About Me
1/17/08: Attention: Please try to research something on your own before asking me. I can not deal with dozens of requests per day asking me how to cure their condition naturally. Sorry, but that's why I built this page: your answers are probably on here if you look hard enough :)
Why Michael Moore Is Wrong About Healthcare: (from an ND)
Cell Phone War:
Health Alert .. Phones!
If you have/use a cell phone (or portable landline phone), and do not want to get brain cancer, do yourself a favor and get a biopro cell chip . I happen to be a consultant for Biopro technology, so you can most certainly can support my work and look at the online product catalog on my webpage . You can also sign up as a consultant yourself and get paid to spread the word to your friends and family about EMF exposure! You also get 20%-30% off all products you buy for yourself! If you are a serious business builder, Biopro will also pay for your car!
Here is another video validating that Biopro cell chips work to reduce your bodies stress response from EMFs:
Specific Cures For Diseases/Ailments Listed @ www.curezone.com , or Edgar Cayce ,
father of holistic medicine and
www.naturalcures.com (this site requires free sign-up but is most comprehensive), EarthClinic.com , and NaturalEncyclopedia.com
Natural Cancer Remedies That Work
Sometimes bulletin's get buried....
Get Updates on Holistic, Censored, and Alternatvie Natural Cures, Pharmaceutical Industry Corruption, or Hopefully breakthroughs on destroying our addiction to unnecessary drugs and surgery!
Click here to subscribe to my blog!
This site is like an .. natural foods store with over 20,000 dirt-cheap products!
Protect yourself from EMF Radiation from Cell Phones, Microwaves, and other electronic devices:
All truth goes through three stages:
-First it is ridiculed
-Then it is violently opposed
-Finally it is accepted as self-evident
The true war is not against disease; we have somehow become our own worst enemy by putting our faith in science instead of nature.
Time and time again humans learn that what is unnatural is not good for you. Not only will pharmacuticals add more toxins to you and poison your body - they might kill you! Even lab-made vitamin supplements are bad for you and increase your risk of heart disease! Unless you are getting vitamins the way nature intended (in the same proportions, dosages, etc) it's not healthy! And guess what nature intended...NOT for you to take chemicals made in a lab! Even if they come in a pill and the doctor says it's safe and will treat such and such. There are many other cheaper and virtually side-effect free ways to treat whatever condition you have.
According to the Journal of American Medicine, 100,000+ Americans each year who die from "side-effects" from prescription and over the counter drugs (4th leading cause of death). In addition, 1.5 - 2 million are injured enough to require hospitalization. This represents 1 in 7 hospital beds - unnecessarily driving up healthcare costs - hurting the economy and the uninsured or underinsured. The Pharmacutical Industry is the world's most powerful industry, and has more wealth than entire countries. Did you know the top 10 Pharam Companies have more combined wealth than the other top 490 companies in the world? Now wonder everyone is brainwashed into thinking "when im sick, i'll go to the pharmacy." Go to a health food store instead! And if it's serious, yea go to a doctor and demand an alternative to drugs... if they give you a hard time call your insurance company and switch over to a naturopathic doctor (that doesn't prescirbe drugs or surgery unless its necessary) - sometimes called "Complimentary and Alternative Medicine." Call them up and ask which ones they cover.
What to take instead?! - The Pharmacutical Industry has only been around for 75 years or so - since the beginning of time homo sapiens have used ONLY NATURAL CURES . Simply type in "natural cancer treatments" in a search engine such as GOODSEARCH (with your charity registered as 'Natural Solutions Foundation' please!) or "cure diabetes naturally" in a search engine and you may get many results, some which may be very useful, others which many not. You can read a book about it also. For the best results, go to your alternative healthcare practiconer, and/or go to two sites we trust which are http://www.curezone.com and www.naturalcures.com (for this last one you need to sign up to become a private member).
