Urban Rockwell profile picture

Urban Rockwell

Chck out my new page Vizual Detox in my top friends

About Me

Urban rockwell, a Chicago native, realized his passion for art at the age of 4. His formal training in art began at a Chicago city Junior College, where he worked with mentor and teacher, Stella Mills. Under the direction of Ms. Mills. Rockwell embarked upon a professional art career. Soon after his studies at the Chicago City Junior College, he attended the American Academy of Art in Chicago to study figure drawing, design, and illustration. During his study at the academy, ROckwell began to develop excellent drawing skills which expanded all traditional mediums encompassing pencil, acrylic, watercolor, gouache, and charcoal. Today, Rockwell has mastered the latest techniques of digital design and drawing which he incorporates into innovative fashion and apparel designs. His work has been featured in Chicago Public Schools and Illinois High School Association Athletic Tournaments. Additionally, he designed sports apparel for the Chicago Bears team member Brian Urlacher. Recently, he designed the logo for the PHIT organization’s youth camp program. His work has been featured in many print publications including The Citizens Community Newspaper. Upscale Magazine, Open Mic Magazine, and Beyond It All Magazine. Additionally, his work has appeared on ABC Chicago Channel 7 and WGN Chicago Channel 9. late 2006 Rockwell wrote, illustrated, and published a memoir, Let Me Paint A Picture: My Life, Growth, and Testimony. Urban Rockwell is the President and CEO of Vizual Detox and works as a screen printing artist. You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor ! a

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Bruce Lee, Taimak, Sho Nuff, Jamie Fox, Will Smith, Hallie Berry, Alisha Keys, Michael jordan, Chris Tucker, Thelma from Good Times, .... Triple Self-Portrait, 1960 The Saturday Evening Post, February 13, 1960 (cover) Oil on canvas, 44 1/2 x 34 3/4 in. The Norman Rockwell Museum at Stockbridge (Massachusetts)For all of you wondering about my name and conept, this is a part of the influence.


I love all types of music. !st love is Hip Hop, Then Soul, R&B, World, Jazz, Clasic Rock, Gospel, etc.


"12 gifts from god" by:Charles Filmore, Secrets of the millionaire Mind, "Do what you love and the money will follow" by:Marsha Sinetar, In Pursuit of Purpose by: Myles Monroe


Bruce Lee, Harold Washington, Malcom X, Martin Luther King, Batman, SpiderMan, Wolverine,

My Blog

Nominated as "Artist To Watch" 2007-2008

I was truly blessed to get a boost for my Art career. In October 2007, I participated in my first professiononal group show, with the Chicago Art Open. It featured 300 local artists from Chicago. At t...
Posted by Urban Rockwell on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 07:15:00 PST

Book signing Art Exhibit

Saturday June 30th, will be my next book signing. It will be held at the Woodson Library. Located at 9525 s. Halsted. from 1pm-4pm. I will also have an Art Exhibit at the Woodson Library from June 30t...
Posted by Urban Rockwell on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 11:22:00 PST

Band Live Performance Urban Rockwell Tovi Khali

just added June 23rd Urban Rockwell live performance at Cafe Luna in Beverly. I will be reciting some of my material with a live band and my home girl "Tovi Khali." It's june 23, S...
Posted by Urban Rockwell on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 11:20:00 PST

TV Interview June 16th & July 21st

Saturday, June 16th, 2007 4pm, Channel 21, Fathers Day weekend I will be featured on the "Shaping Young Minds TV show. A TV show for youth and young adults. The interview is approximately 20 mins. And...
Posted by Urban Rockwell on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 11:24:00 PST

Check out the winner of my refer my site contest

A sistah from Chicago represented my website to like 50 people. She submitted a picture of her and her newborn baby. Tell me what you think. Also, remember next time I I throw a contest it's real, so ...
Posted by Urban Rockwell on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 09:13:00 PST

The Rakim concert September 17

I wanted to say the Rakim concert was off the chain sunday night at the house of blues. Pugslee did his thing even gave me a shout out and gave a few of my hip hop shirts to the crowd. Bro. Ali was ti...
Posted by Urban Rockwell on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 10:14:00 PST

My first book signing; Let me paint a picture oct. 28, 2006

Have a candid conversation & book signing with me: Michael Burton(Urban Rockwell) at the Wrightwood Ashburn Chicago Public Library. On 8530 S.  Kedzie Sat. Oct. 28, 2006 from 1pm -3:30pm...
Posted by Urban Rockwell on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 06:10:00 PST


I have finally finished and self published my first book. Let Me Paint A Picture. I want to let everybody know that the book is HOT!!!! It's definetly different from anything you've seen. The book ha...
Posted by Urban Rockwell on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 09:05:00 PST

How The Arts Saved My Life

How The Arts Saved My LifeI wasnt always serious about being an artist.I remember wanting to be a basketball player. At that point in my life,all I could see me doing was play ball for the rest of my ...
Posted by Urban Rockwell on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 11:55:00 PST

Win A Self Portrait Drawn By Me Urban Rockwell

Win A Self Portrait Drawn By Me Urban Rockwellurbanrockwell.netRefer My OFFICIAL Site Contest Starting March, 28, 2006.Tell a person to check out my website and win a Personalized Portrait Drawn and ...
Posted by Urban Rockwell on Tue, 28 Mar 2006 01:35:00 PST