Poetry, Music, Film, Fine Ales and Spirits, Progressivism, Politcal activism, Worldly travel, Journalism, Creating a more perfect union.
"The Liberal Media" is an underground newsletter written by progressive college students for anyone who insists that the news be told truthfully, honestly, and without influence of corporate funding or governemntal regulation. The Liberal media exercises and utilizes the first amendment to its fullest extent, a patriotic duty which sadly many Americans have neglected. Of course, we are inclined to our distinctions and ideals, however, we strive to provide news and commentary that is trustworthy, intellectually stimualting and entertaining -- the mediocre, yellow (chicken-shit) journalism provided by the main stream corporate media will not be found here. ............................................................ ............................................................ .......... We would love to hear from and have the opportunity to meet intelligent minds who are not afraid to stand up for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness... If you enjoy what you read, please feel free to comment, message, or email the authors at [email protected].
We dig music, we're not naming names... awh, shit... I'm really into Muse right now, check 'em out.
Fahrenheit 911, Loose Change, Ghandi, Born on the Foruth of July, Bloody Sunday, V For Vendetta, all Quentin Tarantino films kick major ass!
We at "The Liberal Media" strongly encourage everyone to get their news from a wide variety of sources... almost NEVER television. Read newspapers, blogs, and independent and international media. The basic networks will report the "official story" for you, but to find the TRUTH you need to look beyond that.......... To sum up the day's news with a few laughs there's The Daily Show with John Stewart & The Colbert Report. And to relax and forget about how crappy our current administration is, on Sunday's @ 8:00 is "The West Wing" on NBC.
The Secret, 1984, Trails, Everlutionary, The Four Agreements, Animal Farm, Born on the Fourth of July
We heart people who stand up to fight for the greater good... Ghandi, Rajeev Kasat, the creators of "Loose Change", Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, YOU!!!