Et trois ans apres, il cree un groupe, Quartier latin dont il est le chef. Sa carriere eclate quelques annees apres. Cette explosion s'explique par le nombre d'exemplaires vendus de son album, Noblesse oblige. En 1994, il est consacre Meilleur chanteur aux Africa Music Awards et gagne le prix du Meilleur clip avec l'album V12. Zenith passant par Bercy, cet artiste ouvre les portes des grandes salles europeennes avec un grand succes derriere lui. Son travail lui a valu quatre trophees aux Kora awards en 2001 et le titre de Meilleur artiste de la decennie en 2005 aux Kora awards. Il est un artiste a plusieurs Suvres (album) sur le marche dans toute la Republique Democratique du Congo.
Antoine Akgepa, alias Koffi Olomide is a singer congo-Sierra Leonean born on August 13, 1956 in Zaire (democratic Republic of Congo current). The music interested it little during its childhood since it dreamed to become footballer. But it is about 1978, during its holidays with Kinshasa (it returned from France where it had gone to study), which it recorded its first songs The year 1983 will mark the beginning of a musical adventure which starts with the exit of its album, Ngounda. And three years afterwards, it creates a group, Latin Quarter of which he is the chief. Its career bursts a few years afterwards. This explosion is explained by the number of sold specimens of its album, Noblesse obliges. In 1994, it is devoted Meilleur singer to Africa Music Awards and gains the price of the Best clip with the V12 album. Zenith passing by Bercy, this artist opens the doors of the large European rooms with a great success behind him. Its work was worth to him four trophies in Kora awards in 2001 and Better artist of the decade into 2005 in Kora awards titrates it. He is an artist with several works (album) on the market in all the Democratic Republic of Congo.