SPIRAL profile picture


We believe that social revolution comes from personal evolution

About Me

"To make people free is the aim of art, therefore art to me is the science of freedom." (Joseph Beuys)


Spiral is a loose collection of painters, musicians, sculptors, spoken word artists, dancers, photographers, and performance artists in the Richmond area. Together, we are striving to present the community with a unique experience via simultaneous exposure to many different forms of art. Working together, we hope to produce amazing, one-of-a-kind, multi-media, multi-sensory art shows at different venues around the city. Currently, we are working with AlleyKatz, but eventually we hope to expand to many different venues, both indoor and outdoor.
Although artists may (and are encouraged to) sell their work in our shows, spiral is not a for-profit venture. There is no fee for exhibiting work, nor is there any commission charged for any sales made. Profits from sales are the sole property of the artist. Any funds above operating costs that are obtained from this project are applied to our continuing efforts to bring bigger and better shows.
Beyond the sheer spectacle of it all, spiral is about collaboration, opening minds, and presenting different points of view. We hope to show the community at large the possibilities presented by working together for a greater good. spiral also strives to fill a perceived gap in the Richmond arts community, by providing a forum for less conventional, less covered (but no less vital) artists.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Everyone...most certainly the creative everyones...


We like all kinds of music!!! We especially like the bands who grace our stages!!!

My Blog

November 11 show, cookout, flyers, etc.

Wow, my very first official Spiral blog entry!  I guess I'll start by telling everybody who's performing and when.  Our current set list (subject to change, of course) goes like this (and in...
Posted by SPIRAL on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 11:57:00 PST