Travel, Wolverines go blue!, DEEE-troit PISTON BASKETBALL..ok- the TIGERS-RED WINGS and even the... hrmmm LIONS too!, sensuality, quality, music, fashion, generosity, Miami Beach- lived there 10 years, art, cafe con leche from a kiosk, alpacas,sadism, pianos, shopping,teasing, TEXAS HOLD EM live on the strip (fleecing tourists at poker?!?)- well, that is unless you wanna bankroll me online and tell me your cards haha!
BDSM and fetishism - I am always ALWAYS always the top - this will CO$T you one way or the other.
A true
is a great find!
I am NOT a Las Vegas tourism guide OR hooker, so don't write asking to see the town OR my ass won't happen.
Poker playing suckers TALENTED musiciansFinancial freaks Like minded womenCuckolds A cool sugar daddyCrossdressers People to do stupid things for my amusementParaphiliacsFetishistsA webslave with mad skillz (not the rapper)Severin Von KusiemskiYOU FOR USE
Get the idea?
Music is the love of my life.
Gomez- just cause they are so cool. This song is fetishy.
Raul Midon is fucking amazing.
I'm my own hero. I should be your hero as well. I live MY life. A REAL life- not just this online b.s. Wouldn't you like to be even a small part of it?
About adding me as a *friend*:
I don't wish to be in some mass collection of women, nor do I want a bunch of lookieloos trying to see my pix. They are private for a reason. I have a career that is visible and has nothing to do with the internet. Being plastered all over the web isn't my thing. Be assured I am attractive.
SO- should you decide to add me to your *friends*- you need to send an email introducing yourself and have intentions toward some sort of relationship with me. I don't add people I don't know r/t or at the least talk to here.