Opening Government To The People
In 1993, a law co-authored by Bowen unlocked the Legislature's computer files and has given computer users worldwide Internet access to information about bills, committee analyses, legislators' voting records, and much more. Bowen wrote the law to give people electronic access to California's public records, and in the wake of the electricity crisis, requires that California's energy and electricity policies and purchases are done in public with all records public. Debra Bowen will continue to fight for open government as California's next Secretary of State.
Helping Consumers Protect Their Privacy
Bowen's landmark, first-in-the-nation law passed in 2001 makes it much more difficult for criminals to commit identity theft by banning companies from using Social Security numbers as public identifiers and by giving consumers the right to freeze access to their credit reports. Debra Bowen will make consumer privacy a priority as Secretary of State.
Protecting The Environment
During her tenure as Chairwoman of the Senate Energy, Utilities & Communications Committee and as Chairwoman of the Assembly Natural Resources Committee, Bowen earned her reputation as one of California's leading advocates for conservation and environmental protection. Bowen has written many important laws protecting our air, water, and open space, and she will continue to fight for our environment as Secretary of State.
Campaign Finance Reform
Debra Bowen has persistently fought for campaign finance reform and has been ahead of the curve, right from the start of her first term in the Assembly. Without her determination and pressure, California campaign finance law probably would still dramatically favor corporate and business PAC contributors over individual contributors and small contributor committees. California might still be without any contribution limits at all if not for Bowen's dogged pursuit of campaign finance reform. As Secretary of State, Debra Bowen will continue to advocate for fair and open campaigns that are financed by the people, not by the big special interests.
Californians who care about the integrity of elections and want to protect our democracy.