The Propagandist (Supports Ron Paul) profile picture

The Propagandist (Supports Ron Paul)

Know THYSELF!!! Take the red pill.

About Me

I am intolerant of intolerance (also of hypocrisy, ironically enough). I hate to love to hate hate. I love that I love love.
I would rather be miserable & "aware" than ignorant & happy. I'm not exactly saying you can't be "aware" & also happy, but basically. If you aren't outraged, you aren't paying attention. There will be plenty of time for me to be happy when I am dead. I know it's natural to seek pleasure & avoid pain, but pain is a good thing. It tells you when something is wrong. Most people nowadays seem so numb & desensitized to so much. We distract ourselves with trivial bullshit. We put up emotional blinders to the "evil" which surrounds us... at least until it affects us more directly. If you haven't looked at the world outside your blinders lately, there is much to be afraid of & depressed about. Then you see that everyone else is going on about their daily lives "business as usual" & begin to see the hopelessness & futility of it all.
Agent Smith from The Matrix: "Have you ever stood & stared at it? Marveled at it's beauty, it's genius? Billions of people, just living out their lives..... oblivious."
All I know is that first you've got to get mad. You've got to say, "I'm a human being, goddamn it. My life has value." I want you to get up right now, sit up, go to your windows, open them and stick your head out and yell - 'I'M AS MAD AS HELL, AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!' Things have got to change. But first, you've gotta get mad. (paraphrased from the 1976 movie: "Network")
Why should one person care about others when everyone only cares about themselves? What is the reason I'm alive? Why do I even exist, or better yet, why does existence itself exist?!? Why bother to even eat or wake up in the morning?
What is YOUR motivation? Seriously, what? Tell me. (click link!)
To "have fun"? What is fun to one may not be to another.... theres got to be something "higher" than that.
I don't know if I can find the answers to all of life's most difficult questions, or if anyone can, or if there even are any answers. I'm beginning to not even care anymore... Even if I (or anybody) had all the answers (assuming there are any), It probably wouldn't matter much. There is no (good) way anyone else but you could actually know them (if you are delusional enough to think that you even do). A favorite quote of mine often holds true: "Those who know, don't need to be told, & those who don't know, seldom listen." Not that understanding, or enlightenment is the meaning of life, as I truly believe life has no inherent meaning... The only meaning life will ever have, is the meaning you yourself give to it. Or, in the case of so so many humanimals (condescending, ain't it?), the meaning that was given to you by your family, society, etc, often for their own needs to be fulfilled, not yours. But they become yours. Thats how mind control works.
I personally do not believe this, though I do not disbelieve it either - but its fun to think about:
It is interesting to note, whether you believe in these crazy kinds of ideas or not, that I display most or all of the "criteria" for being an " indigo child ," albeit a somewhat crushed, jaded, & cynical one. My intuition isn't what it should be (I'm more analytical than intuitive), & I could do with a little more optimism, I suppose. Sometimes I'm overly (?) optimistic. If certain aspects of the whole " 2012 " thing are even true, I'm optimistic enough to realize that what seems like an ending, may just be a new & better beginning to something else. Maybe.
I don't really believe in much of anything outside the fact that existence exists. I believe that I perceive various things, but I would not call these perceptions "real." What is real may not be able to be known, for all I know, which is only that I know that I don't know, if I even know that!
Most of the time when I say I believe certain things (like parallel dimensions or life after death, for instance) which I do not consciously remember having personally experienced, if I ever have, what I mean (more accurately) is that