It's not only what you eat (or what you don't eat)! Many health experts believe living healthy and preventing dis-ease has a lot more to do with mental/emotional well being, such as the way you think. A persons ill health or disease is often caused by unresolved emtotional issues (which MAY be forever cured with Emotional Freedom Techniques ).
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) may be the most revolutionary way to improve your emotional well-being.I heartily endorse EFT, or Emotional Freedom Techniques ), for emotional freedom, physical freedom and performance freedom. Based on impressive new discoveries regarding the body's subtle energies, EFT has been proven successful in thousands of clinical cases. It applies to just about every problem you can name and it often works where nothing else will. You can learn all the basics for free by downloading the EFT Manual here . If you wish to save time and dive right in then explore the affordable EFT DVD Library here .EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) was originally designed to reduce the psychotherapy process from months and years down to minutes and hours. From there it was discovered that astonishing physical healings also occurred. Symptoms faded for everything from Migraine Headaches to Cancer. Complete details are given on the EFT Website . It often works where nothing else will.
Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT, can help you get over Chronic Pain, Addictions (anything from chocolate to cigarettes to cocaine), Weight loss, Allergies, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Vision problems, Headaches, Panic/Anxiety, Asthma, Trauma, Abuse, Depression, Dyslexia, Carpal Tunnel, Anger, ADD-ADHD, Fears/phobias, Eating disorders, OCD, Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Neuropathy, Fear of Flying, Claustrophobia, Agoraphobia, Anorexia/Bulimia and more.
Article Archive:
Archive of Drugs Killing People:
Bayer Allows Sale of HIV-Infected Pills (purposely to make money rather than destroy the infected pills)
GlaxoSmithKline Caught Killing Kids in Africa for Experiments
Flu Drug is Killing People
Ritalin heart attacks warning urged after 51 deaths in US
GlaxoSmithKline's antidepressant Paxil Kills People
Roche, makers of Harsh Acne Drug Accutane, Being Sued for Teen Suicides; Alternatives to the drug
Roche Kill 7 In Clinical Trials
Secret report reveals 18 child deaths following vaccinations
Crestor, Lipitor, and other Statin Drugs that Kill
Child Drugs Linked to Heart Attacks (Ritalin/ADHD)
Long Term Use of Painkillers like Advil Can Be Deadly
Pfizer Bextra, Cox-2 Inhibitors
Some 250,000 patients yearly are admitted to hospital in the UK with adverse reactions to drugs at a cost of £466 million, a report suggests
Sanofi-Aventis killing children with antibiotic
Use of Painkillers Increase Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke
Beware: Another Vioxx-like drug on the market!
Secret Report Reveals 18 Child Deaths Following Vaccinations
HIV patients concerned about toxic side effects of prescription drugs
The Deadly Reasons Not to Take a ''Good'' Cholesterol Drug
Legal'' Drugs That Are More Dangerous Than Illegal Ones
Admission: Drugs approved by the FDA are unsafe
Cancer Treatment Backlash
Drugs we've found to not be fatal, but still harm people:
UK Drug Trial Victim May Lose His Fingers, Toes
Common antibiotics cause tendon ruptures; Public Citizen demands black box warnings
Sanofi Aventis Sued Over Epilepsy Drug that caused at least 37,500 British children to develope "foetal anti-convulsant syndrome"
Taking Heartburn Drugs Can Break Your Hip
Measles Vaccine Undeniably Linked to Autism
Fosamax Causing Merck More Problems Than Vioxx - this dangerous product can cause osteonecrosis (jaw rotting)
Vision Risk for Eating Disorder Medications
The Next Statin Scam: Preventing Strokes
Common Painkillers Blunt Immune Response
Newer, Stronger Health Warnings on Tylenol and Aspirin
