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Arcadian dreamer

About Me

Expect the unexpected , no time for the mundane/bland , cynically nieve , sensitively cold ,routinely bored, wholeheartedly resigned to sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll. Prose , tunes , old movies , galant men.
Stop your moaning and I'll give you a taster They give you and line and they call you a waster So don't! You say you will or you won't Do or you don't Either you do or you dont? it suits you, you're a friend of mine.

My Interests

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Articles and Prose By Strychnine Fiction: The Photograph
Just Around The Corner From TheQueens.Riding through tunnels interwoven like veins, carrying life. underground, he came to soak up the ...CLICK TO READ MORE Poetry: Abstract poems
The oneoverwhelming,gut-wrenching,soul obliterating ,crucifying sensationI am left with.The one killer.The one sharp stab,...CLICK TO READ MORE Poems: Night
Royal MidnightsTreasure.Thick inky blackness Engulfing. with reliable fingers/ come shadows, dust intimately, Shading in crevices, ...CLICK TO READ MORE Reflections on madness in literature and history
For the third time in as many weeks todaysomeone has taken it upon themselves to comment on my sanity, or the lack of it. I am struggling to work ...CLICK TO READMORE Life consists of-:

Music-:The Libs-Manic Street Preachers-The Strokes-DPTs-Shambles
Literature-:Confessions of an English Opium Eater-Catch 22
Film-:Clockwork organe-Withnail and I

Latest-:Writing angst ridden/angry/fight4yalife lyrics for an exceptionally talented musician Mr Cottrell - 'The Machine'is now up as a demo on his page which you can find at Attempting a few vocals too ( effin' nightmare ) watch this space.Quote-: "Montey you terrible CUNT!" - Withnail and I Comment Box:
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The Libs , Beatles, The Strokes , AM , Manic Street Preachers ...


The matrix , One flew over.. , Cry Wolf , Willy Wonka , Shawshank , Green Mile , Night of the living dead , Zombie flesh eaters , anything by wes craven, The producers , Harry Potters ( GoF ) , Das experiment , Scum , Alfie , Polterghiest, Old horrors ...Hammer house , Lost Boys , Breakfast Club , War of the worlds , Henry potrait of a serial killer , The manson family ,Billy Elliot, Paradise lost , Natural Born Killers , res dogs , pulp fiction , oh yada yada


Life on Mars ,The Lakes, More recently Nip Tuck ( omfg I do like this ) generally dislike TV though, prefer books and tunes.


The Last Victim , A boy called IT , Anyone you want me to be , Killer catchers, Confessions of an English Opium Eater.


Jimmy Mcgovern , Mo Molem, Jason Moss.

My Blog


My nans 86 and shes got quite poorly recently, in kidney failure. I started writing down memories I have of her and I as a child ( she bought me up from the age of 3 ) I dont expect its the best prose...
Posted by Strychnine on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 04:01:00 PST

Baddies Sonnet

Baddies Sonnet The desolate landscape cloaked him as much as the nights pitch and fleece clung to his sodden flesh; which Long since numbed by Northerly blasts, conjured up, falsely, a rosey mask Stil...
Posted by Strychnine on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 02:43:00 PST

Those Charlatans...sheep,scotch n sonnets

A heartless hand on my shoulderA push - and it's overAlabaster crashes down(Six months is a long time)I tried living in the real worldInstead of a shellBut I was bored before I even began Supposed to ...
Posted by Strychnine on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 06:41:00 PST

There was a time

I used to blog on a daily basis...not here ...never here, had my own website back then ;). I'm not sure why I stopped , something to do with fear though I suspect. You see before I never use to c...
Posted by Strychnine on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 09:27:00 PST

First Night since I arrived , am so tempted to go out but I am also totally aware I need this time out. Ok so lets catch up. Theres so much so I'm going to do a short synopsis make it easier. Kieran  ( ...
Posted by Strychnine on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 09:46:00 PST

Interesting comparissons.

 Richie and Pete - Celestial Twins? "We Won't Die Of Devotion"A decade ago, the Manics were as important to people as The Libertines are now. Here we remember what it felt like to be in the Cu...
Posted by Strychnine on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 03:26:00 PST

Playing Catch-up

  " over gin in teacups and leaves on the lawn" Lewd displays of sickness and entrails exposed that will cause you to both shudder and moan in equal meassure. 0...
Posted by Strychnine on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 03:55:00 PST

Whats it all about , Alfie?

Have you ever met yourself? If someone had asked me that question a year ago I  probably would have looked at them like they were crazy. Yes I do know that it looks, on first glance, like an inan...
Posted by Strychnine on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 03:57:00 PST


There must be a reason im up this time of night , half watching fucking Stargate (wtf???? ) . Anyway started a new group today in this lil place ArcadyScribes , a tribute to go join , p...
Posted by Strychnine on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 04:28:00 PST