Want being the operative word here. Even with what I perceive myself to have experienced, I'm still not 100% sure that my alleged sensory perceptions are correct, or if its even sensory at all. Maybe I'm just dreaming that I'm typing all this. Or maybe I'm "jacked in" to the " Beast "/Matrix. I suppose that either way, my mind thinks its "real" though. So while I'm able to acknowledge the experience, I don't claim for it to be ultimate truth or anything.
I do believe though, within the context of what most people seem to perceive as "reality," that 9/11 may have been an inside job . Crazier things are possible, but then again, I'm delusional, so don't take my word for it - investigate it for yourself.
Much of my "inner world" consists of weighing one extreme against another. Trying to find some way to reconcile the differences of seemingly irreconcilable ways of thought. A good example of something seemingly irreconcilable is a " True believer " with " magical thinking " type mentality -vs- the hard nosed atheist psuedo-skeptic / skeptinazi type mentality. (a balance might be an agnostic who neither believes nor disbelieves... who can suspend dis-belief). Everyone has beliefs (& dis-beliefs), but perhaps none is any truer than the other, though true enough to the person whose beliefs they are! Whether you place value in science or in religion, everyone is still biased & mostly only see what they want to see. Our perceptions are colored by many many things & no one but a fool can claim to see clearly. Except for me of course, the delusional holier than though hypocrite. Only I can see the "one true objective reality." Because God / Jesus / President Bush / James Randi / Penn Jillette / Michael Shermer / Robert Todd Carroll / Your Mother /[Insert Your Preferred Authority Here]/etc told me so. So it must be true.
I anxiously await the day when information/data that is currently available becomes commonly known & accepted, requiring revision, correction, & (at least partial) abandonment of the prevailing model of "reality."
I like the idea of getting others to overcome their bias & perceive things differently. I like the idea of bringing about social change through disrupting paradigms and thus forcing the... uh... victim... to question the parameters of their " reality tunnel ." If their foundational beliefs are so fragile that a little bit of mind-fucking causes their whole world to come crashing down upon them, so much the better. They won't so readily be as arrogant to think themselves much better than anyone else in the near future, one might hope. People often turn to God for help when their foundations are shaking, only to learn that it was ME who was shaking them in the first place.

Any good "brainwasher" worth his salt needs to be able to convince others that he is actually "de-programming" the mind from all the previous subconscious brainwashing that has been taking place their whole lives, which is true, but also just a fancy way to try to convince you that their programming is better, or harmless. They try to make it appear as if they aren't really just reprogramming you how they (or their employer) would want you to be. Hopefully if you've got someone tinkering with your mind in such a way, you employed them & ALSO took appropriate safeguards, like a trusted witness. People, like robots, would not likely be able to function without any programming at all.
Check out & join my MySpace group,


Or die, like the image says.

My page:
(Because Myspace sucks!!! Go here!!!)
My YouTube page:
My Imageshack Page:
My flickr page:
I have a Facebook page (but never use it: I demand a certain level of privacy online & I can not hide my last name there...). I'm also on Digg,,, WindowsLiveSpaces, Yahoo, Google,, & a few others. Ask me if you're weired like that.
Subscribe to my blog!
If you like my page, my message, whatever......... ADD ME TO YOUR "FRIENDS"!!! What good is propaganda if no one hears/reads it?
DISCLAIMER!!!: Be prepared for some "propaganda" to appear in your comments at some point. If I'm not too lazy anyway....... I probably will be.
If I do even bother to leave any comments on your page, it will likely be only to promote myself & I will not likely ever leave any other comments, though on rare occasions, I may. Just don't expect much - I've got better stuff to do than stalk you on MySpace.
The truth isn't "out there" so much as it is inside yourself.
Real spiritual consciousness is the awareness that what goes on "out there" in the real world is merely a reflection of our inner world, and that true resolution of outer conflict ultimately takes place in our own hearts and minds.
(I don't believe this though... sounds dangerous even.)
If you don't go within, you go without.

