Cody "THE REAL" Deal profile picture

Cody "THE REAL" Deal

How you do ANYTHING is how you do EVERYTHING!

About Me

Watch what can happen if you push yourself beyond what you think you can... Don't say you can't. If you can or if you can't, you're probably right.

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway. Give the world your best and it may never be enough;
Give the world your best anyway. You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.
- Mother Theresa

You have to appreciate and respect all people. Chivalry is not dead; it’s very much alive in my life. I hold chivalry very high. You give respect to everyone. Being mannerly, polite, and kind is showing love and appreciation for everyone. You can learn so much from someone. No matter shape, size, or color, you can listen to anyone and learn something. Listening to those who take the time to speak to you will make you all the more wise. You can learn so much from others from all walks of life.Again you have to appreciate all things. Every situation, every circumstance, every obstacle, every joy, ever hurt, we need to thank God for. Every distraction is there for a reason; a purpose. God is helping mold us and form us into the person we are to become. Again, you have to appreciate what you do have already to be able to receive more. How do you expect to be blessed with other blessings if you are not thankful for those you already have?Never be afraid to be YOURSELF. Don’t do things to please others. Your reputation is controlled by others. You have no control of it. If you worry about your reputation, you are letting the opinions of others to dictate your life. Block out the negativity and surround yourself around the supportive friends and dream supporters. YOU and GOD are the only two people who truly know who you are. You and only you know your thoughts, what you do alone, or when you are home alone on the Internet. God is watching every move and it is up to you to become a better person each and every day. Do not be the same person when you wake up as when you go to sleep. Grow!Be patient---God is in control. There is our plan and then there is God's plan--sometimes they aren't always the same. Be patient and make sure you have positivity in all aspects of your life and in all situations.God is love when you feel love; he is beauty when you see beauty, so the more you see God in everything, the more you are focusing your life in the right direction. He is my focal point. And my biggest goal in life is building my relationship with GOD. So when you have this type of focused life, you attract things of good intention and your life is filled with abundance and prosperity.Never give up! Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t! Not even me! If you want something, go get it. The mind doesn’t know the difference between fantasy and reality, and when you make something real in your mind, you are attracting it in your life. I feel we are most like God when we use our imagination because we are creating something from nothing? By faith, attract what you want in your life. Literally feel how it feels to do something or become something... breathe what it smells like, tastes what it tastes like, feel the feeling of accomplishing that goal and all the happiness it brings, and make it real in your mind. Not only will you begin believing in yourself, but it will begin to happen and unfold. And keep focusing on the outcome when you have those biting at your heels telling you that you can’t.You are SPECIAL. A part of life is ultimately finding out who you are. Once you find who you are at your core, and you appreciate and love that person, the easier it is to feel FREE in being YOU. No one will stop you from being FREE and HAPPY.SMILE. A smile brightens the world and I say SMILE! The more people see it, the easier it is for us all to smile back. Smile and laugh to yourself often; it feels good and is contagious!Don't let your fears, your worries, or your mistakes hinder or hold you back from your true potential. You are who you are because you were created unique for a purpose. Find who you are and I will love you for you. CODY A. DEAL RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME:
More will probably be added at any random time… * I was born in Norman, Oklahoma
* I was raised in KANSAS where I went to high school and college.
* I am 6’4” and 225 pounds.
* I turned 22 on February 14th
* I have a twin brother named Kyle who is married.
* I have an older brother named Lucas who is the funniest person I know.
* I love my two brothers dearly.
* I love to play almost any sport or do any outdoor activity.
* I smile all the time.
* I have the greatest friends.
* I work out every day.
* I wear a size 15 shoe.
* I love my iPhone more than anything else I own.
* I 111% LOVE TO READ – Big big nerd and proud of it :-)
* I never wear a shirt--unless regulated--which, I found out, most public place do have a "shirt-on" policy ;-)
* I drink at least two gallons of water every day.
* I absolutely love playing basketball.
* I sweat a lot when playing sports or lifting.
* I want kids… when I’m married… 3 girls… yikes!!
* I have NEVER drank.
* I have NEVER smoked.
* I have NEVER had sex.
* I have fractured my right forearm and left hand.
* I have some pretty cool scars from them both.
* I’m smarter than I look ;-)
* I am Native American. Osage Indian to be precise.
* That’s it for now… I’ll add more for sure… =)

My Interests

I'm really into personal growth, fitness, and sports. I love to read and am always active. LIFE is amazing!

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet YOU--I don't care who you are or what you do as long as you're a postive person and bring positivity into my life =)PEOPLE I SUPPORT AND BELIEVE IN:


I'm not really a big music fan. I am the only person I know who isn't a huge music fan, LOL! I like music; I'm just not all up in it.


Too many to list!


I don't watch tv really at all.


Books I Have Read This Year of 2008:"Millionaire By Thirty," by Douglas R. Andrew "Choosing Truth," by Harriette Cole "Who Moved My Cheese?," by Spencer Johnson, M.D. "Become A Better You," by Joel Osteen "Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude," by Jeffrey Gitomer "Talent Is Never Enough," by John C. Maxwell "Your Best Life Now," by Joel Osteen "Who Are You?" by Stedman Graham "You Can Make It Happen," by Stedman Graham "Mars and Women on a Date: A Pratical Guide for Improving Communications and Getting What You Want," by John Gray "The Automatic Millionaire," by David Bach "Emotional Fitness for Couples," by Barton Goldsmith Ph.d. "The Lost Art of Listening," by Michael P. Nichols, Ph.d. "Get Published," by Susan Driscoll & Diane Gedymin "How To Be Like Rich Devos," by Pat Williams


Anyone who has added a smile to my face, thank you = ] God is my #1 Hero ............

My Blog

Latest Commercial Plus My Life Update

Hey Everyone, I just got done shooting a commercial for Wolfgang Puck's restaurant called Solaro, the poolside restaurant on the third level in The Palazzo in Las Vegas.   25 models/actors were...
Posted by Cody "THE REAL" Deal on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 07:50:00 PST


Hi my most amazing friends! How on earth can we all become so inspiredso inspired by life that we go out and we truly make a difference? Yet why do some us, and sadly, most of us, not go out and do...
Posted by Cody "THE REAL" Deal on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 11:32:00 PST