Modern Healthcare System is Leading Cause of Death
Archive of Pharma Industry Crimes/Corruption:
Semi-list of crimes of Big Pharma over the years (news article)
Makers of Lipitor (Pfizer) Also Made Chemical, Biological, Weapons
Eli Lilly, Merck, Glaxo caught and fined for blatant corruption
Drug Firms Caught 'Inventing Diseases'
Drug Companies are Top Health Care Lobbyists
Drug Companies Engage in Illegal Sales Practices: U.S. Issues Warning
How Much Are Drug Companies Really Paying Your Doctor? (Drug companies spend an average of $10,000 for every doctor in the US, but some get as much as half a million dollars)
Drug Company Lobbyists Outnumber Lawmakers
15 Ways the Auto Industry Would Change if it Operated Like Drug Companies
Flu Deaths Outrageously Exaggerated to Increase Vaccine Sales
How did the pharmaceutical industry lobby influence Congress to pass the Medicare prescription drug law? Steve Kroft reports on 60 Minutes
Big Pharma Courts Doctors
Even with the Democrat-controlled Congress, the drug industry still has more influence in Washington than consumers, says Fortune's John Simons
Pharma Manager Fired After Telling Sales Reps to go into Docs Offices and Grab Buckets of Money
Make Pfizer Stop 'Misleading' Ads for Celebrex, Group Urges
Questions About FDA Surround Fatal Side Effects of Antibiotic
Young Doctors See Drug Makers' Freebies as a Bad Habit
Pity the Poor Pharmaceutical Sales Rep
FDA Handling of Lilly Drug Needs Probe: Scientist
Big Pharma Outdoes Itself
States may have serious financial setbacks in order to pay for useless drugs to fight against a near-nonexistent disease
Bayer Contaminates Rice Supply With Unapproved GMO Rice, now the FDA seeks to fast-track approve GMO-Rice to free Bayer from liability
Pfizer cover-up alledged in Lipitor Class-action suit
Drug Companies Blackmailing UK Government
Merck & Co Inc, has been suspended from the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) for 3 months over "serious breaches" of the industry's code of conduct
AMA Criticized For Letting Drug Firms Pay For Ethics Campaign
Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer made nearly $15 billion last year. It recently gave a $180 million payout to former CEO Hank McKinnell. But in the last two months the company has announced it will lay off 10,000 workers in manufacturing, research and sales
The American Heart Association's new ridiculous guidelines recommend dangerous drugs for some children as young as 10
American Health Care Is An Industry
Dangerous Surgeries:
LASIK Surgery Can Cause Drug-Resistant 'Superbug' Infections Would sure be nice to comfortably see without glasses, but do you really want to risk this side effect?
Ovary removal heightens risk of dementia, Parkinson's
New Yorkers try facial yoga to reduce wrinkles
Anti-Depressants Only:
Children and teens who take drugs to treat their depression are 15 times more likely to die of a suicide attempt than those who do not
Are Antidepressants Ever Necessary? The ultimate irony is that many people who are diagnosed with depression and prescribed drugs may not even have the illness at all
Sugar Pills Work as Well As Antidepressants
Antidepressants Proven to Work Only Slightly Better Than Placebo
How Anti-Depressants Affect Your Immune System
Paxil Warning Letter Sent to Your Doctor
See How Prozac Works in Your Brain
Suicides Covered Up By Drug Companies
Alternative medicine expert Dr. Sherri Tenpenny ( novaccines.com ) offered an in-depth look at vaccines. After her exhaustive research through CDC documents and medical journals, she concluded that vaccines are neither safe nor effective. The whole concept of injecting antigens into a person to keep them healthy, "causes more problems than it helps," she declared. She believes that even small pox and polio vaccines weren't necessary as these diseases were waning at the time the vaccines were introduced.
Moms With More Education Less Likely to Vaccinate Their Kids
The more you know about vaccinations, the more dangerous they appear.
