Angi profile picture


It's Magpie :-) That's all I need to say :-)

About Me

I'm an Eccentric Enigma. I work hard and I play hard. There is no patience in my world for those who judge others. You either like me, don't like me or completely misunderstand me :-)
Upcoming Events I will be at:

I course Retired Racing Greyhounds as Mistress Elizabeth Fetch for the Virginia Renaissance Faire

I enjoy the Renaissance Faire circuit as it provides me an opportunity to meet many diverse individuals. I've made some lasting friendships this way.

U.S. Navy veteran, have 3 cats, dress up in funny clothes, travel the world and I drink way too much hard cider :-)

All work and no play makes Angi a very dull girl!!

Live Journal
My Photobucket Link

IM's: yahoo=krashandbyrn aol=mistressfetch

My Interests

Renaissance, music, animals, movies and traveling.

I'd like to meet:

All kinds of people.... WAIT....Let's fix this...People who enjoy having fun...If I hang out with one more stick-in-the-mud-judgemental-uptight-git, well, I'm going to scream!!!!!!!!!


All kinds, even Bluegrass...yes, I grew up in the country...


Anything but extreme gore and horror.... Donnie Darko, Count of Monte Cristo, Braham Stoker's Dracula, Last of the Mohicans and Robin Hood are some of my favorites...


BBC Baby!!! (Hex, Vicar of Dibley, Little Britian, League of Gentlemen, etc.),CSI (Las Vegas), The NEWS!!!, Sopranos and the comedy channel...


"Historical Fiction"..otherwise, as my English B&B proprietor likes to call them "slush novels"...


Percy the Greyhound. He survived his "flesh wound"

My Blog

So I'm older..............yada yada yada

Before the deluge of cider yesterday I was having a talk with someone about age differences.  It was a fairely serious discussion and one that we didn't agree on.  I wasn't in the mood to ha...
Posted by Angi on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 03:53:00 PST