I'd like to meet:
Bill Cosby, Dave Chappelle, Kathleen Madigan-again (so adorable, and so hilarious), Jessica Alba (not a comedian but come on), Dave Attell, Dane Cook, this girl that works at my local Wa-Wa gas station.
Whoo,, where to begin, Marley's "Could You Be Loved" is his best. It's the ultimate, judge not lest ye be judged yourselves kick. The Doors, and Pink Floyd man how did my parents not end up listening to them? damn the moody blues! Metallica, when they were METALLICA. I don't know what got up their asses that they decided to start making crap but they need to either start drinking again or stop making music! But I love everything right up till and part of the "Black Album". Public Enemy, Run DMC and all the ones that followed in their steps, Jay-Z
Umm,, I can't read, I had to pay a monkey to type this for me.
My father, for being the coolest I think that anyone on the face of the planet could ever, EVER ask for. I don't think I could or would have ever been a comedian were it not for him.The NYC fire fighters on 9/11, to look death straight in the eye and still walk forward. You saved many, many people that day, god bless you all.Anyone who has ever served, fought for, and yes died in the name of The United States of America. .Martin Luther King,, come on people, he said it the best.My Grandfather, William Carter, who served in WWII and the Korean War, and his loving wife my grandmother, yes 50plus years and going.Anyone who has served this country as a true American. Louis and Clark, Abe Lincoln (whom without we would not still be a nation) Rosa Parks, FDR, JFK, and if I may say Emmitt Smith. Not only is he the greatest rusher of ALL TIME!! BUT the greatest Cowboy for the greatest NFL franchise that has ever existed.Darryl Purvis, my favorite Canadian and a real gentleman. He can drink as much as me and believes that most of the comics in the world suck! (like I do) Also like me he doesn't profess to be the best and brightest there is, just out to have a good time. All of that and I still don't know why he is my hero but he wanted to be one so,, there are ya happy Darryl? Oh,, and he gave me the nickname Fruitcup, why I don't know. He drinks like I said before, heavily, so I guess it is going to stay that way. The chicks dig it though and that is what matters.