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About Me


Pimp out your webpage with PimpWebPage Home of Richmond, Virginia's PSi-certified poetry slam, which chooses a team to compete in the National Poetry Slam each year.

We the SlamRichmond curating family believe in creating a greater awareness about the literary world. We wish to create BETTER writers and embrace all artists; elevate minds and push the envelope to take risks on the page, hence on the mic! Our poetry slams and open mics will be preceded with writing workshops, many conducted by nationally and internationally known poets/writers (Aja-Monet, Roger Bonair-Agard, Marty McConnell, Rachel McKibbens, The Klute, Patricia Smith, Ainsley Burrows, Tshaka, Jon Sands, Tara Betts, Emily Kagan, Carlos Andres Gomez, Geoff Trenchard, etc). The SlamRichmond/Open Minds Open Mic Season III Schedule appears below. (Please note: Workshops are at 5pm Saturday afternoons. Doors open for events at 8pm. Get there early to get on the list!Sat., March 29th – SlamRichmond Qualifier with workshop and feature by Patricia Smith (NPS indi Champ FOUR CONSECUTIVE YEARS!)Sat, April 5th – Open Minds Open Mic with workshop and feature Abena KoomsonSat., April 12th – SlamRichmond SEMI-FINALS with Workshop and feature by Louder Artist, Jon SandsSat., April 19th – Semifinal slams with workshop conductor and featured poet TBASat., April 26th – SlamRichmond 2008 Championship with workshop and feature by 2007 iWPS Champion Ed MabreySat. May 3rd - Open Minds Open Mic with workshop and feature by none other than TEOP OYUN CERTIFIED; TSHAKASat May 10th - open mic with workshop by John Survivor Blake and guest Feature by NgomaSat May 17th - open mic with a workshop and feature by Def Poet; Sunni Patterson from "NAWLINS"Sat May 24th - open mic with workshop and feature by Chicago's own Def Poet, Tara BettsSat May 31st - open mic Saturday, June 7th, Workshop and feature conducted by HBO Def Poet, Carlos Andres Gomez

My Interests

POETRY (Duh)! Conducting writing workshops, slam poetry, getting published, creating a safe enviorment for self-expression.Go here for a map to ArtSpace:

I'd like to meet:

POETS and Poetry advocates everywhere!


Saul Williams, Tshaka, Caitlin Meissner, Ani Di Franco, Archie The Messenger, Carlos Andres Gomez, SEAL, Taalam Acey, Jewel, Amir Sulaiman, Abena Koomson, Mos Def, Saheli, Bethshaba, Soulful Jones, Buddy Wakefield,John Survivor Blake, Oveous Maximus, Malcolm Jamal Warner, Marty McConnell, Suicide Kings, Ed Mabrey, Jon Sands, and SO many more!


Slam!, SlamNation, Slam Planet, Sp!t, Dead Poets' Society, The Great Debaters, Amistad, Fresh, Pulp Fiction, Poetic Justice, Finding Forrester,


Russell Simmons presents "Def Poetry Jam" (is there anything else?)


Aside from the handy dictionary and Thesaurus, Said the shotgun to the head, Dead Emcee Scrolls (Saul Williams), Alibi School (Jeffrey McDaniel), Anne Sexton, Adrienne Rich, Etheridge Knight, Audrey Lourde, Emily Dickenson, Emily Kagan, Lynne Procope, Aloud (Garin/Holman); Nine Horses (Billy Collins), Bum Rush the Page (Medina/Rivera), Plath, Maya Angelou, Poe, Whitman,Masquerade (Roger Bonair-Agard), Being Human Being (Jon Sands), Neruda, Leap From the Cliff - Wings Only Grow When Needed (John Survivor Blake), Christine Hatch, Jeananne Verlee, RUMI, No Means Maybe (Rachel McKibbens, Lies About the Moon and Letters From Saints (Marty McConnell)And SO many others!


Those willing to push pens and lend their voice to freedom of art, expression and most importantly, thought. The starving artists; dying for their crafts, venue managers that believe in paying its feature poets respectfully(!), Single mothers doing God-only-knows to keep the bellies of their young full, Ex-cons trying to do right when our country won't forgive, Soldiers dying for college tuition, Teenagers courageous enough to come out the closet, The Christian that truly gives, The Muslim that believes in peace, Biracial couples dealing with the funny looks, stepfathers, and children enduring the world we've left them with...daily!

My Blog

Abena Koomson and another open mic!

There is beauty in this world! There are many things to focus on that may cause doubt, but NONE of those entities will have ANY effect in the presence of Abena Koomson!     Our wor...
Posted by SlamRichmond on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 11:58:00 PST

SlamRichmond Semifinals Draw

After a wonderful workshop and performance by Abena Koomson, SlamRichmond did a little business tonight (4/5/08). We picked the field for the two semifinals, which begin next week. With no further ado...
Posted by SlamRichmond on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 09:03:00 PST

Marty McConnell, New Faces, and word-surgery.

March 22nd was an interesting Saturday in Richmond, VA. We had poets travel to SlamRichmond from as far as Westchester County, New York! We had an entire crowd of NEW faces. We had Marty McConnell con...
Posted by SlamRichmond on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 10:50:00 PST

Roger Bonair-Agard, Slam, and what’s to come!

    Another magnificent Saturday of poetry came and went; leaving behind a canvas, painted with new ideas; inspiration overflowing! Roger Bonair-Agard took an empty table, dressed with ...
Posted by SlamRichmond on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 07:17:00 PST

John "Survivor" Blake’s writing workshop and Taalam Acey’s feature performance

     This is just the beginning of March Madness! What a night of poetry! First, let us say that SlamRichmond is growing, growing just like we knew it would. New poets, poetry fans...
Posted by SlamRichmond on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 10:37:00 PST

Kelly Tsai and Megan made it Ladies’ Night

This last Saturday was AMAZING! Kelly Zen Yie Tsai conducted our workshop on both; performance and writing. From breathing exercises to voice control, improve acting to body positions; we learned how ...
Posted by SlamRichmond on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 11:44:00 PST

WOMENS MONTH at SlamRichmond

Thus far, we have kept our word! We have brought you some of the best poets the Nuyorican has produced. We have brought you slam champions and published authors. We have had workshops conducted by awe...
Posted by SlamRichmond on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 09:09:00 PST

Workshops, Burrows, Narrator, and a "crowd"?

So, the time was 5pm, and I got worried. People said that were coming to the workshop, but I know "things" happen and sometimes make it hard to keep our words. Ainsley Burrows walked in. He was tired....
Posted by SlamRichmond on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 11:39:00 PST

Falu, fabulous poetry, and a failing workshop...

If you missed last Saturday's event, your missed ALOT! We had 4 poets slam; Megan, Narrator, Jamaal, and Transition with Transition and Jamaal making the last round. Megan was awarded 3rd place with 1...
Posted by SlamRichmond on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 08:36:00 PST

SlamRichmond: Another amazing Saturday lineup (1/26)

In 2006, SlamRichmond took on the establishment and won. In 2007, SlamRichmond kicked the door open.  Now, SlamRichmond is holding the door open for you with writing workshops and an unp...
Posted by SlamRichmond on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 06:56:00 PST