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My chief interest is in quantum physics as it relates to spirituality. I just heard something very cool from a woman who gives hardcore 6-week yoga workshops in Brazil. She says that "New Age" (rhymes with "sewage") marketing of information about chakras is so superficial as to be misleading.She studied with an Indian yoga master (now passed away) who taught her that the chakra system has 50 sub-vortices, 'vrttis'. Her particle physicist friends tell her that these 'vrttis' may very well correlate with what physics God, Roger Penrose proposed in his 'twistor theory', in 1967.In any case, she teaches the ancient yogic wisdom about 'vrttis' and how they are responsible for your emotional states. By doing certain mental and physical exercises, you can get your glands to start secreting different peptides and naturally change who you are, how you behave, at the molecular level.Oh yeah - the reason I opened this account is to plug my book.PLEASE BUY MY BOOK: "Beyond the Bleep : The Definitive Unauthorized Guide to What the Bleep Do We Know!?"You can get it for only 6 bucks: Buy Beyond the Bleep!
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There's this new fusion of spooge with hip hop that I can't believe that I love, like Pretty Ricky and Justin Timberlake. Can this really be me on planet Earth? WTF? I even find myself loving liking Nelly Furtado. What's probably going on is that I love Timaland. Whateva! I am a complete 'ho for ass-shaking beats and I don't care who's got 'em, I just want 'em! But I REALLY I love Ludacris. I did one too many Too Black, Too Strong videos, which did not help my directing career, so I like it when a brutha can cross the line without becoming an Oreo! Good God! NECRO is also God (even tho whites can't be "Gods" in the 5%-er religion). His "Dead Body Disposal" is genius. I have no idea how the music business works, even though I directed music videos for 6 years. I never understood why certain songs become hits - Payolaville, man! One of the greatest recordings in the entire history of the music industry is Big Daddy Kane's "Raw", which I was psyched to find on this site and previously posted to my profile. Also, just about every track on Public Enemy's "It Takes a Nation of Millions..." and "Fear of a Black Planet" albums still slam as hard as ever. I will be a rap fan forever. I also love Brazilian and African music. I love all kinds of jazz. Been listening to the Sex Pistols, lately and realizing how much Nirvana ripped them off. I still love Nirvana though. Even though I'm not exactly feeling Emo, I did help out last Summer on the shoot of a video for a band called "Nightmare of You" for their track, "The Days Go By Oh So Slow." The guys were hilarious and fun to work with, actually. We alll skinny dipped at the end...
Shawt Putt ft Lil Jon- "DAT BABY DON'T LOOK ME"
Beyond the Bleep , Celestial Secrets , The Physics of Insanity everything by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., "The People's Almanac" & the "Book of Lists" series, by Irving Wallace and David Wallechinsky, all of which I had read by the time I was 13. Also, the following books, which I have recently read and loved: "Molecules of Emotion", by Candace Pert, "Blood on the Altar", by Craig Heimbichner, "The Yoga of Time Travel", by Fred Alan Wolf, "Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare", by Michael A. Hoffman. Just read "The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls. Wow!!!
MySpace Blog superstar, "IIB", who is the creator of "They Want Your Soul". The producers of the film, "Loose Change", Korey Rowe, Dylan Avery and Jason Bermas. Writers, Paul Craig Roberts, Joe Bageant, Paul Krugman, Frank Rich, Kurt Vonnegut, Al Martin and F. William Engdahl. Also, Martin Luther King, Jr., Ludacris, NECRO, Robert Sterling, George Mortimer, Laura Knight-Jadczyk, Gary Baddeley, Demian Lichtenstein, Dave Sokolin, Lynda "Didi" Jones, Uri Dowbenko, Cathy O'Brien (for President!)...etc.