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Clean Money Crew


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Hey everyone and welcome to the Clean Money Crew myspace page. We here are working to clean up politics in support of Clean Money, the next step in Civil Rights.

As tracks records show, our politicians are not voting in the interersts of the majorities in the districts, a precondition for a truely representative Democracy.

Instead, statistics are show that it is the interest of the big mighty dollar that is weighing in agains't our votes.

What we here are working toward is a novel public financing solution that is working great in 7 states and various cities, the Clean Money public financing solution.

Clean Money legislation provides a mechanism whereby politics can run for office and instead of depending on large campaign contributions from special interest groups to finance their campaign, can collect nominal donations ($5 dollar range) and signatures from people in their district to qualify to receive public funds to run their campaign.

A Cleanly Elected Candidate spends his/her time meeting and greeting his constituents instead of fundraising, generally from people of high affluence, and as a result he/she has a broader understanding of the issues important to those he/she represents.

As a Cleanly elected official accepted no large contributions in his election campaign he owes allegiance to no one and can act in the best interest of the people he/she represents.

As I said, it is working statewide in 7 states right now and showing great results. Already more woman and minorites are getting elected into office. This is the next step in the civil rights movement, political equality.

In existing Clean Money systems nationwide the cost was between two and six dollars per person per year. A small amount to pay for a truly representative government.

There are numerous Clean Money bills being worked on acroos the country. Here in California we have the AB583 statewide and numerous citwide efforts. The California Clean Money Campaign is a great resource out here. Nationwide, Common Cause and Public Campaign are great resources. Also nationwide, at a college campus near you there is a nationwide youth movement, Democracy Matters.
Your voice counts and make it heard, join the cause, write your legislators, and pass on the word.


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Ian (Yitz)

Mar 4, 2007 7:56 PM

Hey all, had the fortune of watching George Washingtons boy last night. A play at LAVC.

If you haven't seen it yet you should check it out.

It talks of the dichotomy of George Washington and the colonists fighting for Freedom yet at the same time having slaves.

Very passionate, driven piece and very resident still today.

While we don't have a Stamp Act, we do face a similiarity of Taxation without representation today.

Students and Working poor ( and especially illegal immigrants) are cut out of the political process. I guess one could argue because we are poor ( and pay less taxes) that we should have a porportionate representation, but I personally think that although we may not generate the same tax revenue we still work our asses off for this country doing jobs that NEED to get done, the underbelly support staff of this great nation, or the new slave class if you will, and should have equal representation.

The underbelly of this notion being the idea that if you work hard in this country you have an equal chance to succeed in life (The American Dream). Now that is in theory very possible given a well funded education and healthcare. system but

A) where is all our money going?


B) how can we get big money out of politics and people back in?

-Ian (Yitz)

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly." Martin Luther King Jr.

Ian (Yitz)

Feb 15, 2007 7:56 PM

Hey, I just thought I'd shout out how important Clean Money really is. Corporate globalism is displacing indigenous culture all around the world including here in America where out culture is largly owned by big corporations under dracon copyright laws which have as a trend been extended over the years in favor of the established big copyright owners. Check out "The fourth world war" which shows the effects of such corporate globalism on a wide scale.

Check it out here

Lastly, how do these companies maintain their stranghold on humanity?

Corrupt Politics/Governments..

Clean Money is a must for any real progressive change in the world..

Peace - IAN (Yitz)


Feb 10, 2007 11:18 PM

Hey Clean Money Crew,

Did you hear they're
recruiting video gamers now ?

Clean Truth

Jan 24, 2007 12:36 AM

Plan B is still part of Plan A:) Continue to educate yourself and others on how we can make Clean Money a reality - Look out for local city actions towards clean money, or start some of your own:) - Look out for another state bill for clean money coming shortly:) Stay strong, embrace your compassion and continue to spread the word about... we will prevail:)
Health Ca..

Jan 10, 2007 3:51 PM

THANK YOU for the add request! I hope you will help us spread the word about OneCareNow to bring health coverage for ALL in California and lead the way for the rest of the country. No one should go without health care in America.PETITION FOR HEALTH CARE FOR ALL CALIFORNIANS!

Nov 30, 2006 12:33 AM

What's plan B?

Nov 10ish, 2006 6:56 PM

Clean Money isn't dead , Nancy Pelosi said she was behind Clean Money Legislation. Lets hold her to her word.
Vote Tues!

Nov 6, 2006 3:55 PM

Let make this an election to remember! Yes on 89!!

Oct 24, 2006 6:02 PM

hey clean money crew, , matt, anitra,

you guys did a great job with the video!! it was really funny.

Maria Halyna

Oct 10, 2006 5:18 PM

Good luck with the clean money skit in Southern California. Let me know if you plan on doing something in SF! Cheers, Maria

Sep 19, 2006 3:50 PM

Hey Ian ... great job again with this profile. I am going to start, a blog geared towards As American and Pacific Islander voters in California about the merits of 89. Would you be able to send a note to the friends on this profile and ask them to email me at [email protected] if I can use their photo and/or name on the site? They can also visit me at -- thanks!
Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater

Sep 19, 2006 9:32 AM

Way to go, and way to step up to the corporate powers!

Sep 17, 2006 7:39 AM

Thanks for putting the word out! You know if the insurance companies are your biggest opponents that you're doing a good thing!

Aug 21, 2006 12:08 AM

Yes For Sure on PROP 89 ! I support this 100%


Aug 20, 2006 8:59 PM


Aug 16, 2006 8:47 AM

Thanks so much for the add! If you got a few minutes check out this great guy I found. Mike Gravel for president 2008!

Bill Farkas

Aug 15, 2006 7:11 PM

Happy Birthday. Thx for all th work you do and the cause you promote. Pls feel free to post to environmental activist Forum on our website.
Peace from San Diego,

Aug 14, 2006 11:21 AM

Ian - great job on this profile!

Clean Truth...
Yes on Prop 89!!!

Aug 8, 2006 1:43 AM

hEY pEACLINGS!! LET'S TAKE CLEAN Money to the Streets!!! Yes on Prop 89!!!!


Jul 28, 2006 4:55 PM

I am so glad that this is finally going on the ballot in November! Good luck and I am proud to be a part of this ongoing effort :)

Ian (Yitz)

Jul 24, 2006 11:41 PM

Hey Clean Money Crew... Hows the Prop 89 website coming along?

The myspace Page was Coded by Ian Roessle .

My Blog


Hey everyone and welcome to the Clean Money Crew myspace page. We here are working to clean up politics in of Clean Money. Lets make elections about ideas not money. I'm from California and here we ha...
Posted by Clean Money Crew on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 09:46:00 PST