My Interests

Yay! MySpace fixed part of the msplinks redirects issue talked about here:
NEVER click on any ads shown on myspace.... Rupurt Murdoch has child slave labor in third world countries to do that already.
Anyway.... Inerests:
Paradoxes interest me.
This sentanse contains three erors.
"Free" &/or alternative energy sources. The laws of Thermodynamics. Researching various things from a multitude of perspectives/angles. Accelerated (super) learning . Hypnosis. NLP. Methods of Mind Manipulation. Chi. Kundalini DNA Mutation. Soft-style Martial Arts. Dim-mak. Healing. Exploiting The Placebo Effect (Whatever works, right? Who cares if we don't fully understand how!?! Oh, I know... people who feel their career, &/or foundational beliefs might be threatened). Synchronicity . Fate. Free Will. Multiple Realities & Time Travel . (Everything that can happen, has; you just need to choose to be there) Bi-location. Invisibility. Levitation. ESP. Telekinesis. Lucid Dreaming. Astral Travel/OBE's. NDE's. Aliens . Our supposedly Immortal Soul/Light-Bodies. Psychic phenomena . Reality Hacking. Culture Jamming. Propaganda, obviously. Mis & Disinformation . Red Herrings . Rhetoric, Debate, & Logical Fallacies, though I'm only just learning yet. Bias . Cognitive Dissonance . Delusional people. Vested interests. Conflict & Controversy (but not in my personal life!). Privacy. Religion (not willingly affiliated with any known religion). (so called) "Spirituality." Prophecy. The Occult. Prayer/Magick/Creation/Manifestation/etc. Science (especially physics). Philosophy - mainly Eastern. Little known & Controversial Historical Knowledge (pejoratively called Pseudohistory ). Archeology, Anthropology and other Social Sciences. Cryptozoology Linguistics (I'm cunning at it ;-) & Etymology. Politics (hate politicians! wouldn't mind so much being one, except that I'd likely be assassinated or otherwise "silenced" because I would refuse to play by their rules - that oppositional defiant thing again). Sex. $. Sex. Sex again. Power . Lies, Deception & "Conspiracy" related stuff. Coincidence theories . Security & Freedom. Heart & Mind. Heaven & Hell. Balancing Duality. The "Holy" Trinity. "Oneness." Love. Truth. "Justice". Freedom. The American way is debatable. Which way is that exactly? OK, you get the point. I'm not so much interested in my interests though, as much as what I believe to be in the best interests of humanity as a whole - not small secret " 1337 " organizations! My interests lie in making "the world" a better place to live. Finding what needs to be done to do that. I'm full of good ideas - I just need action. I am only one person - I need a support structure (see: Cult). Maybe I'm just lazy.
A stable state characterized by the cancellation of all forces by equal opposing forces: balance, equilibrium, equipoise, stasis.

Whoops!, I almost forgot COINTELPRO , Martial Law, Concentration Camps for dissenters, Biological "Implants," NSA Spying, like ECHELON , Carnivore , & The (Total) Information Awareness Office!

Sure I like all sorts of trivial (to me) crap too, but there is more to my life than trivial pursuit. I sometimes hate that I like, & often get caught up in, "trivial" stuff.
Some of my postings in groups

I'd like to meet:

I'm not going to rule anyone out, but a few things that bother me about some people:
Arrogance. Thinking you already know - Your brain is full, no room to learn, go home. The inability to suspend disbelief. Atheists. Come on people, like you know that there isn't "something" - agnosticism at least isn't so arrogant as to presume. "True Believer" religious fundamentalist types really really bother me too. Like they know there is "something" - & then even go so far as to say that they know exactly what it is, & they are so right all the time while anyone who doesn't agree with them is automatically wrong... sickens me (odd, as its so much like me, at times). Lets start a war about it while we're at it, even though thats so against everything they claim to believe. Fucking god damned Pharisees (in the 'hypocritical and arrogant person who places the letter of the law above its spirit' usage of the word - please, no offense if you're a Jew who subscribes to Pharisaic Judaism - not trying to be anti-Semitic here - blame Christianity). Pseudo-skeptics & "debunkers" bother the hell out of me too. While often they claim to be promoting critical thinking & pointing out scam artist (which is good), sometimes I'm not so sure. What is their motivation really? Sometimes they are just as bad as religious zealots, in my opinion. People who are content to go about their lives unthinkingly bother me. Business isn't usual anymore. People who are ultra materialistic, give a shit about celebrity, watch shows like "The OC," "Laguna Beach," or most lame so called "reality" TV are too easily amused. & thats me putting it nicely. I don't care for shallow flaky people. I don't care for myself then, as I can be pretty shallow sometimes too. I'll never deny that I'm hypocritical. I'll also never claim to be humble (sometimes I've got self-esteem "issues" though... does that count?), as that would be boasting. Kind of a catch-22. Me thinks thee doth protest too much.
So basically, whatever traits you may exhibit that I might find less than attractive are fine with me so long as their fine with you (trying to be tolerant & "politically correct" here.... such bullshit. Some things just aren't OK though.), but when talking to or otherwise relating to me, check that shit at the door & have something more meaningful to talk about or else leave me the hell alone. I can "do" small-talk, but I hate it. I prefer to relate to people on a deeper level or not at all. Which is usually the case, as I'm somewhat of an introverted recluse. Most(?) people suck. I also spend a lot less time on here as of late because Myspace sucks!
To me though, just about everything sucks.
I'd also like to eventually meet a nice girl who sucks.
I do want to meet people who want to cut through all the crap in life- to get to the heart of the matter of things. People who aren't afraid to examine their own values & beliefs, & are willing to suspend disbelief in search for what is "true."
I want to meet people who want to take the red pill
(or who have).

