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Matt El Viagiatór

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me


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My Interests

Music, politics, reading, excercise, cooking.

I'd like to meet:

Ettore delle Cattive Abitudini. Se lui e' il peggio dell'Italia alora sono il peggio dell'America!


The Freeway Blogger


Anything that is inspired or inspiring.


Amores Perros, Y Tu Mama Tambien, La Strada, Pickaxe, Breaking the Spell, We're Never Going Home, Super Size Me


Smash your TV


Recent reads: Good Omens (Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman), Hubris (David Corn and Michael Isikoff), tons of comics (too many to list---Walking Dead, Fables, Fear Agent, Fell), Culture of Fear (Barry Glassner), America (The Book) -Jon Stewart and friends, The Exception to the Rulers (Amy Goodman), The Dispossessed (Ursula K LeGuin), Conan by Robert Howard (the original author, not the shitball hacks who wrote Conan stories after Howard died), God Bless You Dr. Jack Kevorkian (Kurt Vonnegut)


Amy Goodman, Insurgente Marcos, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Cesar Chavez, Malcolm X, Anonymous Pranksters, Scott Tenant, Django Reinhardt, Sharon Isbin, Sabicas, Patton Oswalt, Eugene Mirman

My Blog


Oh sweet mother of mercy... I recently found the following clip on Youtube: Can someone please tell me what movie this is from? It has to be something horrid like "American Ninja II...
Posted by Matt El Viagiatór on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 11:11:00 PST

Orson Welles's Later Career in Advertising

Sure, we'll always remember Orson Welles in the prime of his career. Sure, he made Citizen Kane, which the American Film Institute named the greatest film of all timeProving to be groundbreaking in t...
Posted by Matt El Viagiatór on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 11:12:00 PST

Need a Shortcut to Thinking? Get this Bumper Sticker!

I saw the greatest bumper sticker on a truck parked next to the Asia Fantasia in Dover today. Lucky for me I found an image of it online so all of you could behold its thoroughly researched and well r...
Posted by Matt El Viagiatór on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 06:10:00 PST

Anche Loro Voglio Una Vespa!

Sweet hermaphroditic Christ, advertisers have it all wrong these days. Back when no one gave two shits about public safety or actually displaying the features of a particular product you had advertis...
Posted by Matt El Viagiatór on Fri, 28 Jul 2006 10:35:00 PST

Larry the Cable Guy: Complete Bullshit

Witness the humor of green collared Daniel Whitney, AKA Larry the cable guy, when he had a yankee accent: .. width="425" height="350">..> Now witness the very same guy, only with new clothes, a phon...
Posted by Matt El Viagiatór on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 05:57:00 PST

We Killed Zarqawi, the War is Over!

Iraqi govt declares state of emergencyBy SINAN SALAHEDDIN, Associated Press Writer 06/23/06The Iraqi government declared a state of emergency and imposed a curfew Friday after insurgents set up roadb...
Posted by Matt El Viagiatór on Fri, 23 Jun 2006 05:27:00 PST

A Vote For Bush is a Vote for Pro-Life!

U.S. troops kill pregnant woman in IraqBy KIM GAMEL, Associated Press Writer U.S. forces killed two Iraqi women one of them about to give birth when the troops shot at a car that failed to stop at a...
Posted by Matt El Viagiatór on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 04:31:00 PST

Mommy, Make the Bad Person Go Away!

A Creepy Furniture Ad From Cleveland, Ohio:.. width="425" height="350">..>So creepy that my favorite comedian, Patton Oswalt, lampooned it for his Cleveland audience:.. width="425" height="350">..>Bri...
Posted by Matt El Viagiatór on Fri, 12 May 2006 03:51:00 PST

Phuck You Phish Phans, Respect Leo Kottke

So Mike Gordon and Leo Kottke teamed up to do a tour.  One of the most influential fingerstyle steel string guitarists teams up with the bassist of Phish, and to say the least, both are fine musi...
Posted by Matt El Viagiatór on Mon, 20 Mar 2006 06:44:00 PST

Economic Expansion: Eating Our Planet Alive

When marine scientist Ray Berkelmans went diving at the Great Barrier Reef earlier this year, what he discovered shocked him - a graveyard of coral stretching as far as he could see. "It's a white ...
Posted by Matt El Viagiatór on Thu, 16 Mar 2006 07:58:00 PST