Family, Auggie the Sheep Doggie and his little buddy George the Bulldog, music from bagpipes to Buffett, my Mac 'puters (Apple Computers rock! I got my first Mac in 1986), microbiology, teaching, camping, kilts, baseball, java bean juice, fish tacos, the sun, tattoos (I've got a few...pix are in my photo album), golf (I'm a hacker but I did one a legit hole-in-one on a 160 yd 3 par @ Allenmore Golf course), bicycles ( I've got a road bike w/ a hot red paint job w/ flames, my Bianchi mt bike I used to race, my great ol' Trek 520 touring bike and a rocking Kona stars+stripes cruiser), Satchel of Get Fuzzy, Teva's, Moonlight Chronicles, red vines, bowling shirts, hats (mostly baseball-style caps), burritos, Keen shoes, hawaiian shirts , salsa, REI (member since 1965, yah, I'm that old!)
adopt your own virtual pet!
Celtic/Pipe music - The McKassons, Wicked Tinkers, Flogging Molly..........Rock- Carbon Leaf, Carrie Akre, Jimmy Buffett...........KMTT The Mountain 103.7 FM Seattle/Tacoma .........Greatful Dead......
American Beauty, The Big Lebowski, The Usual Suspects, Bandits, Dogma, The Wedding Singer, The Bird Cage, Happy Gilmore, Irreconcilable Differences, Pirates of the Caribbean
Craig Ferguson, Alton Brown, David Letterman, John Stewart and of course The Simpson's!
Steinbeck, any of Jimmy Buffett's books, Jon Krakauer. Love the Moonlight Chronicles zine!
anyone who makes a difference