A.N.T.A. profile picture


Anti Ninja Turtle Alliance not a group against Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but an art community th

About Me

shirts buttons and stickers eventually
The ANTI NINJA TURTLE ALLIANCE is not a group against the teenage mutant ninja turtles we are an art project we make designs and logos that make you think and make you question about our designs, WE are not vandals(although we are huge fans of street art) we don't partake in any illegal activities and any ANTA stickers you see posted up were not our doing
This whole thing started with this one prick who shall remane name-less, so VICTOR GONZALES is this one dude who looked like a ninja turtle, who just pissed everyone off the thing is this dude went through the whole Cochella Valley Unified school district so almost anyone who was from that generation of schools remembers him and laughs at the logo. So anyway the idea of a hate group against this guy was started on the year of 04 while still in middle school, but this whole thing didn't start until the later high school years(2005). We made our first logo .. and made a few stickers, these were posted all over CVHS and the ANTA started and grew from there. as for victor meh we have nothing against him and yeah what ever
A.N.T.A. is the Anti Ninja Turtle Alliance, a hate group, formed in April of 2004. The group was originally supposed to be a collection of immature 13 year olds who hated this one kid at their school, this kid looks like a ninja turtle, and that is the nickname his piers branded him with. As if looking like a ninja turtle was not bad enough, he was a total asshole to pretty much everyone, making him the least of favorites amongst his pier group. So one day i embarked on a journey to see how many people really had a distaste for him, i quickly made a few propaganda fliers and petition forms on MS paint, and i also made stickers as a reward for people's cooperation with our petition. Soon after most of the stickers i handed out ended up being put up all around the school and several hang outs around the Coachella Valley, pretty soon A.N.T.A. was the talk of the town, not literally of course. Pretty soon people were conspiring about what it was, those who knew would laugh at how serious people were taking our pony tail toting ninja turtle sticker, from there i realized the advertising power, as well as the impact of stickers, and from there we branched out doing our own sticker and street art campaign, learning from local street artists, as well as being inspired by more famous street artists. Four years later we're still repping our original logo as well as newer work and collaborative work, much has changed about A.N.T.A., but two things still remain, our original MS paint logo, and our ambition, ambition to create, ambition to destroy, ambition to get up, ambition for more.-A.N.T.A.
turtles :D

My Interests

add my banners

I'd like to meet:

a href=http://myspace.com/lost_oner target=_blankas of now no stickers for residents of the coachella valley but anyone who wants some for collection and not sticker slappin hit me up


QUASIMOTOLESS hiphop myspace.com/lesshiphop




My Blog


copy this code l           ;           ;       v ...
Posted by A.N.T.A. on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 02:07:00 PST

help and vote!!!

A.N.T.A. needs a bit of help(read below):vote if you haven't, and repost please? :]follow this link:http://www.cromatics.co.uk/en/printservices/stickerawar d.html?votefor=62the winner of this gets stic...
Posted by A.N.T.A. on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 09:33:00 PST


Posted by A.N.T.A. on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 12:20:00 PST

Stickers in the Coachella Valley

there are way too many of my stickers up in the coachella valley i ain't gonna be paying fines for something I didn't do so, from now on there will be less stickers being sent out with what ever produ...
Posted by A.N.T.A. on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 05:36:00 PST