysfunctional and deformative symptoms and could not properly mature on a diet of apple sauce and crushed pears Light years are interchangeable with years of living in darkness. The role of darkness is not to be seen as, or equated with, Ignorance, but with the unknown, and the mysteries of the unseen. Thus, in the name of: ROBESON, GOD'S SON, HURSTON, AHKENATON, HATHSHEPUT, BLACKFOOT, HELEN, LENNON, KHALO, KALI, THE THREE MARIAS, TARA, LILITHE, LOURDE, WHITMAN, BALDWIN, GINSBERG, KAUFMAN, LUMUMBA, GHANDI, GIBRAN, SHABAZZ, SIDDHARTHA, MEDUSA, GUEVARA, GUARDSIEFF, RAND, WRIGHT, BANNEKER, TUBMAN, HAMER, HOLIDAY, DAVIS, COLTRANE, MORRISON, JOPLIN, DUBOIS, CLARKE, SHAKESPEARE, RACHMNINOV, ELLINGTON, CARTER, GAYE, HATHOWAY, HENDRIX, KUTL, DICKERSON, RIPPERTON, MARY, ISIS, THERESA, PLATH, RUMI, FELLINI, MICHAUX, NOSTRADAMUS, NEFERTITI, LA ROCK, SHIVA, GANESHA, YEMAJA, OSHUN, OBATALA, OGUN, KENNEDY, KING, FOUR LITTLE GIRLS, HIROSHIMA, NAGASAKI, KELLER, BIKO, PERONE, MARLEY, COSBY, SHAKUR, THOSE STILL AFLAMED, AND THE COUNTLESS UNNAMED
We claim the present as the pre-sent, as the hereafter. We are unraveling our navels so that we may ingest the sun. We are not afraid of the darkness, we trust that the moon shall guide us. We are determining the future at this very moment. We now know that the heart is the philosophers' stone Our music is our alchemy We stand as the manifested equivalent of 3 buckets of water and a hand full of minerals, thus realizing that those very buckets turned upside down supply the percussion factor of forever. If you must count to keep the beat then count. Find you mantra and awaken your subconscious. Curve you circles counterclockwise Use your cipher to decipher, Coded Language, man made laws. Climb waterfalls and trees, commune with nature, snakes and bees. Let your children name themselves and claim themselves as the new day for today we are determined to be the channelers of these changing frequencies into songs, paintings, writings, dance, drama, photography, carpentry, crafts, love, and love. We enlist every instrument: Acoustic, electronic. Every so-called race, gender, and sexual preference. Every per-son as beings of sound to acknowledge their responsibility to uplift the consciousness of the entire fucking World. Any utterance will be un-aimed, will be disclaimed - 2 rappers slain. -Saul
Yes, you can hear the children singing: Hallelujah time! As they go singing by and by: Hallelujah time! Oh, "hallelujah" singing in the morning. Hallelujah time! Let them sing; don't let them cry. -tuff g0ng-
Rasta children gonna make it, Jah Jah children gonna make it Mankind is gonna make it, Womankind is gonna make it Human beings are gonna make it, You and me we're gonna make it. -jr g0ng-3:00 in the morning It's quiet and there's no one around Just the bang and the clatter As an angel runs to ground Just the bang And the clatter As an angel Hits the ground.



"In all your [mundane] ways know Him."


“Whenever I notice that my name isn’t on the list of banned and challenged authors, I feel faintly like I’m letting the side down. Although I suspect all I’d have to do to get on the list is to write a book about naked, bisexual, hard-swearing wizards who drink a lot while disparaging the Second Amendment, and I’d be home and dry.” -GaimanIn the sun the butterfly wings Like a church window - It's the ones who are crazy enough to change the world that usually end up doing it.Manga is the pinnacle of visual realism. 0 tezuka


The Lord of Lords and King of Kings, Righteous Judge, Mighty Counselor, The Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, Which is and which was and which is to come, the Almighty. "It is not only war that can stop war but men of goodwill, conscious of their mission can deal with such deadly enemy -HIM It's like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger, or you will miss all the heavenly glory. Mother Father Sister Brother Friend Lover JAH

My Blog

plentiful natural resources

Earth the planet in the solar system that miraculously gave birth to life. In the year After Colony 195, with the development of the colonies people now live in new surroundings. Thanks to plentiful n...
Posted by H3R0 on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 11:28:00 PST

compendium of teachings

The Bodhisattva is lonely, with no companion, and he puts on the armor of supreme wisdom. He acts himself, and leaves nothing to others, working with a will steeledwith courage and strength. He is str...
Posted by H3R0 on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 11:52:00 PST

Western Eyes

Forgotten throes of anothers lifeThe heart of love is their only lightFaithless greeds, consolidatingHolding down sweet charityWith western eyes and serpents breathWe lay our own conscience to restBut...
Posted by H3R0 on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 09:53:00 PST


round1 round2 round3 all rights absurd...
Posted by H3R0 on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 12:14:00 PST

Guess Ill always be a dreamer

I guess I'll always a dreamerDreaming my life away, dreaming my life awayA romantic fool, that's what I amI think about you, all day longThough it's impossible, for us togetherOh it's not real, a love...
Posted by H3R0 on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 11:48:00 PST

trusting our lives to children

It was all based on trust, wasn't it? You join the Fleet, you train until it's as natural to pilot your ship as to dance, as reflexive to fight with the ship's weapons as to use your fists. Then you...
Posted by H3R0 on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 11:51:00 PST


  You change the world. You move mountains. You define music, fashion & entertainment. YOU are Godlike. Sinner or Saint. Revolutionary or Radical. Anarchist or Terrorist. YOU are Godlike. W...
Posted by H3R0 on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 02:18:00 PST

The Philosophy of Liberation

In different times and different places saints appear and their followers name their religion according to the sage or saint who propounded that tradition. The appearance of differences can be attribu...
Posted by H3R0 on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 11:45:00 PST

Burn incense

anoint with oil,heal in His name,move mountains,trample snakes,wash feet,eat the Book,dream dreams,pray prayers,surrender,speak the language of angels,empty self and let Spirit pour in,exalt the Name,...
Posted by H3R0 on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 09:51:00 PST

The 31 Flavors of Shaolin

Posted by H3R0 on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 02:31:00 PST