Vaccination Myths
Vaccine Liberation
Deaths Halt Flu Vaccinations in Israel
Options to Vaccines for Foreign Travel
Feds Approve Unnecessary Cervical Cancer Vaccine That Will Make Drug Company Billions
Even in 1918 Drugs Made the Flu WORSE You will be shocked to find out why St. Louis suffered far fewer deaths than Philadelphia during the infamous 1918 flu pandemic.
The top herbs and supplements for wound healing and post-surgical recovery
Herbal Treatment For That Really Works For Malaria
Herbal Therapy as Good as Zyrtec for Allergies
Why Herbal Therapies May Not Work For You
Herbal Therapy Works On Acid Reflux
Human Touch/Love:
Study finds that contact with a loved one can reduce stress
Chemicals In Your Food to Avoid:
Interview with Dr. Blaylock on the devastating health effects of MSG, aspartame, and excitotoxins
Sweet Remedy
Chlorine Alternative for Pool or Hot Tub
Food or Natural Chemicals In Food that Keep You Healthy and Prevent Disease/Illness:
Green Tea
Vegetables Much Better Than Drugs at Building Bone Density
Fresh fruit and vegetable juices slash Alzheimer's risk, far surpassing any pharmaceutical
Harvard study finds high vitamin D intake may cut multiple sclerosis risk
Antioxidants May Prevent Kidney Damage, Study Finds
Enzyme Could Help Celiac Disease Patients Tolerate Gluten
Age-Related Memory Improvement Linked with Consumption of Apple Products
Whole Grain Food is Better at all ages
Drinking tea healthier than drinking water, say researchers
In Europe, Fish Oil is Prescribed After Heart Attacks, But Not in the U.S. - Read Why! (note: the fish actually get their omega 3's from phytoplankton, a plant source. You can get your omega 3's in a veggie form too! You can take generous amounts of the following (in order of how highly absorbable): flaxseed oil, ground uncooked flaxseeds, and walnuts. You could/should consider also taking DHA supplements that are completely vegan. Warning: Eating fish or fish oil, which is dangerous because of the accumulation of heavy metals and toxins from polluted water.
Anti-Obesity Compound Found in Brown Seaweed
Spirulina shown to prevent and treat cancers while boosting immune system function
Diets rich in olive oil can help prevent cell damage that leads to cancer, study suggests
Study adds to evidence that green and black teas have anticancer effects
Demand for acai berries may help save the rainforests
Acai fruit called 'Amazon's Viagra' quickly gaining attention in the United States
The Sunny Solution That Slashes Your Multiple Sclerosis Risks
Acai berries top the charts for antioxidant potency, but commercial processing may destroy nutritional content
The amazing benefits of Goji juice/berries!
Why You Need to Eat Organic Food!
General Info on Colon Cleansing
European vitamin pill restrictions
Adverse Event Reporting bill for supplements threatens future of nutritional supplements
Vitamin A deficiency linked to earlier gut surgery
The most potent probiotic available (also is dairy free)
Multivitamins are a good insurance policy for your health, yet many of them are synethically made and are no better than drugs. Below are a few articles exploring this...
Are Your Vitamins Killing You?
