My LOVE, HUGS, AND INSPIRATION CAMPAIGN!!! Read my blogs for more information. The next event kicks off in Early 2008!!!
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Interests include but are definitely not limited to: Writing, Writing, Writing, reading, singing, dancing, live entertainment, eating, wine, spirits, did I say dancing?? I love the gym, playing outdoors, camping, sports and exploring new places. Of course fashion is always important! I am a true girly-girl. I was born wearing a dress. New news: After 28 years I finally bought my first pair of jeans (seriously)in October 2007!!
I love to travel! Can I travel all the days of my life and write at the same time?! Pretty please!!! I love going on road trips. Sometimes I take off cross country by myself and enjoy the good old USA! Planning on doing that again March 2008!
I love theatre, museums, art, movies, ballet and comedy clubs! (As long as it's not that loud and obnoxious comedy where all they do is curse at you. I don't find that funny!)
I enjoy shopping, new clothes and all the girlie stuff, but I happen to love sports! This list is incomplete and subject to change and/or grow...
Spontaneous impulses are not uncommon. I love exploring! So come on--let's go. We've got things to do!
Other interests: God, Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics, spirituality, adventure--in all shapes, colors, sizes, and possibilities; endless possibilities, unconventional ways of living and thinking, eradicating negative words and actions in my life, pigging out on delicious food in as many states, countries and islands as I can possibly fit into this lifetime; hugging as many people as I can, meeting amazing idividuals, writing books and screenplays; Living--absolutely Living.
I'd like to have a Television talk show one day. Perhaps in the next five to ten years. Yes, I'd really love to be the next Oprah.
In the meantime, I'm launching my own reality talkshow, set to debut in March 2008. Stay tuned for all the details!!!
I would love to meet ME at various stages. The Me who took the left turn instead of right. The Me who lives life with arms wide open. The Me who is not afraid to say no. The Me who dares to say yes! The Me who challenges myself to create life and appreciate every perfect moment.
I would love to meet mature and open-minded men and women who enjoy life! I have a sense of humor so you should be able to take a joke and laugh with gusto! Positive people inspire me. Mean people don't. I adore those who derive inspiration from the simplest things and who are able to see beauty in everything. Those who are passionate and know how (or at least try) to love themselves and others.
Enlightenment is the key to the soul! So keep your heart open, your mind free and your mouth smiling! Please send along a note, joke or happy thought! I would love to hear from you! Fellow creative artists are absolutely encouraged to network! Love, Hugs and Inspiration to all!
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THINGS I want (scratch that) WILL DO BEFORE I DIE:
* Be a best-selling author
* Write a brilliant screenplay (or ten...)
* Travel to at least 30 countries
* Create a non-profit organization
* Meet all MY Space friends who have changed my life
* Create at least ten paintings (two down, eight to go)
* Fund at least twenty scholarships for underpriviledged children
* Shine the light on homelessness and poverty everywhere. We need to CHANGE the way we currently view our world. The problems on the other side DO affect us. Stop living with Illusion and start making a difference NOW! Donate your time and/or money to change the world. Together we can ALL make a difference!!!
* Most Importantly: Love and Live Life Fully and Completely while traveling, laughing and writing!!!
Andrew Wyeth, Christina's World, 1948
This picture really resonates with me and I would rename this: LONGING. We each long to reach our destination in life; to find our way back home, and to self... You can FEEL the longing... the dreaming... the hoping...
Norman Rockwell "Girl at the Mirror"
I love this photograph. It reminds me of when I used to stare at myself... analyzing every line, every feature, and every thought. Watching as my eyes flashed with light as I evaluated my worth.
Georgia O'Keefe "Jack-in-the-pulpit"
What a beautiful image! It's deep layers bring to mind the fire of the soul! The eternal flame...
Salvador Dali "The Metamorphosis of Narcissus"
Dali is one of my favorite artists. He bends and folds and constructs art subjects to tease the mind with perplexing images and thoughts. I love to stare for long moments at a time and become absorbed with his elaborate world.
Visit Melissa deMarquette:
Please support my beautiful friend Melissa DeMarquette and check out her STUNNING and brilliant artwork. She has launched her gallery of high quality artwork. I have my eye on several! They will make beautiful gifts. These unique works of art will brighten any room in your home. Please visit her website today and choose your favorite!
"SLEEPING GOD" by Melissa De Marquette
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What can I say? Music moves me just as much as words do. I get lost in music. Violin, guitar, piano--I'm gone! Soulful lyrics make my knees buckle. Couple that with beautifully composed music--I'm in heaven...
I pretty much listen to just about anything--yes, even country. I simply adore music and rhythm. I'm humming a tune as I type in this moment: I've got music, I've got rhythm, I've got sunshine, who can ask for anything more?!
*BONUS POINTS, if you can tell me what movie that is from!
Gypsy Kings! I LOVE them. I can listen to them all day and dance until I pass out!
Check out my 'Top friend' Andrea and buy her CD "Ilyis" today!
Movies: One of my passions is classic movies from the 20s-60s. When I feel the need to unwind, I pop in "My Fair Lady" or "Singing in the Rain" or "Gone with the Wind!"
I love psychological thrillers and mysteries. I am a HUGE fan of independent and foreign films. I am interested in quality film making and scripts and plan on writing my own. I love romantic comedies and dramas.
