Standing Still "SPAIN TOUR 2007" part two
Standing Still "SPAIN TOUR 2007" part one
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standing - still - get lost + stop complaining
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STANDING STILL was born in January 2005, we all had already been in some other bands so the Standing Still sound is pretty much the result of everyone's influences and we think that this is the best way to make our music as personal as possible. Our first EP was ready by the end of April/beginning of May and we started to spread it out anywhere we could. We've been able to share the stage with some important bands in Italy and Europe such as L'invasione degli Omini Verdi, Cattive Abitudini, Pig Tails, Sun Eats Hours, Marsh Mallows, Vanilla Sky, Fonzie. We had our song "Cock Block" out in the first chapter of the IndieBox Compilation that has bands like A Whilelm Scream, Rufio, MXPX and others in it.
In July we signed for IndieBox and we recorded our first real album in December 2006. The album is named "Draw Your Line" and it's gonna be out on March 16. Our tour's gonna start on March 24 and we're gonna try to hit pretty much every place in the world, so hope to see you guys out there! Keep on checking this page and see if we're gonna tour by your town and make sure to be there! See you guys on the road!
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