These are things that I I've come up with and go by..."Don't sweat the small stuff.Remember these simple sentences: "I was wrong." "I am sorry." "Please forgive me." "Thank you."
Say them whenever needed and say "I love you" often--whether needed or not.Come apart and rest a while before you come apart. Stress is a killer.Remember, Nothing changes if nothing changes.Don't nurse grudges: Failing to forgive is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.Carpe diem. Seize the day. Opportunities will pass... not pause.Quit the blame-game.. . It's choice, not chance, determine / choose your destiny.Control your thinking or your thinking will control you. What the mind dwells on the body acts on.Invest your life in a worthwhile cause by having a noble purpose for which to live--one that is bigger than yourself. One that will help make your world a better place in which to live.Be a positive realist. You will always see what you are looking for: "Two men look out the same prison bars. One seeks mud, the other stars."The greatest abilities are availability, dependability and responsibility.
There is no pillow as soft as a clear conscience."Smooth seas never make skillful sailors."When God is silent. "I believe in the sun even when it isn't shining. I believe in love even when I am alone. I believe in God even when he is silent."Cry when needed. Every unshed tear is a prism through which all of life's experiences are distorted.Laugh a lot. It is still the best medicine.Remember, The bumps are what we climb on.Fear not. At least 95 percent of the things we fear never happen.Trust God for the other five percent.
Never play cards with any man named "Doc."
Never eat at any place called "Mom's."
"Do-so" is more important than "say-so."Take it easy -- but take it.
Grace must find expression in life, otherwise it is not grace.Have faith and put God first with your time, talents, and love.....Oh. one last thing... Don’t forget to smile. There is no better panacea for sorrow, no better reviving tonic, and no greater beauty than a genuine smile.
S Sweet
E Entertaining
P Pleasant
T Tasty
E Enjoyable
M Mysterious
B Bubbly
E Exotic
R Risky
Get Your Own Name Acronym..
Name: September
Age: 27
Birthplace: Newport Beach, California.
Birthday: October, 19. 1980.
Current Location: Laguna Beach, California.
School: Laguna Beach High School, & Saddleback College.
Eye Color: Blue.
Hair Color: Blond.
Right or Left Handed: Ambidextrous.
Shoe Size: 8
Skin Type: Fair/Medium.
Single?: Varies.
Pepsi or Coke: Coke Zero.
MCDonalds or Burger King?: My little girl likes Mc'y D's.
How many pairs of shoes do you own?: Let's just say I have a little bit of a shoe fetish.
Do you smoke?: No way!
Have you ever stolen from a friend?: Hell no!
Do you do drugs?: No.
Do you drink?: Shlumtimes, wait I mean sometimes!
Do you shower daily?: I try to.
Chocolate or Vanilla?: CHOCOLATE!!!
Do you want to get married?: Eventually.
Do you want to have kids?: I already have one, and that's enough for me. So no.
Future Job: Retirement.
Favorite Sport: Bowling.
Do you get sea sick?: I'm a Pirate... Remember? Arrr.
Do you believe in yourself?: Of coarse.
Do you think your attractive?: I guess.
Do you like thunderstorms?: Love them.
Do you sing?: I wish.
Do you play an instrument?: I wish that also.
Are you a health freak?: No, but I should be.
Are you scared of the dark?: I love it.
Do you get along with your parents?: My Mom is one of my best friends.
Sibblings?: Many (My Dad is a Man-Whore).
Pets?: Several.
Number of Tattoos: Zero.
Number of piercings: Two... Ears & Nose.
Number of Cds I own: A hella a lot (And most of them are burned).
Style: I know how to dress.
Fruit or Vegetable: Both.
Short or Long Hair: Long.
Best Friend: Lauren my BFF!!!
Coolest Friend: Lauren of coarse.
Prettiest Friend: Lauren & Autumn (My sister).
Weirdest Friend: Wes (My brother).
What would you like to get pierced?: I've had everything pierced at least twice already, so nothing.
Have you ever stolen from a store?: No way.
Have you ever been kicked out of a store?: I love shopping, so no.
Have you ever cheated on your boyfriend?: No.
Have you ever turned down a dare?: Nope.
Have you ever kissed a boy on the lips?: Many of times!
Own a stuffed animal?: Their germ magnets. Gross!
What grade are you in?: Kindergarden! Yeah I wish.
Number of past things your regret: Ahhh... That's for me to know.
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Have you been to Laguna Beach? I live here.
If yes, do you like laguna beach? I love it.
are you from laguna beach? Yes.
Taco Loco or Jack in the Crack? Taco Loco.
Wahoos or Adolfo's? Wahoos.
Do you like SoLag or NoLag better? SoLag!!!
Hennessy's or BrewCo? Both.
Do you call it Dirty Bird or Sandpiper? Dirrrty Birrrd!!!
Do you use words like Gucc or siz? Siz in like High School. And yes I still say Gucc.
do you know what those words mean? Who doesn't?
do you surf? No, I watch.
do you blonde hair blue eyes and big tits? Blond hair, blue eyes, medium titties.
did you go to LBHS? Class of '99 baby!!!
were you an el moron or a top of the toilet I was both.
Do you think Laguna beach is like the show? HELL NO!!!