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Kristopher Tinkle

Even when I win, I lose.

About Me

I am a stand up comic based out of San Francisco. I also am a part time teacher when time allows. The past 4 years have been a whirlwind. Here are some highlights... Watched a friend nearly get beat down on stage by the star running back of the Oakland Raiders. I sat and did nothing* Performed sold out shows at the Great American Hall with the Howard Stern Crew* Drank a pint glass 3/4 full of Jagermeister on stage in Modesto to a huge ovation* Had to be carried out of the club and haven't had a drink since* Nearly booed off stage at one of the sold out shows with the Howard Stern crew* * Almost died in a car wreck coming home from a medical marijuana benefit by a dude driving the wrong way on the freeway* Heckled by a really drunk girl at a sold out show at cobbs comedy club* Dated her for 6 months* Helped write jokes for the Pamela Anderson roast on Comedy Central* Had a girl sing Mariah Carey in my ear after a show*Had to limp out of the bar with a chubby afterwards* Overheard my mom trying to tell my "Hurricane of Dicks" joke to one of her friends on the telephone *Fulfilled my lifelong dream and worked for the elite GFI Entertainment for a year or 2 before realizing I didn't have what it took to work with that level* Pulled an awesome prank on a live newscast with one of my best friends and one of my favorite headliner comics* Quite possibly burned a few bridges in the process* Went to an underground Drum and bass club and actually danced Krunk style with the coolest girl I know* Had to limp out of the bar with a chubby afterwards*Bobby Slayton called me Monkey Boy* Joined myspace to promote my comedy. My friend joined it to meet chicks* I have met cool comedy friends, he went out with a girl that ended up having a dick* Fortunate enough to be on stage with girls showing their titties at one of the Howard Stern shows* Called a girl a bitch on stage* Nearly had to fight with her boyfriend afterwards until I concvinced him I was right and she was in fact a bitch* Friends coerced me to invite a famous porn star to one of my shows* Fortunately she didn't show( I would have had to take my mom off the list and give her the spot)*Lit a bathroom on fire in my hotel with another comic. An accident but still cool nonetheless* Paul Mooney called me funny white boy* My answering machine broke and cut off/erased (forever) a very important message left by a semi-famous movie actor/comic* Laid on the ground afterwards screaming WHY GOD WHY?* Met and was given props by Robin Williams* Killed in front of my family and friends* Bombed Horribly in front of my family and Friends*To Be Continued...

My Interests


OOH MAMA. Pearl Jam, Sigur Ros, Damien Rice, Tool, Rage, Thousands of hours of near queer 80's love songs on my hard drive


Die Hard, Memento, Infernal Affairs. Those 3 at the top of my head. Any movie that has heart, brains and a budget smaller than $50 million.


Forensic files,*Dog the bounty hunter (I really want to party with that guy)*comedy central (sometimes)*Dinner for Five*Sports Night*


recently read Motley Crue "the dirt" Book absolutely rules. A fan of anything by Howard Zinn. Just read Freakonomics and thought it was awesome.


All black people.

My Blog

I finally made it. A girl in the audience flashed me !!!

So last night I did a show in SF. It was BYOB and I was headlining it.  By the time I got up it was like a fucking dive bar vibe.  There were empty bottles of gin, vodka, and beer ...
Posted by Kristopher Tinkle on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 01:09:00 PST

Attractive men have faces like cavemen.!!!! -Actual Article

Finally some well deserved press.go to this link. My ancestors are finally getting credit where credit is due. To be honest I feel I fit more into the clan of cavmen with John Kruk, Bill Lambert,...
Posted by Kristopher Tinkle on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 05:53:00 PST

Dave Chappelle is a class act/ My comedy high school comedy students rule. *Must Read*

  To catch some people up here's the story. I taught in Oakland. The school is a FAME type of school with several different art emphasis.  I had started as a P.E. teacher and they reali...
Posted by Kristopher Tinkle on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 11:51:00 PST

Iraq news articles, upcoming shows, Itching powder is frowned upon in Jr High

As teacher sometimes you really want the students to just shut the f*ck up. Not in a mean way but lets face it. My friends and I have a lot more life experience and I could really give a shit about ...
Posted by Kristopher Tinkle on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 11:37:00 PST


ok im leaving kuwait in a hour or sothe last show was 2000 cheering soldiers with guns going bananas. so much fun.heading to germany for some R & R. (another term i picked up.)I'm going to miss my se...
Posted by Kristopher Tinkle on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 11:48:00 PST

our little tinkle has lost his innocence and his mind.

so this has to be quicker than quick. its 6:45 here AM and i am about to take a bath. yep thats how exhausted i am. Any way today we head back to kuwait for 3 more meet and greets and a show somewh...
Posted by Kristopher Tinkle on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 08:07:00 PST

Day 2.5. swimming pools, all night pizza, burning cities and Battle Rattle

WOW. So I have to say up front that we are not allowed to disclose any future information about the trip. you laugh. Today I met the very high ranking officers that are our protectors.One of the fir...
Posted by Kristopher Tinkle on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 02:39:00 PST

oh no. contact may be jeopardized

just found out from my strapped security team that there is no myspace on any US bases. So blogging may be tough. I am trying to work out a way to email my posts and get them on there through a frie...
Posted by Kristopher Tinkle on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 11:26:00 PST

day 1 in Persian Gulf

This has to be very quick. i head out to an undisclosed location in less than a half hour. More flights. UGH. And i am not spell checking or grammar checking because i don't have time.the flight w...
Posted by Kristopher Tinkle on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 09:47:00 PST

New Dates, I'M GOING TO IRAQ. And not to meet whores.

So I guess the big news is that i have the Uncle Sam stamp of approval and I am heading to Iraq (USO COMEDY TOUR) with one of my closest comedy friends, Kevin Avery and David Alan Grier (2 snaps in Z...
Posted by Kristopher Tinkle on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 12:34:00 PST