"Congratulations...that is just TERRIFIC! I wish you the best of luck!"
- Hillary Clinton & Me With Book In Hand
"[Just] when I think I have heard all, I gasp at the fluid device you find in language. So many speak of "flow" these days: poets, rappers, spoken word artists, and yet, you have taken what is abstract, and made it sublime in context and content. I applaud you, my friend. You grow like a pearl inside it's encasement. When you emerge to the whole world, your lustre will blind the eyes and shock the complacent, into a new place. I cannot wait to see that happen for you. I am as proud of your work, as if you were my child."
- Susaye Green
Legendary Member of "The Supremes" photographed with living legend Stevie Wonder
Me With Chelsea Clinton
"Vince's word-paintings portray the landscape of the soul with fine, luminous brush strokes, leading us through light and shadow to the very core of emotion and insight. His work is fearless, illuminating, inspiring, and astoundingly beautiful."
-Lisa Tenzin Dolma
UK Author of 10+ Inspired Books Found Worldwide & One Of My Dearest Friends
"Enjoyed your [poetry] ... very impressive."
- George Takei
"The Legendary Sulu" from the Original Star Trek Series
"With the exception of music, the goal of art is visual stimulation. Mr. Ancona's writings can create a picture in the mind's eye with a skill very few writers have. His words are striking, emotional and vibrant. He is a true artist."
- CM Wolett
World Renowned Photographer
"Your writing is eloquent. Thank you for sharing your empowerment and inspiration...and giving form to [things] that have touched our lives so deeply..."
- Antonio Pontarelli
Friend, Rock Artist, Violinist, Child Prodigy & Entertainer On The Red Carpet
"I had BETTER get a copy!"
- Me & Tiffany Haddish
Actress From "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia", Comedian, Host at World Famous "Laugh Factory"
"VJ expresses such beautiful words in his poems that are extremely powerful and enlightening...the poems just keep getting better and better."
- Christian Monzon
Dolce & Gabanna, Etc. Model Worldwide
"All at once confronting and comforting, Vincent offers insight and wisdom beyond his years in his beautiful compelling utterings."
- Lou Pardi
Reknowned Australian Comedian
"Well I must say, I'm very impressed with your poetry. I think what I enjoyed most was the fact you shared your true emotions with the Myspace Community and any and all other readers. I wish you all the best..."
- Chris Chelko (On left w/ Jay Leno)
Variety Entertainer
"Congrats on the book...that is AWESOME!"
-Bobbi Billard
Actress, AOL's #1 Internet Model, and the #4 Female on MySpace. Photographed with Hugh Hefner and Playboy Bunny, Roxanne Galla.
"So exciting about your poetry...can't wait!"
Me & The Barbie Twins, Verified Celebrities
"Fabulous Job With The Book!"
Me & MAC Supermodels
Me & Australia's Top Model David 'Thunder' Supporting My Work
"Best of luck with your book, it will be a great success for sure!"
-Pasi Schalin
Actor, Model & Trainer
I HIGHLY recommend checking out the beautiful art and photography of CM Wollet. Chad and I are actually in the process of doing a few collaboration pieces together. Click below to be amazed by this man's raw, riveting and hauntingly honest work.
American Beauty, Magnolia, Requiem For A Dram, Monsters Ball, 8 1/2, La Dolce Vita, Satyricon, Boogie Nights, Hard Eight, Anything Coen Brothers, Talk To Her, Bad Education, Anything Woody Allen, Adaptation, Being John Malkovich, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Punch Drunk Love, A Streetcar Named Desire, Apocalypse Now Redux, Platoon, Anything Stanley Kubrick, The Excorcist, Dancer In The Dark, Lost In Translation, Solaris, Knife In The Water, Straw Dogs, Schindlers List, Mulholland Drive, Blue Velvet, Ghost World, American Splendor, Memento, The Sixth Sense, Boy's Don't Cry, Monster, etc. Film is a passion for me.
SIX FEET UNDER, Arrested Development, Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Office, OZ, Big Love, Weeds, Huff, Family Guy, South Park, My So Called Life, Sports Night, Penn & Teller, Barefoot Contessa, Jacques Pepin: Fast Food My Way, Malto Mario, Everyday Italian, MXC,
Running With Scissors, The Curious Incident Of The Dog At Nightime, Dry, The Kite Runner, Ariel, The Bell Jar, The God Of Small Things, A Seperate Peace, The Tipping Point, From Good To Great, Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, Lord Of The Flies, Ariel, Metamorphasis, The Immovable Mover, How To Win Friends & Influence People, Most Michael Crichton books, The Tipping Point, Rick Moody Short Stories, Maya Angelou, My Life: Bill Clinton, Sophies World, Celestine Prophecy, Cook Books, and tons of others I'm sure I'm forgetting.
Dr. Martin Luther King JR, George Carlin, Lewis Black, Dale Carnegie, William Chamberlain, Hellen Keller, Anne Frank, Sylvia Plath, Anne Sexton, Ezra Pound, Fiona Apple, Paul Thomas Anderson, Sam Mendez, Allan Ball, Tori Amos, Jeff Buckley, Rosa Parks, Auguston Burroughs, The Dhali Llama, Madonna, Janet, Bjork, Bryant McGill, Lisa Tenzin Dolma, Jen Govey, Susaye Green, George Takei, Stephanie Mulreaney, MYSELF! etc.