
Andrew "Andy Daly" Daly


My Interests


I highly recommend Charles Grodin's It Would Be So Nice If You Weren't Here. And why haven't you read Jonathon Franzen's The Corrections yet? Have you ever heard anyone say they didn't like it? And of course The Tipping Point. The fact that there are people in this world who aren't completely fascinated by The Tipping Point is almost as fascinating as The Tipping Point itself. Oh yeah, and The Founding Brothers. Please get a copy of this book and at least read the first chapter about Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton. I am confident that anyone would enjoy it.

My Blog

CDR and AST bring you Nine Weeks of Andy Daly

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE! ITEM! If you thought last week's Comedy Death-Ray show would be the last time CDR combined forces with the masterminds at AST Records, you'd be not only incredibly wrong, but s...
Posted by Andrew "Andy Daly" Daly on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 12:11:00 PST

Comedy Death Ray CD

I have learned that the pleasing tones of my voice will be featured on a compact disc. It's the Comedy Death Ray CD that Comedy Central will release next month. It will also feature these comics you...
Posted by Andrew "Andy Daly" Daly on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:37:00 PST