Napping, the Defenestration of Prague. Comedy in any form. The New York Knicks, who I realize are not good. Libraries and librarians. New York City.
Violet Palmer. Bill Hicks. Jesus (Christ). Jon Hassler. Pat Conroy. James Joyce. Pele. Gary Jeter, again.
Ben Folds, Radiohead, Beastie Boys, Public Enemy, LL Cool J, Elliott Smith, Outkast, Ben Lee, Ron Sexsmith, Lucinda Williams, Neutral Milk Hotel, Led Zeppelin, Piece by Peace, Matt Pond PA, Flaming Lips, Kanye West, Magnetic Fields, U2, Beatles, Nirvana, Special Ed, Postal Service, Death Cab for Cutie, Rufus Wainwright, Sufjan Stevens, Pixies, Warren Zevon, Arcade Fire, Wilco, Cake, Beck, De La Soul, Keane, Modest Mouse,
Star Wars, Casablanca, Princess Bride, Jaws, Ghostbusters, Evil Dead, Pink Panther (all of the original ones), The Jerk, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill 1&2, Take the Money and Run, Goodfellas, Martin and Orloff, Happy Hour, Flushed.
Battlestar Galactica, Deadwood, Sopranos, Wire, Conan, Letterman, not Leno, Love Inc., Lonesome Dove, Donny and Marie show, Code R.
Staggerford. Metzger's Dog. Master and Commander et al. Prince of Tides. The Great Santini. Lonesome Dove. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Carl Hiaasen.
Heinrich Harrer, Christina Aguilera.