The Vitamin Controversy: Debunking the DebateHere are a few amazingly beneficial multivitamins:
The Greatest Vitamin In The World
Botani Organics Naturally-occuring whole food vitamin supplement
Nikken Nutritionals
Beyond AIDS drugs: Nutrition needed for AIDS patients
The Group for the Scientific Re-Appraisal of the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis: www.rethinkaids.com
Duesberg has challenged the virus-AIDS hypothesis in the pages of such journals as Cancer Research, Lancet, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Science, Nature, Journal of AIDS, AIDS Forschung, Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapeutics, New England Journal of Medicine and Research in Immunology. He has instead proposed the hypothesis that the various American/European AIDS diseases are brought on by the long-term consumption of recreational drugs and/or AZT itself, which is prescribed to prevent or treat AIDS. See: www.duesberg.com
Exercise Related
Don't Treat Migraines by Overusing Pain Meds - Patients improved dramatically after switching from pain medications to an exercise program, but there are even better options
Obesity still on the rise in America as 31 states report increases
Physical activity helps reduce blood pressure
Drugs that simply DO NOT WORK:
OTC Cough Medicines Found to Be Worthless
Celebrex doubles risk of heart attacks, has 'no role' in treating colon cancer
Kids' prescriptions for anti-psychotic drugs skyrocket - despite lack of evidence they actually work
Feds Approve Unnecessary Cervical Cancer Vaccine That Will Make Drug Company Billions
Codeine No Better Than a Placebo
Merck's Latest Diabetes Drug Found to Be a Worthless Scam
Info on Doctors (Conventional vs. Naturopathic): (will be updated soon!) 9/24/06
Doctors Fail to Communicate Drug Side Effects to Patients
ADHD Drugs:
Ritalin is the same chemical as the street drug methamphetamine ; a review of the medical literature indicates attention deficit disorder is an iron deficiency, not a drug deficiency.
Rest, Relaxation, and Rejuvination (Massage, Sleep, etc) to be updated more! 9/24/06
Working more than 40 hours a week raises blood pressure, research discovers
FDA Corruption:
FDA poised to change the health & wellbeing of all Americans
Chemicals in Consumer Products: (just started on 9/28/06, will be updated shortly)
Sunscreen found to generate harmful compounds that promote skin cancer
New Technologies to Cure Disease: (just started on 9/28/06, will be updated shortly)
Low-level heat wrap therapy (CLHT) reduces back pain
Doctors Beat Cancer with Organic Science
Technologies That Are Dangerous:
Cell Phones May be Why Honeybees Are Disappearing
The radiation from mobile phones may be causing harm among wildlife as well as among humans.
75 Articles Showing Cell Phones are Dangerous and may cause cancer, alzhimers, parkinsons, autism, fatigue, headaches, etc.
The 51 Uses of RFID Chips That Could Help or Harm Your Health
Researchers say that radical damage to the brain can occur within the first few minutes of conversation!
Microwave Food is Killing You!
Untested, Unlabeled & Toxic Nano-Particles Invading Our Homes & Bodies
Chemotherapy's Long-Term Effects Can Last a Decade or More
Info on Alternative Cancer Treatments
Virtually All Modern Disease Is Caused By "Metabolic Disruptors" Found In Everyday Foods And Groceries...
Prevention Is The Best Medicine
Drinking Bottled Water Doubles Risk of Infection
Merck Under the Spotlight:
A jury hearing a Vioxx liability case in Atlantic City has been shown internal e-mail messages, showing that the manufacturer of the drug, Merck & Co., had knowledge of the drug's potential for causing heart attacks long before it was taken off the market.
The email documentation is one of the central pieces of evidence in the cases brought by the plaintiffs Thomas Cona and John McDarby - that Merck knew its drug was dangerous but misled doctors and consumers about the risks in a bid to promote a $2.5 billion-a-year product. The trial, in its second day, focused on Cona, 59 and McDarby, 77, both of who suffered heart attacks while taking Vioxx and are now among thousands suing Merck.
Merck faces in the region of 9,650 lawsuits over Vioxx. The company pulled the drug off the market in September 2004 after a study showed it doubled the risk of heart attacks and strokes when taken for more than 18 months. Cona and McDarby both say they took it for longer, but Merck contends that Vioxx wasn't to blame and that the two were candidates for heart attacks before they ever took it because of various conditions they suffer from. It has been estimated that in the region of 60.000 people have died worldwide after taking the drug.
Among the documents shown was a March 2000 e-mail message sent by Merck's former chief scientist, Edward Scolnick, in which he said the results of a clinical study showed that heart attacks in participants were actually caused by the drug. Another document showed that Merck executives said it would cost the company $611 million in sales if their rival Pfizer's arthritis drug Celebrex beat Vioxx to the market. The trial continues.