Jon: Democracy, Freedom, Truth
Stephen: Americana, Strategery, Truthiness
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Hysterical historical moments:
There are (at least) two good reasons you should vote for Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert: balls and creativity. There are plenty videos all over the Internet, so we won't waste your time by posting a bunch here. However, we present to you two historic moments in American history a la Stewart and Colbert.
Jon Stewart Owns Crossfire: The show “Crossfire†was a staple of CNN for several years. In one fell swoop, Jon Stewart brought the quasi-intellectual, pseudo debate show to its knees. The show was cancelled shortly after this episode, and there is little hope of reviving it. Stewart calls Tucker Carlson (bow-tie-wearing 35-year-old) a “dick,†and considering the way he acts, it is hard to argue it isn’t true.
Stephen Colbert Owns President Bush: Here is very convincing proof that 1) the Bush administration has no clue what’s going on, and 2) Stephen Colbert has a comedic mind unlike any other in today’s media. This is one of the biggest media blunders this administration has ever allowed to happen. But, at least no one died for it. Oh, and watch closely at the beginning: Bush leans forward suddenly as Colbert passes him, probably the remnant of his frat days when someone would smack him upside the head in the cafeteria.
Jon: Coldplay, They Might Be Giants, The Dixie Chicks, The White Stripes
Stephen: Toby Keith
Jon: Fahrenheit 911, An Inconvenient Truth, V for Vendetta
Stephen: Brokeback Mountain
Jon: The Daily Show, Anderson Cooper 360, Deadwood, Scrubs
Stephen: The Colbert Report, Strangers with Candy
Jon: America: The Book, Brave New World
Stephen: Books?
Jon: (in no particular order) Thomas Jefferson, George Washington
Stephen: Bill "Papa Bear" O'Reilly, Jesus Christ, George W. Bush (in that order)