" The question of which pill to take illustrates the personal aspect of the decision to study philosophy. Do you live on in ignorance (and potentially bliss) or do you lead what Aristotle called 'the examined life'... "

Sometimes I wish I chose the blue pill. It'd probably be easier for me to have fun. I can be a bit overly serious, or intense at times, which is something I'm trying to avoid being. But for serious, the rabbit hole is deep, & Wonderland is fucked up!


I tolerate a lot of kinds of music. I prefer Classic Rock (Doors, Beatles, The Who, Led Zepplin, Pink Floyd, etc.), "Alternative" (for lack of a better word? - Sublime, AudioSlave, 311, System of a Down, Tool, Disturbed, etc.), & sometimes some Country (Charlie Daniels, Tim McGraw, Lonestar, Brooks & Dunn, Brad Paisley, etc.) I don't care as much about music as whatever I believe is more important to my life. I like it, but could live without it too, almost. Whatever.
I love that music can be used as a powerful tool to effect humanity, but like with most things, it can be used for "good" or "evil" depending on the vibrational frequency of the "vibe" that is put out. Anger is of a higher frequency than sadness & loss of hope, & so to those living in "darkness", it is actually uplifting. But why not go higher up the spectrum? Go here & scroll down to "Plants and the sound of music" to see how plants perceive this truth. A lot of research has been done on the effects of music. Look into it. Use it as a tool for changing the world.

Also see : Music Of The Spheres - crazy shit
The Geometry Behind Music
Geometry, Music and Healing
Online books: "THE MAGIC OF TONE & the Art of Music" as well as "THE REBIRTH OF HINDU MUSIC" by Dane Rudhyar


Click to watch!!! (*where applicable)
* They Want Your Soul! (by IIB)
* "What The Bleep Do We Know?"
* The Secret" (Plus links & quotes!)
* VIDEO(s) 2-5 of "Legend of Atlantis" MUST SEE!!!
* "TerrorStorm," plus other Alex Jones Documentaries .
*Stuff by a guy even nuttier than me, though with the same first name, David Icke
The Secret Underground Lectures of Commander X
The Peaceful Warrior
A Scanner Darkly
The Celestine Prophecy
The DaVinci Code
Pay it Forward
Batman Begins (It's not who You are on the inside that matters- It's what You DO that matters.)
Boondock Saints
The Doors
Dragon; The Bruce Lee Story
etc. etc.
Though I like lots of movies, those with a message relating to the betterment of humanity in some way I like the most. And those that scare the shit out of me. (not horror movies - they are lame!) Truth is stranger than fiction!
LOADS & LOADS OF MOVIES! Good Propaganda from Google Video, Torrent Network, & More....
(+ tips for downloading, converting & viewing videos from the internet...
This is still a work in progress... I'm lazy.)


Television.... um.... oh, wait, you mean the mind-control box? The boob tube? The Propaganda transmission device?

Whatever. I think T.V. is awesome.
Its the "programming" that'll kill ya'. Most of it caters to the lowest common denominator in our society.... teenage boys. & the mainstream media has (mostly) sold their souls to the devil.