I am not big on action films but I will watch them if my friend/boyfriend wants to check one out. Recently, watched American Gangster with Denzel and Russel Crowe--I must say I was rather impressed. I smell an oscar for Denzel again. But seriously, do we REALLY need to see another thing blown up?
I also love old horror films. I am not fond of the new stuff because they are not that scary, but the old horror films are the freakiest!!!
Some really great films: (subject to change)
*WHAT THE BLEEP! DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE -- A great documentary about quantum physics and its relevance in our lives. Do you really know what makes up the universe and everything in it?!?
*THE SECRET -- A must see film on realizing your hidden talent and full potential to create the life you always wanted utilizing the Law of Attraction. (I discovered this long before Oprah let you know! Hee hee hee)
*MOTORCYCLE DIARIES -- one of the best films I have seen about self discovery and world travel. It is a beautiful story of the defining moment when one realizes the injustices of the world that take place outside of the illusion of comfort we like to bathe ourselves in. A true story depicting the Argentine-born--Cuban Guerilla leader and Marxist Revolutionary, Che Guevara. It is artfully shot and beautifully written. Amazing film!
*LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL -- a riveting film about maintaining the innocence and the beauty of life, even in the middle of tragedy. (Set during the time of the Halocaust.)Poignant and stunning in its brilliance.
*SHINDLER'S LIST -- also set during this time period. An amazing film -- Ralph Fiennes is remarkable (and hot)! I definitely cried and my heart goes out to those who suffered this unforgivable tragedy...
*PRIDE AND PREDJUDICE -- I think Kiera Knightly did a fantastic job -- the chemistry was amazing! I really love this film, and find myself popping it in the machine regularly.
*SENSE AND SENSIBILITY -- a beautiful movie! I think the screenwriting is brilliant! There is a moment when Emma Thomson's character finally reveals her emotions regarding the *loss* of love to her sister which always tears me up.
*THE NOTEBOOK -- Another beautiful film about unending love that transcends time and illusion. Simply beautiful and heart-wrenching.
*BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY -- Meryl Streep and Clint Eastwood -- Bravo! Can you love more than one person in various forms? When Meryl Streep's character places her hand on the car door handle and mentally struggles with the decision to stay in a loveless and passionless marriage or follow her heart, it just about kills me everytime. I am there with her in that moment, willing her to leave... Ugh! It's so brilliant the silent emotion that communicates so much more than words could ever express.
*LOVE ACTUALLY -- This film is a beautiful story touching on many different themes of love. One of my favorites!
*THE RED VIOLIN -- Another movie beautifully shot. Tells the story of a violin and its relationship with the people who play it through centuries.
*IN HER SHOES -- I thought this was a sweet love story between two sisters. Watch for a beautiful rendition of E.E. Cummings poem I Carry You in My Heart, Cameron Diaz recites to her sister, played by Toni Colette. I cried. Speaking of Toni Colette:
*LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE -- absolutely the funniest movie I have seen in a very long time. Go out and pick up this movie today!
*ONCE -- I Loved this movie! It's a beautiful love story told through beautiful emotion and stunning lyrics. Charming, funny and absolutely captivating!
*THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS -- I LOVED this film. Read my blog for a full review of this movie! This one hit rather close to home so it was quite emotional...
I rarely watch T.V., I would rather participate in life!!!
I saw this photgraph and HAD to put it up. I know, I know, poor baby...
But look at how triumphant the little girl looks. It is a great victory for her!
"Look Mom! I did a little decorating!" (She was trying to match the baby to its carrier. *wink*) I imagine she may get into interior designing in the future, though I hope her skills will be a little less messy.
I had a great laugh... Okay, MANY laughs! Hee hee hee!
Must reads: ROSE COLORED GLASSES by Lisa Mae!!! Available NOW on
A LIFETIME OF TUESDAYS by Lisa Mae (Available soon!)
COLLECTIVE EVOLUTION by Lisa Mae and the Collective. Poetry by Lisa Mae and the Myspace community! Send me an email for your FREE copy! (While supplies last...)
Also Forthcoming:
BED OF LILLIES by Lisa Mae (Available soon!)
FROM THE ASHES by Lisa Mae (Available soon!)
Other Favorites:
THE BIBLE--I'm not religious but there is so much wisdom and Truth to be found here.
ASK AND IT IS GIVEN, by Esther and Jerry Hicks
CONVERSATION WITH GOD books by Neil Donald Walsch (Very enlightening!)
DON QUIXOTE, Miguel De Cervantes is absolutely hilarious and brilliantly written. Classic literature is fantastic!
I LOVE reading non-fiction and memoirs!! I am particularly drawn to REAL stories about REAL people!!!
The list for fiction is quite extensive and frankly, my fingers are starting to hurt, but I promise you it is impressive. If you have questions or suggestions, please feel free!
Who says I am not lucky to enjoy the art of literature!?
Poetry is the communicator of the soul. You will find sprinkles of my work throughout my blogs as well as on my website:
Anyone who desires to inspire others and create hope, love, and happiness are my heroes. There is nothing more amazing than one who is selfless and compassionate; One who is willing to sacrafice in the name of love in order to create a better world. I think they are worthy of being acknowledged and admired! I will strive to be one of these people -- My heroes!