Gabrielle profile picture


Que Sera Sera meets Advanced Serendipity

About Me

NOT LOOKING FOR DATES NOW, THANK YOU! ================ FIRST: I know I'm breaking some unwritten MySpace rule here, but generally, I will NOT friend you just because you're an 18-yr-old guy in Bethesda, MD who thinks I'm hot. Thanks, but.. Don't embarass us both by asking. I only friend my real friends, mkay? Now.. About me: ================ Think: a tomboy smartass geek in a bunny suit. I'm part tomboy and part floor-length velvet with fishnets. I moved back to my hometown after 8 years in Seattle and travels to 23 other cities. I make people look like rock stars for a living. Because I no idea what's going to happen next, but I'm ready for anything. Literally. I'm an excellent co-pilot. I'm generally low-maintenance, if I know I can count on you. I've had a motorcycle license and have the recipe for lemon bars memorized.But enough about me...Because you like curves. Because you want someone to watch Blade Runner for the 127th time. Because you need someone in your life who knows the difference between xlr, rca, ieee, and bnc cables. Because you can teach me something new. Because you haven't met enough women who work hard, play hard and then go out for an IPA with a bourbon back. Because you know that secretly, women in control want to not have to be all that all the time. Not only do you already know that, but you're strong enough to do something about it.

My Interests

Digital video production, learning to be a concert videographer, the national poetry slam, good people, good food, travel, the usual. People who have made being happy their bad habit. People who believe they can live the life they choose.

I'd like to meet:

Someone who wants to go to the drive in and make out for hours. Preferably, a combination of Han Solo, Johnny Cash, Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant, Robert Downey, Jr, and Bruce Lee.


Mainly friend's bands: Jackdaw, the Ifs, John & Mary, Stand, Ghostrunner, McCarthyizm, the Asylum Street Spankers, the Steam Donkeys, and many many more.


Blade Runner, To Have and Have Not, LOTR, Wonder Boys, Harry Freakin' Potter, generally sci-fi with things that blow up, or flicks that make me feel good about being a human being.Actually, right now I'm on three genre kicks: Every Hitchcock & Bogey movie ever made, 70's weirdness (everything from Blow Up and Valley of the Dolls to Dog Day Afternoon), and a bunch of classics I've missed or wanted to see again -- like Jaws and Boogie Nights.


Rruns of Grey's Anatomy and Rescue Me, and reality television, but it's for research. Really.


Too many to list, but: anything by JD Salinger, esp. Seymour: An Introduction; A Spy in the House of Love, Anais Nin, and Been Down So Long it Looks like up to me, by Richard Farina. Also poetry: Yeats, Rilke, DiPrima, Sexton, etc. Friends' books: anything by Daphne Gottleib, Bucky Sinister, Jeff McDaniel, Adam Rubenstein, Patricia Smith. Also: Abbie Hoffman, Revolution for the Hell of it, Di Prima's Revolutionary Letters, and of course Bitch: In Praise of Difficult Women, by Elizabeth Wurtzel.


Every person, small or large, known or not, who stood up in the face of evil and said, No.

My Blog

Captain Obvious discusses Internet Porn with Major Overstatement

Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to announce that there has been a breakthrough in one of the problems plaguing modern relationships since the dawn of the internet. A problem that has divided couple...
Posted by Gabrielle on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 01:51:00 PST

I can't keep two of these..

So my "real" blog is over at livejournal, under multimediagrl.
Posted by Gabrielle on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST