Pimp out your webpage with PimpWebPage Home of Richmond, Virginia's PSi-certified poetry slam, which chooses a team to compete in the National Poetry Slam each year.
Pimp out your webpage with PimpWebPage Home of Richmond, Virginia's PSi-certified poetry slam, which chooses a team to compete in the National Poetry Slam each year.
POETRY (Duh)! Conducting writing workshops, slam poetry, getting published, creating a safe enviorment for self-expression.Go here for a map to ArtSpace: http://www.artspacegallery.org/aboutus.htm
POETS and Poetry advocates everywhere!
Saul Williams, Tshaka, Caitlin Meissner, Ani Di Franco, Archie The Messenger, Carlos Andres Gomez, SEAL, Taalam Acey, Jewel, Amir Sulaiman, Abena Koomson, Mos Def, Saheli, Bethshaba, Soulful Jones, Buddy Wakefield,John Survivor Blake, Oveous Maximus, Malcolm Jamal Warner, Marty McConnell, Suicide Kings, Ed Mabrey, Jon Sands, and SO many more!
Slam!, SlamNation, Slam Planet, Sp!t, Dead Poets' Society, The Great Debaters, Amistad, Fresh, Pulp Fiction, Poetic Justice, Finding Forrester,
Russell Simmons presents "Def Poetry Jam" (is there anything else?)
Aside from the handy dictionary and Thesaurus, Said the shotgun to the head, Dead Emcee Scrolls (Saul Williams), Alibi School (Jeffrey McDaniel), Anne Sexton, Adrienne Rich, Etheridge Knight, Audrey Lourde, Emily Dickenson, Emily Kagan, Lynne Procope, Aloud (Garin/Holman); Nine Horses (Billy Collins), Bum Rush the Page (Medina/Rivera), Plath, Maya Angelou, Poe, Whitman,Masquerade (Roger Bonair-Agard), Being Human Being (Jon Sands), Neruda, Leap From the Cliff - Wings Only Grow When Needed (John Survivor Blake), Christine Hatch, Jeananne Verlee, RUMI, No Means Maybe (Rachel McKibbens, Lies About the Moon and Letters From Saints (Marty McConnell)And SO many others!
Those willing to push pens and lend their voice to freedom of art, expression and most importantly, thought. The starving artists; dying for their crafts, venue managers that believe in paying its feature poets respectfully(!), Single mothers doing God-only-knows to keep the bellies of their young full, Ex-cons trying to do right when our country won't forgive, Soldiers dying for college tuition, Teenagers courageous enough to come out the closet, The Christian that truly gives, The Muslim that believes in peace, Biracial couples dealing with the funny looks, stepfathers, and children enduring the world we've left them with...daily!