WATCH THIS!!I would ask that everyone view this future candidate. This is the type of president our children can be proud that we elected. He is a republican from Texas and is name is Ron Paul. Now I know some of you are think that is a bad thing that he represents the republican party but honestly the republican party, nor democrats for that matter, have presented a real quality that the people of the USA can be proud of. I have met him myself and he is in many pro-American videos that represent what America should really stand for. I ask you to watch this video and research him. Don't let the mainstream media show you your choices. We all know the media is extremely controlled and they will present all the idiots they want to be our president and we'll all sit at the polls in '08 asking ourselves which of the lessor 2 evils we have to choose from again. Now we don't have to. I would like to consider him a republican version of JFK... Lets hope we can pull together as Americans and not leave our children a piece of crap for a country and actually have a real leader for the PEOPLE, not the corporate interests the others work for. Our founding fathers would be disgusted by most of us after all the people that have died to create this country just for us to apathetically sit on our butts and not participate in fighting for our real freedoms. Al qaida didn't take our freedom people....... Patriot Act 1 & 2, Victory Act 1 & 2, and Military Commissions Act of 2006, now those are what took our freedoms... Understand the only thing we have to be proud of as Americans is our Constitution and Bill of Rights, not our education system (which always ranks one of the lowest of any industrialized nation), not our medical marvels (the same companies that own our farming products also own our pharma companies, we have the worst health of any other country in the world!!!!!!! Big pharma is pushing all these pills on you but when was the last time any of them actually cured you of your illness? there is no money in the cure so quit buying there drugs!!), Our prosperity of the middle class (give me a break, who do you know that isn't up to their ears in debt? almost everything we buy is made in China now, not by Americans.. If the dollar collapsed today could you survive?) , our rights? ( now illegal immigrants can just walk across our border and claim free insurance, welfare benefits, and among tons of other freebees getting sucked our of your tax dollars, Bank Of America is providing illegals credit cards and bank accounts without social security cards or citizenship... Tell me the last time you didn't need 3 forms of IDs of a thumb print just to cash a check!), our lovely family morals and values? ( lets start to look at this country's divorce rate and tell me how many families you know are really close), how about our wonderful entertainment we have here? ( wow everything on TV is about hosiptals and some form of government, lovely... )... I could go on and on about these issues and I am sure at least one has touched your own home. Isn't it time we start caring about our future? Lets at least start with a good leader who doesn't sell out (which is really HARD to find in a politician) and will restore what this country really is...... A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC! not a democracy.....
Click here to view Ron Paul: Ron Paul
Here is a recent documentary he was in: America Freedom to Fascism
Alex Jones gets fired up at LA Convention June 06
Alex Jones at the LA American Scholars Symposium on 9/11 and the Neo-Con AgendaMILWAUKEE "BOSTON TEA PARTY"
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9/11/2006 NYC Ground Zero
9/11 Truth Movement
This is a short version of one thats coming. Please send any pics or video media that you have of this event in order to add to the long version of this one to:
[email protected]911 Truth Conference LA
June 24-26, 2006