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PR Lady

Free PR advice... what more could you ask for?!

About Me

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GIRL GOES TO HOLLYWOOD, GETS A JOB AT A BIG P.R. FIRM, GETS A LOOK AT THE BEHIND-THE-SCENES, FLEES AND BECOMES AN INDEPENDENT PUBLICIST Freelance publicist/writer who saw from a bird's eye view how a "real" PR firm of "A-List" celebrities worked way back in the late '80s. Was quite the show. After three and a half years of watching what those publicists went through inside one of those offices, I decided I'd never cut it. (Or rather, I could cut it, but in a better environment)
Let me give you a hint: A woman came into the office wearing a wig as she was hiding from her ex's cronies (he was a famous so-called spiritual leader) and wanted to hire a PR firm as she was writing a book. Notice that I said "was." There was no book deal at that point. One of the senior publicists breezed in and said "I definitely see this in Life Magazine!" and breezed out... I don't even remember what kind of coverage, if any, ever happened for that poor woman. But it certainly wasn't Life. Get the picture?
So I retreated to my digs in Silver Lake and have worked as a freelance publicist, overall freelancer, ever since. On occasion when I think I should, I have interviewed at these firms, but it never feels quite right. So for the past 20 years (yes, it's actually been that long and I'm not even in a rocker) I have worked with indie and major record labels covering rock, blues, jazz, world music, Cajun & Zydeco, South Indian Classical, Crossover Classical ensembles, New Age, country/pop - as well as independent films, plays, authors/book tours (you've never been on a book tour until you've been on a few jaunts to San Francisco with Holly Woodlawn), music publishers, etc.
WHY YOU SHOULD BE SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU HIRE I'm very selective about who I work with these days and work on a variety of PR projects, but how many times have you called me and cried and said you hate publicists because the last one you hired didn't "get you anything." Publicists, unfortunately, try to dazzle you with the myths and one is.... "Sure, I can get you on Leno!" Look at where you are at in your career when you hire a publicist, read the magazines and watch the talkshows and ask yourself, when was the last time someone at your level was featured in those publications or on those shows? It's pretty basic. If someone tells you that you're as good as in as a walk-on guest on Letterman, and you're not a well known artist, author, name brand, please thank them for their time and find someone, i.e, me, who will tell you the truth. <[b>SEE MY BLOG: LONG LIVE AL NINO - for how sometimes publicity just happens] And you can get exposure in magazines, but it's a building process and may only be a mention at first, or a review blurb, but you have to start somewhere. Remember, there are no guarantees, but if you approach it right and look to the media outlets best suited for your projects you will get exposure to some degree, on some level.
THESE DAYS... These days I'm also currently working on short stories, freelance writing bios and press releases. I really appreciate a well-crafted story and have met some budding writers through My Space, some of them well on their way. Writing bios and press releases helps me with short story form in having to take someone else's life and pare it down to two pages or less. When I feel I've gotten the craft of the short down, then I will attempt novel territory.
The rest of the time I'm walking all over Silver Lake, Los Feliz Village, going to readings at Skylight Books, holding court at the House of Pies , (where, hey you'll even see Willie Chambers of The Chambers Brothers having lunch), speaking a few words into the mic doing calendar announcements and general chit chat about blues music every other Thursday evening 10:30 p.m. - midnight on KPFK 90.7 FM's "Blues Power".Oh yes, and listening to lots of jazz, blues, rock, and reading a lot of dead authors, and sometimes a few of the living ones. Chasing the cat out of the house when they bring in mice from the great outdoors and chopping back morning glories. Venturing over to the stables and walking my friend's horse. Ever want to learn more about yourself and people in general - try walking a horse. Can't explain it - you'll have to find out for yourself.

My Interests

Well, I do look like Della Street at her typewriter. So, this is the profile song of the year.

I'd like to meet:

More like, would have liked to have met - Jack Kerouac, Ginsberg, Neal Cassady, Bill Burroughs (we'd have been casual friends, that I could call him.."Bill"), Buddha, Paramahansa Yogananda, Hendrix, Oscar Wilde, Miles Davis(so I could see if he was ticklish...just kidding), John Coltrane, Charlie Parker, Monk (not the TV guy, seriously, not the TV guy) ...ah, but I was too late, to meet any of them.
However, over the years I did meet some of my music heroes from back in the day, and well, sometimes there's something to say for NOT meeting your heroes. I would advise it though, as it would burst the bubble of Celebrity Culture if you saw "behind the curtain" - warts and all.
Right now on my list among the living - Derek Trucks. If only for a few guitar lessons.


