Ive been a frequent visitor to Comic Con the past 5 years. This year marked my 4th visit to Comic Con in 5 years, I didn’t go one of the years. If I remember it correctly, Ive been there the last 3 years. The star power gets bigger and bigger every year. Im not sure if it’s a good thing, in terms of the long lines to get into panels. Comic Con was pretty good this year in terms of limiting the amount of people who can attend it. After last year’s mayhem, they got it right this year. Last year was hell, in terms of the crowd, I considered not coming back. But then, I always come back regardless,lol.
I created this profile because I wanted to see,hear and read what other people have experienced from Comic Con throughout the years. Comic Con have become somewhat mainstream, all the major movie studios see the potential in showing their work to this demographic. It’s the cheapest and most effective way to advertise their work with little or no money. You show 6000 geeks/ 600 media outlet your work and boom, the word of mouth spread like wildfire. The internet age also make this kind of self/free advertising effective. All they have to is show something awesome and get people excited. You can feel the excitement and major geekness in the air,lol.
CHECK OUT http://www.comic-con.org/ FOR ALL DETAILS