Zaïko Langa Langa - Official Page profile picture

Zaïko Langa Langa - Official Page

I am here for Friends

About Me

Zaïko ezali kaka Zaïko
(Zaïko still remains the great Zaïko)
(Zaïko est resté égal à lui-même)

"Elengi ya zaiko suka te...

Aaah okamata loboko osimba motema, obina choque molunge ekosila !!!!"



All we need..

Through this page, our team trys every day to show you the atmosphere of our concerts. Always full of warmth, love, great energy, sharing and positive vibrations.

We do hope you appreciate !

Tout ce que nous voulons..

A travers cette page, notre équipe essaie de vous restituer chaque jour l'ambiance de nos concerts, pleine de chaleur, d'amour, d'énergie, de partage et de vibrations positives.

Nous espérons que vous appréciez !

Awarded as the best Band of rumba-bantu-congolese forever !
Be welcome !!!

Official website: Complete discography of Zaïko Langa Langa coming soon ! IN LIVE: Dance ! Dance ! Dance ! ZAIKO's CHICKS !!!!


All ZAIKO's style is within this video of "Manzaka Ebende" Pay attention to the great chorus (Sébène) of Zangilu Beniiiiiiiikooo ! - the Magician (lead guitar)

And plus next: The effort was done on the voices with what we call in french "polyphonie décalée" (Moved polyphony) - that why the "sébene" (Chorus of lead guitar or "talking guitar") will come shortly at the end. This song 'Sisi' is a real and true MASTERPIECE of Bozi boziana and "Anti choc" from Zaïko Langa Langa's clan.

More videos lower !

"Zaïko Langa Langa is one of the key groups of the Congolese New Wave: a nebulous coalition of up to 20 musicians who have thoroughly updated soukous by infusing it with an almost electric energy. Their key innovation has been to remove the horn section that had until recently defined Congolese music. The result is a much raunchier and more youthful sound. ZLL -- the name is a contraction of Zaire of Our Elders -- has spawned a veritable family of offspings, the so-called "Clan Langa Langa," including Papa Wemba, Koffi Olomide, Bozi Boziana, and the groups Zaiko, WaWa, Langa Langa Stars, Choc Stars, Anti-Choc, and many more."
~ Leon Jackson and Myles Boisen, All Music Guide

It must be said that Zaiko Langa Langa transformed Congolese music and aided in giving it a more distinct sound from rumba. First step in moving in that direction was leaving out rumba's stapled horn section. The solo guitar and sped up snares and drums were the stars of the show and once the beat would break they forced the listener to move. Meanhile the strong harmonies carried lyrics of love and life that moved the listener inside. Their live show was nothing to scoff at either. They brought great energy to the stage popularizing the "ANIMATIOR" in ya miziki ya Congo. The animator would shout call and response sets and dance moves bringing the crowd into a frenzy. The singers themselves would get down too!
To the sound of a frantic and rhythmical music and to the urge of their magical motto: "let's liven things up", Zaiko Langa Langa have kept the crowds dancing since 1969. Zaiko have revived and reinvented the old rumba, which sounds Cuban but swings Zairian. It has become part of everyday life. Its rhythms have for ever marked the two nearest capitals in the world, Kinshasa and Brazzaville, and Bangui too. From Tokyo to Copenhagen, from Dakar to Luanda, the whole world is swaying on the monotonous rhythm of a tireless guitar. In Paris the famous "sapeurs" (fashion lovers), wearing their dandy-like fancy clothes, mob into the Zenith of the Mutualité. They are its best representatives. Is it Zairan or Congolese? It's rather Zaiko with a K like the old Kongo realm shattered by the white settlers. It's the top music of all the trendy, Afro-West-Indian discotheques in Europe or in the States.

Purchase ZAIKO LANGA LANGA available !

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Warm special THANKS to the team of HRH Prince & Sultan MAGLOIRE of CENTRAFRIC and RADIO CENTRAFRIQUE for having collected all materials, texts, blogs and maintenance to make the dream come true.

