!! t2z
!! terrible Effin' 2 & a 'Z' d0t com
tOkKa : forever stuck in hiz terrible2z..!!
O' no !! ..Oy..ya found tOkKa'z infamous MYSPACE !! WHOA is you n' Mazel tov !! tOkKa ;the multimedia n' pop-artist loathed the world over. The alligator-snapper hated by many ,loved by plenty !! #220 on Raphael's 'Ninja Turtle Hit n' Sh7t-List". But tOkKie's 1 of a kind..n' no two spikes are two of a kind.. n' none of the voices he's hearin' n' sqwakin back to make any ninny sence. But odds are he's got prickle-laiden prokie hug just fer you !! But look'out.. don' hoit the big lug ..ya wouldn't want the schizo-snapper ta snap ?! Would ya ?!
think some of this is a result of Tokkas hyper-sensitivity and awareness of
the entropy around all of us. Kinda like Maxwells demon (sorry nerd reference...wikipedia
it if you like...) But I should make clear that I don't see Tokka as a demon
at all just that he is more aware of it than others, not to mention he gets
more than his fair share, and he is constantly attempting to reach a balance
all well becoming more aware of life and how entropic it can be.. ....
I haven't really looked at Tokka and said that guy is sick...I don't think that
And though Tokka would like to think of himself as a burden, he has never been
that in my life!!! "
to tOkK:" I'm always impressed by your devotion. .. ..Devote
yourself to your goals and see what you can produce." "..a true artist in every sence .."
"Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it.
..Tokka not only surpasses such tendancies ..but he culminates a furor deep
within' the stomach and loins. If the way into a man's heart IS indeed through
his stomach.. Tokka gently offers him a bite, if you kindly refuse he will put
the fork down,thanks you and move on. The bite he gives is as a sauteed salad
served with sliced leeks and onions, a dash of unleaded petrol, 500 thousand
kilos of scrumptious bean dip,peppermint sticks,chocolate bunnies, and peeps..
broiled to consistency at 6 trillion mega-watts and served tastefully with a
bucket of Canadian Moose fondue and ornage-brownies on a cast-iron anvil. It's
all cooked with love in Tokka's unique 'chaotic kitchen of the mind' ..so lovely
in fact that even us dead people so wish to binge."
~Julia Child
Even tho' i'm dead.. Tokka is a national security risk..
i refuse to comment.. We are a fact-gathering organization only. We don't clear
anybody. We don't condemn anybody. ..but what can i say..the kid's f8cked up..
But mah gawd.. he looks smashing in that gauzy dress n' those open-toed shoes
i bought him last April .
~J. Edgar Hoover
Tukka hes sooch pesseeun fur hees vurk und iqooelly hees froostreshuns
!! Iff Tukka vere-a a cheeckee..he-a'd be-a a fery muneec oone-a veethuoot a
heed roonneeng eruoond eeemlessly,elmust pueentlessly spreyeeng ell zee vells
veet hees bluud in beooteeffool culleges. Zeen I vuoold streeke-a heem oofer
hees beck veet a shufel reense-a und bueel heem. Zeen serfe-a heem in my feenest
(und femuoos) cheeckee-shlelemeebber stoo !
~ The Sweedish Chef
--..the pop-art of the monster mind ..
..(the babies are revolting) @ ::
!! terrible2z d0t com
n' snapper spleen' supreme of ..
.. yayayayayayayayayaaa.. ..pokie,prickley puppy.. Sunshine,my maw :the Shredder.. Ch0wderbunga.. !!
tOkKa is the alligator snapper n' mutant montster mind instinctually on the boarders of frustration with fandoms,creations,existance,and heart. The stuff of pop-legend and the inevitable main-stream sinking into his obscure underground, tOkKa's origins are confusing and flawed at best. It's said that he was bred n' raised by a rag-tag band of gypsy televisions then left abandoned in some back alley with a pair of rabbit ears jabbed in his ears,bleeding..distant and haunting jingles of : " ..Ar-mour HOT DOGS What kind of kids love Armour HOT DOGS !?" to the meglomaniac that found him. Some say that success went to tOkKa's peanut butter-brain.. after his big movie premier in the semi-autobiographical motion picture:.. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze
and he soon faded into obscurity and fell off into a septic tank somewhere's with Vanilla Ice and all the pop-rots of the early 1990s. Or perhaps neglect,abuse, from his mother 'The Shredder' and the continual search for his long lost wolfy-brother ;Rahzar drove tOkKa out of New York state and into the world lost in a schizophrenic-pop puzzlement. Disillusioned by the Ninja Turtles' continual rise to shell back stardom..perhaps tOkKa discovered the arts, culture,peanut butter jelly time, and after rummaging thru' many dumpster behind KFC ..he discovered a few more lumps on big beaky noggin' from various cast-iron objects pummeled his way. tOkKa got hit in the head ALOT !!Nuthin's clear about tOkK..the continual entropic values of his existance are cast in his work. Multimedial and the range of emotions..tOkKa is a pop-artist of spaztic vein. Every once of his heart is put into the multitudes of work he does. Garnering the gammut of happiness,melencholoy,anger,playfulness, to down-right controversy. Perhaps it's all of this that makes tOkKa :forever stuck in his !!terrible 2z..or the delayed reaction to understanding the norm..enigmatic yet honest,restrained yet animal,heartfelt yet sexual,pshychotic yet lovable.. tOkKa's taken his heart n' his pea-brians n' splattered it out all over the web for everyone. What is 'tOkKa' !? You are more than welcome to decide for yourself ..please inquire @: terrible2z d0t com
Pop art of the monster mind.. and so much more !! Thank you,Easter Bunny.. .. v ** .. i really enjoy myspace..and i love to leave ya comments !! 2-ways street ..drop in and say hi..there's a good chance i'll return to give ya feed-back (pending' imminent death or badger flogging) !! Nice n' simple,eh ?!