Musicians, Artists, Actors, Comedians, etc. - need some FREE ADVICE about PUBLICITY? Email me a question, and/or post a comment and I will answer it in my blog. All serious or non-serious questions considered.
And... services under the "not free" category: Need BIOs or PRESS RELEASES for your press kit or My Space profile? Send me an email.


Myspace Layouts
"Henry and June" - Henry Miller and Anais Nin... fitting that Nin ended up living her final days in Silverlake. But before my time in this neighborhood.


Myspace Layouts
What do Alice (Brady Bunch maid), Uncle Fester and Larry Tate have in common? They were all guests on the same episode of...Perry Mason!
You got to love that show. It opens with a person/or persons into something suspicious and one of them in the first scene always... ends up dead. Then one of two detectives comes out to investigate. 'Looks like an open and shut case!' And then someone involved somehow with the situation goes to see Perry Mason, because he was the top lawyer in town. Then he talks to the detective, the detective reaffirms that the accused is guilty. Perry's on the trail, they go to trial, and somewhere during the trial the accused is not really the guilty one, and Perry gets someone nobody else thought of to admit on the stand - 'ALL RIGHT I DID IT!! I couldn't help it!!' The detective looks foiled once again and... in the last scene in Perry Mason's office with ace secretary by his side, Della Street, Perry and pals stand around his desk and take turns telling how they figured it out. Every show, every time. Classic.


The Indie Bible: A Comprehensive Resource for Independent Musicians - even used by publicists:

Get The Indie Bible Here

Myspace Layouts
"On The Road" - Jack Kerouac (and all of its offshoots)"The charging restless mute unvoiced road keening in a seizure of tarpaulin power." -Jack Kerouac's favorite line from On The Road


I met a few of them... well what can I tell ya?

My Blog

Hughie Thomasson, R.I.P.

I remember riding in my friend's boyfriend's car in the '70s and he just hooked up his new cassette player that replaced his 8 track.  This was a big deal then as we'd never seen one before. ...
Posted by PR Lady on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 05:19:00 PST

PR Ladys Best of Silver Lake:

Silver Lake recommendations (and some Los Feliz spots too):  Casita Del Campo - great Mexican food and known for their margaritas (you only need one), Eatin' High - Thai food on Vermont & F...
Posted by PR Lady on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 12:32:00 PST

One Day I Woke Up and Realized I Was 50....

Not sure what to make of that, because it doesn't feel any different than 40.  Though, I have gathered more wisdom along the way.   But still... not sure what this is supposed to feel l...
Posted by PR Lady on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 06:59:00 PST

When Press Just Happens, or Long Live Al Nino

When I worked for a celebrity PR firm it was my window of education into how by merely existing some people get press by the public's demand and fascination.    The publicists...
Posted by PR Lady on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 02:19:00 PST


Let's have some discretion here!  What's next the ??
Posted by PR Lady on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 11:45:00 PST

Givin' out pearls of wisdom on my b'day - stick around

Why?  Because I can!  ;-) That's what age does for ya - you can sit around and wax philosophically.   Actually I don't feel old, but my "older" friends feel old that I'm having a b...
Posted by PR Lady on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 02:04:00 PST

You Can Lead a Horse to Water Theory

Well, though I do walk horses, personally I've never tried leading a horse to water.  But I do know if I lead them to grass, they breakout into a trot and I'm left behind trying to catch up! That...
Posted by PR Lady on Sun, 04 Jun 2006 12:15:00 PST

Bored Housewife Wants to be a Rock Star

Question: Hello Della.  I hope you can help me.  I think I'd like to be famous.  It looks like a lot of fun and you get to travel a lot.  I thought it would be nice to get out of t...
Posted by PR Lady on Sat, 27 May 2006 10:27:00 PST

Spinal Tap and Bassist Wanted - Necessary Documentaries for Musicians

We're lucky enough to get this cartoon strip in "El 'Ay" in the appropriately titled Los Angeles Alternative newspaper. As Spinal Tap is a documentary about rock and roll bands so is this cartoon...
Posted by PR Lady on Thu, 25 May 2006 10:29:00 PST

Email PR Tip

Always, always, always ad nauseam make sure to check to see that you've addressed your email to the right person...before hitting 'Send!' Why just today, I had 'intended' to send a friend an email as...
Posted by PR Lady on Tue, 23 May 2006 12:00:00 PST