I can hardly bear to watch more than a few minutes of the news at a time. I still want to know whats going on, just cant stand the constant fear-mongering & other bullshit.

Thats why I so love The Daily Show with Jon Stewart & The Colbert Report . Those guys tell it like it is, & make it almost funny. Its still not, really, but at least they try to make it bearable.
Family Guy , Futurama, Robot Chicken, It Takes a Thief (Discovery), Random1 (A&E), X-files, Star Trek TNG, Love the History channel, Discovery channel, & A&E - not all of their "programing", but much. don't really care much for most other television.
Don't have cable anymore now, so I watch almost nothing. I miss Steven Colbert :-( & that Jon whats his face, too, I suppose.


Its been a while since I read a whole book. I've been doing most of my reading on this damned computer screen for a while (for breadth -vs- depth). Some of my favorite books are: CWG ( Conversations With God - by Neale Donald Walsh ) - READ IT!, The Celestine Prophecy (& sequels, by James Redfield ), The Way of the Peaceful Warrior (& other books by Dan Millman), Path Notes of an American Ninja Master (& Shadow Strategies " " " " ", by Glenn Morris , who just passed on into "the Void" 4-1-06 - some April fools day gag!). I read & liked "The 48 Laws of Power" - very Machevelian , but it made me sad. Why do some people only respond to fear? Why can't we all just get along? - Act from love, & without fear?
The Tao Te Ching , The Bible (I read more ABOUT it than I read it though), Jonathan Livingston Seagull (short easy read of "Jesus" as a bird), Illusions, also by Richard Bach . The Bagavad Gita , Journey & Destiny of Souls , Books on NLP & Hypnosis, The Tao of Jeet Kune Do by Bruce Lee , The Art of War (Sun Tzu, not Clausewitz or Machiavelli)
Anything that I can learn from & utilize in some way in my search for the ever illusive "truth" I claim to hold so dear. I rarely ever read for entertainment purposes alone. Too much to learn.


I don't know if I would call people "heroes," but there are people (past & present) who I may respect &/or try to learn from & "model" myself after to some extent.
Leaders with some degree of integrity. Forward thinking progressive people who take some sort of action to better the world, nation, community in a way that doesn't impose on people's individual "rights". People like John & Robert Kennedy (Assassinated), Martin Luther King Jr. (Assassinated), Ghandi (Assassinated), Bruce Lee (Assassinated? Dim mak?), Ron Paul (perhaps about to be assassinated :-( - also I like charismatic Jim Morrison of The Doors- His ability to "influence" large crowds- the "mob-rule" was, shall we say..... interesting. Good poetry /music too.
I didn't have a clue who Keith Olbermann was before this bit on the "Military Commissions Act," but it seems he was one of the only people really talking about it.... & on mainstream news T.V.!!! I'm shocked!
Where are all the REAL leaders (with National or International impact) today? Who's not afraid to die for what is "right"? (its all relative) Who's got integrity these days? Who's devoid of selfishness & greed?
If you've got nothing in your life worth dying for, you've got nothing worth living for (& I've got the " Christ complex " & a death wish, apparently... among other mental issues...).
"Politicians & Diapers need to be changed... often for the same reason"
"If God Meant Us to Vote, He Would Have Given Us Candidates"
"Invest in the American Way...Buy a Congressman..."
We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office. - Aesop
Also Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Lao Tzu, Aleister Crowly, Masaaki Hatsumi, Mikao Usui, Edgar Cayce, David Icke, Alex Jones , Robert Anton Wilson, René Descartes, Friedrich Nietzsche, Socrates, Carl Jung, ... (Biblical-) Abraham, Jesus, Mohammad, & all the other religious icons who the crazies think they need for whatever reason they think they do - etc. (& lots more - maybe I'll add more eventually.)
Ma'at: Deity associated with justice and truth. At the final judgment of souls Ma'at helped to determine the ultimate fate of the deceased. Ma'at had a role in the judgement of the dead. In "The Hall of Ma'at" the heart of the deceased was weighed against Ma'at's "feather of truth." If the heart was free of guilt and sin, it would be lighter and the soul would get to pass on to Osiris. But if the heart was heavy with sin, it is thrown to Ammut, who gobbles it up, denying the spirit an afterlife and causing it to cease to exist. Ma'at's husband is Thoth the divine record-keeper.
I think we should all just lighten up. In every sense of the word lighten. Who needs a heavy heart?
The students aim in ancient Kemet (Egypt) was for a person to become "One with God." The path to the development of god-like qualities was through the development of virtues. These virtues were sought by the Kemites (Egyptians) to become one with Ma'at (the cosmic order).
1. Control of thoughts;
2. Control of actions;
3. Devotion of purpose;
4. Have faith in the ability of your teacher to teach you the truth;
5. Have faith in yourself to assimilate the truth;
6. Have faith in yourself to wield the truth;
7. Be free from resentment under the experience of persecution;
8. Be free from resentment under the experience of "wrong";
9. Cultivate the ability to distinguish between "right" and "wrong"; and
10. Cultivate the ability to distinguish between the real and the unreal

