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If you ever need a good source for information or possible Native American translation, please visit the following website: American Indian words What kind of Belly Dancer are YOU?
You are a more seductive belly dancer. You tease to the point where everyone wants some of you when you're done! You don't do a lot of the traditional belly dancing.. you make up your own. When people see you dance, it's magical - they guys want you and the girls want to be you!
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I'd like to meet:

.. Prince, Salem's Offical Witch-Laurie Cabot, and Jim Balent & Holly Golightly (the creators of the Tarot Comic Book) ..


I listen to a little bit of everything. But some of my favorites are...Prince, Aerosmith, ZZ Top, Kiss, Stevie Nicks, Korn, Nine Inch Nails, U2, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Boston, Maroon 5, Jem, Kidney Thieves.


The Crow, Practical Magick, Hocus Pocus, all the Harry Potter movies, The Craft, Underworld, Van Helsing, of course Bram Stokers Dracula, Elvira Mistress of the Dark.


Well, I don't watch that many shows since they took Buffy the Vampire Slayer off the air, but I would have to say HGTV and any horror movie I may come across. Also, the History Channel and anything dealing with Witchcraft, Egypt or Vampires. Your Pornstar Name is:
Jade Silk

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In the comic category, it would have to be Tarot Witch of the Black Rose and Vampirella. When it comes to books I would have to say anything that can teach me how to do something. Such as my TON of Sewing and Craft books.

My Blog

What Kind of Sexy Girl am I?

You Are Bad Girl SexyGirl, you are nothing but trouble. And that’s hot.You’ve got the classic bad girl sexiness mojo going on.And your badass attitude makes men fear you - and crave you.Do...
Posted by Lynvamp on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 07:52:00 PST

Check me out in Tarot 47

My profile pic is taken from the comic!  Thank you so much Jim and Holly!...
Posted by Lynvamp on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 07:38:00 PST

My Monster Name

width="240" height="180"alt="Jogger-Eating Ravager from the Ruined Yonder"border="0">...
Posted by Lynvamp on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 02:25:00 PST