The Zaïko Langa Langa Page was designed by Karine from Prince Magloire's team

Muvaro 1974 Muvaro II 1974 Zaiko 1974 Beli Mashakado 1975 Lisapo 1975 ELima Ngando Mokili Echanger Antalia Elo Sandra Lina Choc Star- Celio Declarant Attaque laser de Zaiko live Zaiko Langa Langa Dancing Chicks Les Lasers !!! Lola Muana Et Zaiko Langa Langa Zaiko Langa Langa - Rencontres – Eruption


zaiko in live - Molunge ekosila !!!

Manzaka Ebende - Beniiiiiikoooo !

Ngoma - Add this song to your profile from RADIO CENTRAFRIQUE

Bongo bouger - 1980

Moselembende - Add this song to your profile from RADIO CENTRAFRIQUE


Petrole - Pure MASTERPIECE

Pacha labaran - The ZAIKO's style forever !

Nimerita 1980 - With the great Pepe Manuaku (lead guitar)

Kanga monoko - Concert starting at old times


Eruption - new song 2008

Eluzam - (The Biggest Hit of year 74')

Ndonge - (Golden Masterpiece 1976)




My Blog

Strange Myspace !

As you could notice it, our Myspace page is very recent. So we are learning every days the customs of this Medium. However, we capted with surprise, several things which brist...
Posted by Zaïko Langa Langa - Official Page on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 11:28:00 PST

Etrange Myspace !

Notre page sur Myspace est très récente comme vous avez pu le constater. Aussi nous apprenons chaque jours les Us et les coutumes de ce Medium. Cependant, nous avons pu constater de petites choses éto...
Posted by Zaïko Langa Langa - Official Page on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 05:15:00 PST


Zaiko Langa Langa in Brussels 08 - 04 - 2007 Thank God, last night there was finally a Congolese concert again, and what a concert it was. Zaiko may not be the most popular Congolese band there is but...
Posted by Zaïko Langa Langa - Official Page on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 10:29:00 PST

Que sont-ils devenus ?

English translation soon.. Source: Zaïko langa langa.comTexte corrigé, enrichi et mis à jour par HRH Prince Magloire de Centrafrique (Singuila mingui) Oncle BapiusBassiste de Zaïko depuis 1971, Oncle ...
Posted by Zaïko Langa Langa - Official Page on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 06:54:00 PST


Four of the founder members of Zaiko Langa Langa, clockwise from left Bozi Boziana, Papa Wemba, Jeff Efonge alias Gina wa Gina and Evoloko Jocker. Zaiko Langa Langa is one of the most reknowned musi...
Posted by Zaïko Langa Langa - Official Page on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 03:08:00 PST

La force de créativité de ZAIKO LANGA LANGA

La force de créativité de ZAIKO LANGA LANGA reconnue en COTE D'IVOIRE et en AFRIQUE DE L'OUEST. "Atalaku", un concept très à la mode dans le milieu musical Ivoirien. Depuis 2001, on organise en COTE D...
Posted by Zaïko Langa Langa - Official Page on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 09:47:00 PST

Toms Ntale

Toms Ntale : Et si c'était le soliste que l'on attendait depuis Pépé Manuaku ? lundi 23 janvier 2006 Botowamungu Kalome (AEM)  La scène se déroule dans la salle du Millénaire le 25 j...
Posted by Zaïko Langa Langa - Official Page on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 07:28:00 PST

Congo music

Rumba Roots Most of the great Afropop styles have grown out of a joining of urban and rural ideas, of indigenous roots and foreign borrowings. The story of Congolese pop music provides a complex and ...
Posted by Zaïko Langa Langa - Official Page on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 11:55:00 PST

Lingala ou franco-lingala ?

Comme chacun sait ou est supposé le savoir, le lingala est une lingua franca . C'est une langue qui a été créée disons artificiellement, pour les besoins du commerce et de communication entre des popu...
Posted by Zaïko Langa Langa - Official Page on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 03:11:00 PST

Quelles évolutions pour la chanson en lingala ?

ENGLISH TRANSLATION COMING SOON !La musique congolaise des deux rives a connu une mutation profonde depuis l'époque de Grand Kallé chantant Indépendance chacha jusqu la nouvelle génération incarnée pa...
Posted by Zaïko Langa Langa - Official Page on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 06:18:00 PST