My Blog

Pakistani opposition leader (& former prime minister) Benazir Bhutto assassinated

The Pakistani opposition leader (& former prime minister) Benazir Bhutto was assassinated near the capital, Islamabad, on Thursday.   :-(It seems the details are rather unlear. Some seem...
Posted by The Propagandist (Supports Ron Paul) on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 12:15:00 PST

Recent links to political type stuff from a few places...

Some recent postings from:The ResistanceAlex Jones Exposed, A Must Read!Tom Cruise to build underground bunker in preparation for 2012False Prophets, Satanists, or Illuminati?Maitreya and LuciferAnoth...
Posted by The Propagandist (Supports Ron Paul) on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 03:35:00 PST

Obama & Cheney are related. Why am I not surprised?

Veep's Wife Says Hubby and Obama Related By CHRISTINE SIMMONS  22 hours ago WASHINGTON (AP)  Though they may spar across the political aisle, Vice President Dick Cheney is close enough to Democr...
Posted by The Propagandist (Supports Ron Paul) on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 08:19:00 PST

The End of America: Letter of Warning....

By: Naomi WolfDear Readers, I am happy to share with you in this space today and Wednesday the introduction to my new book, The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot. As the title impl...
Posted by The Propagandist (Supports Ron Paul) on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 09:52:00 PST

Censorship on MySpace

I don't like when I hear people say about America that we have freedom of speech. We do, sure, to some extent, but it's not perfect.... nothing is, & maybe never will be. What pisses me off is tha...
Posted by The Propagandist (Supports Ron Paul) on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 07:19:00 PST

My MySpace blog stats & a bit on my blogging philosophy...

As of 12:38 PM, theese are my blog stats:..>  Today Week Total Posts 0 0 119 Comments 1 1 38 Views 30 167 13785 Kudos 0...
Posted by The Propagandist (Supports Ron Paul) on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 11:17:00 PST

My political test results & The Political Compass "results" for names in the 2007 US Primaries

The Politics TestPaleo-Liberal You scored 74% Personal Liberty and 44% Economic Liberty! A paleo-liberal believes in low to moderate government intervention on personal matters and moderate go...
Posted by The Propagandist (Supports Ron Paul) on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 12:43:00 PST

Some neat stuff from - Parental discretion advised!

Hidebehind is the proxy I usually use on the rare occasions that I ever feel paranoid enough to use one in the first place... They claim to keep no logs & are "morally casual."I hadn't actually l...
Posted by The Propagandist (Supports Ron Paul) on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 02:21:00 PST

Anonymity Wont Kill the Internet - from tters/2006/01/70000?currentPage=all(This may be a kinda old article, but its new to me... & probably you too... I love [especi...
Posted by The Propagandist (Supports Ron Paul) on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 04:12:00 PST

"Social Networking" sites (like MySpace & FaceBook) used to spy on people.

BBC NEWS | Business | CIA launches Facebook for spiesThe CIA is to open a tool for staff, modelled on sites such as Facebook and MySpace, a report says.CIA Gets in Your Face(book)The search for better...
Posted by The Propagandist (Supports Ron Paul) on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 03:06:00 PST