This profile has been set up to spread the word about the fight to stop the 2008 California "Proposition 8" referendum. We're an alliance of progressive minded folk, lesbian, straight, bisexual, gay, and transgendered, from all parts of the political spectrum... all of whom support equal marriage rights in California.
Our goal is to defeat proposition 8, the referendum to repeal California's legalized marriage of same-sex partners. The referendum, dubbed the "California Marriage Protection Act" is slated as Proposition 8 on the November 2008 ballot. A defeat of this referendum would mean that same-sex couples in California and elsewhere will continue to be able to get married legally, and have those marriages recognized by the state.
We feel that marriage is a civil right sanctioned by the freedoms granted in the US constitution, and should not be arbitrarily limited. Even if we ourselves aren't married, or don't plan to be, we don't believe that this option should be taken away from those who do. And we certainly don't want discrimination written into the California state constitution.
Marriage rights are civil rights, and civil rights are for all.
Health Care, Civil Rights, Freedom, Restoration of the Constitution, Women's Rights, Reproductive Rights, Minority Rights, Immigrant Rights, Gay-Lesbian-Bi-Trans-Queer Rights, Environmental Issues, Labor Rights, A Fair Minimum Wage, Sound Energy Policy, Sound Economic Policy, Fair Housing, Sane Foreign & Security Policies, The Restoration of America's Image & World Standing, The Return of Democracy OF, BY and FOR the People
The same old same old has been working great for me (straight white christian male billionaires only)
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Why do we say Prop 8 = Hate ?
Upcoming California Gay Events
Antelope Valley GLBT Coming Out Day Vigil - October 10th, 2008
San Diego North County Coming Out at the Beach - October 11th, 2008 LA San Fernando Valley Pride - October 12th, 2008
Bakersfield Pride - October 18th, 2008
AIDS Walk Los Angeles - October 19th, 2008
Palm Springs Pride - November 1st, 2008